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Hyperledger Public Sector Special Interest focused on applying distributed Ledger technology   to the Public Sector. How did we come to this point , what motivated us....

Public Sector organizations are business set up with the aim of providing a public service . they exist in all three levels of government ( federal, state and local)  . Most comprised of organizations  that are owned or operated by government or work directly  with those agencies that provide  services for its citizens.


1.  Identity - Bobbi SSI, DID importance importance VON network 
2.  Trace-ability Regulations  (as Saptarshi mentioned, we also refer to this as Regulatory Compliance) - degrees of efficiencies 
3.  Integration and Inter-operability Government is participate (validator of ecosystem or owner operator). (Sean)
4.  Governance What does it mean for government governance of blockchain  ( government backed blockchain standard governance model) (Sean). 


HOW IS BLOCKCHAIN USED TODAY, Specifically Hyperledger 

Bobbi:  Dutch Initiative, Smart Dubai, New York Blockchain Apps 

Saptarshi Hyperledger Iroha Cambodia , NSF DLT efficiency in PS, Kiva ,Sierra Leona  Hyperledger Fabric Russia Saudi Arabia 

Sean, Consumer lending, Regulatory Compliance, Fed Reserve Bank: Membership , Real Estate Transactions

Sustainable Development Goals (17) SDG - How Public Sector initiatives  fit in with 2030 goal achievement 
Are any projects happening now?

ADD Relevant projects

Fabric examples:  Delaware Registration , Digital Identity solution North Carolina

Government lays down rules,  Blockchain supplies a validation platform,


.* mix public and private

GDPR and Blockchain

AZ - Regulation in blockchain  /  other states

Security on Blockchain Privacy Conf. Security 

What is preventing it from happening, Obstacles?


Digital islands 

Platforms inter-operability

Market research into tech. stack used , where to find information from POC's Pilots and production Successes and failures 

Spreading Awareness

Fear of being first, out of box solutions do not exist 

III. Application: Uses Cases 
