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Day 1Room 1Room 2Room 3

Registration & Breakfast: 
Sovrin Foundation Offices 86 N University Ave., Suite 110 Provo, UT


Intro to Aries Connectathon Schedule and Format

Participant Introductions

9:45am-10:00amAgenda Building
10:00am-10:45amTest Suite Update & Overview


Group Pic! & Break
11:00am-12:30pmTesting Implementations / Testing Discussions

Sovrin Foundation Offices 86 N University Ave., Suite 110 Provo, UT

Move to Provo Library:
550 N University Ave
Provo, UT
1:15-1:30Agenda Building

1:30pm-2:30pm Builders Discussion: Getting to Aries Interop Profile 1.0.0 - RFCs to include, RFC adjustments needed, selected versions of RFCs. (Stephen Curran)"Wait, what?"  Q&A driven opportunity to catch up on repositories, terminology and community happenings.  (Nathan George)

Project Feature schedule and resourcing – how do we do collective roadmap so we can stop being blocked (Nathan and Richard)

 * Revocation & Anoncreds 2.0

 * Rich Schemas effort

 * OSMA timeline

 * ???

2:30pm-3:30pmBuilders Discussion: Con'tSemantics in DID Comm DIDComm Content ecosystem (Tobias L)Biometric Service Providers and next steps (Jack C)
3:30pm-4:00pmBreak: Snacks 
Provo Library 550 N University Ave · Provo, UT
4:00pm-5:00pmHow do Zero Knowledge Proofs work (not just for cryptographers).  (Mike Lodder)KERI - ledger agnostic key management infrastructure (a DIF project) (Sam Smith)Biometric Schemas (Jack C)

Day 2Room 1Room 2Room 3

Breakfast: Provo Library 550 N University Ave · Provo, UT

8:00am-9:00amAries Working Group Call
9:00am-9:15amIntroduction & Review of yesterday? How did it go?
9:15am-9:30amAgenda building


Implementation Demos

Lunch: Provo Library 550 N University Ave · Provo, UT

1:00pm-2:30pmAries Working Group Call
2:30pm-3:00pmBREAK Snacks: 
Provo Library 550 N University Ave · Provo, UT
3:00pm-4:00pmTest Suite version Next Discussion
4:00pm-5:00pmWrap up - Everyone talks about accomplishments! Someone records these

Day 3Room 1Room 2Room 3

Breakfast: Provo Library 550 N University Ave · Provo, UT

9:00am-9:30am Introduction & Review of yesterday?
9:30am-10:00amAgenda Building


AnonCreds 2.0 and how new  revocation worksnew revocation works – WHO AND WHEN!!!! (Mike Lodder)Inline Public Keys in DIDs and the KID format (Tobias L)Peer DIDs – how do we get that well adopted in full form (Sam Curren & Daniel Hardman)
11:00am-12:00pmReview of the new DID Comm DIDComm working group charter (Sam Curren and maybe Rouven H)Aries Shared Libraries and how we evolve to support that  (Richard)What is going on outside of Aries? (Kaliya)

Sovrin Foundation Offices 86 N University Ave., Suite 110 Provo, UT

Sovrin Foundation Offices 86 N University Ave., Suite 110 Provo, UT
3:00pmRemind everyone to get their changes posted for approval
4:00pm-5:00pmWrap up - Everyone talks about accomplishments! Someone records these
