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The Learning Materials Working Group would like to thank Alfonso Govela for his exceptional leadership in the role of Co-Chair to the LMDWG. During his tenure, Alfonso arranged many presentations for the group. 

Arno Pernthaler from DEC, DLT Education Consortium

Kultur Token, Jakob Hackel, City of Vienna applies Blockchain-DLT technology

Margherita Leder. INATBA, International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications

Otavio Oliveira, Binarystar Japan, Translation Management System

Kamlesh Nagware, Snapper Future Tech, Blockchain Courses by Indian Blockchain Institute.

All of these presentations brought valuable insights to the group.  Alfonso is passionate about creating an inclusive experience for everyone in the LMDWG.  He took up the Translation efforts arranging for a system to create Learning Materials in multiple languages. But the most notable contribution was his work as a Mentor.  He developed a project that won recognition as a Linux Foundation sponsored mentorship project in the Summer of 2021 that guided two interns. The project Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities 

  • to map similar resources at the outer universe, and to forge alliances with communities of similar interests 


Upload the image of your infographic. Make sure the alt-text for the infographic image is your desired keyword. 

What This Means For You (Optional)

For the wordsmiths on your marketing team, an infographic can be frustrating, as it leaves little to no room for elaboration of ideas presented in the image. Your infographic contains some combination of statistics, examples, and/or step-by-step instructions, and some of these need more than just a line or two of copy to get the full point across.

If you feel it’s necessary, copy the wording from the original infographic into this section and add more context, backlinks, sources, and information. You can also use this as an opportunity to help the post rank, as search engines can crawl the text in the body of a blog post. 

However, if you feel your infographic gets the point across on its own and doesn’t need elaboration, feel free to skip this section. 


Provide some closing context pertaining to the infographic and summarize its implications. 


Last but not least, place a call-to-action at the bottom of your blog post. This should be to a lead-generating piece of content or to a sales-focused landing page for a demo or consultation.