Versions Compared


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This wiki page is intended for initial brainstorming and collaboration. Eventually the task force output will be published at and follow-on targeted task forces may be proposed.

Maintainers guidelines includes guidance around:


Common Repository Structure includes guidance around required repository files such as:


Inclusive naming includes guidance around:

  • Master Switching 'master' to 'main' branch

  • Inclusive naming conventions

  • Inclusive language statement


  • Legal - Apache 2 license

  • Community support - Active and diverse contributors, plus see Community section below

  • Test coverage - Automated unit and integration test suites

  • Documentation - plus see Documentation section below

  • Infrastructure - plus see Common Repository Structure and Community sections

  • Security - plus see Security section below

  • OpenSSF Best Practices Badge -

  • NOTE - As the TOC comes to consensus on more best practices, we could add those to Project Incubation Exit Criteria.

Project Governance


Security - add link to security task force


  • User guide including Getting Started / Tutorial

  • Developer guide including coding guidelines, build instructions, test instructions

  • Application developer guide

  • Recommended documentation platform?



  • GitHub Actions recommended

  • Pull request checks

    • DCO

    • Unit tests

    • Integration tests

    • Scans (- see Security section, more comprehensive scans can be run nightly )
    Release actions
    • instead
  • Test coverage reporting

  • See Automated Pipelines task force -


  • Use .github/settings.yml so that repository settings can be managed and tracked via pull requests

  • Recommended initial repository settings, e.g. Repository options, Branch protection rules

  • Rebase merging is preferred over Merge commits and Squash merging to keep commit history clean (assuming contributors squash/amend their own pull requests)

  • Although there are often multiple paths to achieve an outcome in git and GitHub, there is value in defining a suggested path, both for the benefit of new GitHub users, and for the sake of project consistency.