Versions Compared


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enum Role {
  o Originator
  o ServiceProvider
  o Vendor
  • Participants: ServiceProvider ServiceVendor Customer
participant ServiceProvider identified by providerId {
  o String providerId
  o String name

participant ServiceVendor identified by vendorId {
  o String vendorId
  o String name

participant Customer identified by custId {
  o String custId
  o String name
  • Assets: TroubleTicket
asset TroubleTicket identified by incidentId {
  o String incidentId
  o String vendorTicketId optional
  o String type
  o Severity severity
  o String description
  o DateTime creationDate
  o String status
  o DateTime acknowledgedDate optional
  o DateTime resolutionDate optional
  o DateTime targetAcceptedTimestamp optional
  o DateTime targetClosedTimestamp optional
  o String acceptanceSLA optional
  o String closureSLA optional
  o Note[] note optional
  -->ServiceProvider SP
  -->ServiceVendor SV optional
  -->Customer C

  • Transactions: CreateTicket AssignVendor UpdateTicket ResolveTicket CloseTicket
transaction CreateTicket{
  --> Customer C
  --> ServiceProvider SP
  --> ServiceVendor SV
  o String incidentId
  o String type
  o Severity severity
  o String description
  o DateTime creationDate
  o String status

transaction AssignVendor{
  --> TroubleTicket ticket
  -->ServiceVendor SV
  o String status
  o DateTime statusChangeDate
  o String statusChangeReason

transaction UpdateTicket{
  --> TroubleTicket ticket
-->ServiceVendor SV o String status o DateTime statusChangeDate o String statusChangeReason } transaction ResolveTicket{ --> TroubleTicket ticket
-->ServiceVendor SV
o String status o DateTime resolutionDate o String statusChangeReason } transaction CloseTicket{ --> TroubleTicket ticket
--> ServiceProvider SP o String status o DateTime statusChangeDate o String statusChangeReason }


To test this Business Network Definition in the Test tab on the playground or in your Angular app:

1- In the Customer, ServiceProvider, ServiceVendor participant registry, create new participants with appropriate input values.

Alternatively, you can also use the SetupDemo tranaction which would populate the network with 2xCustomers, 2xServiceProviders, 2xServiceVendors.

2- Creat a ticket using the Submit Transaction button and fill in the information based on the created participants. Upon submission, you should see a new asset added to the asset lists under 'TroubleTicket'.

4. SLA Back & Front-End

The following figure shows the Participants in the app and the process of creating them.
