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The expectation is moving to Discord that this is the sole home for Hyperledger community's activities. We expect all Hyperledger community members and groups, including Special Interest Groups, Working Groups, Projects, etc. to operate their Hyperledger business on Hyperledger's Discord instance. We will be providing training and instructions to all teams to move their business to this chat channel forum. We understand there are some region-based challenges with using specific tools. We will accommodate those community members as needed.

The Task Force recommends that the Technical Steering Committee monitors the usage of the official chat channels and encourages adoption for those who weren't using RocketChat and haven't started using Discord. We would recommend Graduation Criteria for projects will have to demonstrate active usage in the Discord chat channel.

We also recommend that projects report to their chat channel usage in their quarterly reports through 2022.

Questions to be added to Quarterly Report:

Have you migrated your conversations to Discord? Yes/No

Have you had success moving your community to Discord? Yes/No


  • What is Discord's Authentication mechanism? Need to create account with phone number or email
    • Will I still need a LFID?
      • No, you don't need an LFID to login to Discord. You can still use your LFID to login to the Wiki.
    • Will I need to log in to the server? 
      • Yes
    • Is Anonymous review of chat available?
      • No
  • Will the search engines be able to see messages in Discord?
    • noNo
  • Can Discord be accessed across geographies?
    • Yes, but it not available in China
  • How can I create canned responses for Discord?
    • Is possible
  • How does search work in Discord? Are the messages available to search engines?
    • search within discord yes, external engines no.
  • Is there a limit to the number of messages that can be stored in Discord? How long is history of previous chat available?
    • noNo, unknown but chat channels do not appear to be deleted for over a year.
  • Will we be able to access the Discord server through
    • Sort of - we can do an embed or a redirect
  • How does Discord work with LFX Insights?
    • Not yet, on roadmap.


The Task Force will set up 30, 60 and 90 day reviews of the migration to assess progress of the adoption of the new chat channel. If there are further recommendations to assist the migration, the task force will share with the TSC.


You can review the Chat Task Force notes and materials here.
