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  • Team should be registered as per the instructions prior to the hackathon. Unregistered entries will not be considered.
  • Participants of the event are those who submit at least one document as their proposal to solve the problem statement.
  • Each team can have maximum of upto 4 members and minimum of 2 member.
  • Following personnel's cannot compete in the HyperHack
    • Volunteer
    • Organizer
    • Sponsor
  • Teams who have any affiliation with a member of the jury ARE ALLOWED to participate in the Hackathon. HOWEVER, they must disclose their affiliation before judging commences so that the concerned jury member can recuse himself/herself and keep the competition fair to the other teams.  
  • Your submission must utilize one of the existing Hyperledger projects.
  • All the presentation materials, design documents, code etc. must be prepared during the hackathon period.
  • The team owns the materials (including code) produced during the event. Each team is free to decide what to be done with the materials. For example, leave it at that state, open-source the materials, continue working on the project in stealth mode. The code must be made available to the for evaluation.
  • A team can use the currently available open source solutions in their submission. However, note that your team will be evaluated based on the novelty part or the extension to the already available solution.
  • A well written document, know-how and the presentation carries additional score.
  • Submissions are to be done on or before the deadline of the event. Any submissions after the deadline will not be considered. If you're facing difficulty then please send an email to the India chapter mailing thread. Volunteers/Organizers will reach you out.
  • Each team will have to prepare a product pitch proposal. Upon further qualification to the next round a presentation with a demo is expected.
  • Teams can use the platform of their choice for the Hackathon.
  • All the Q&A/discussions/clarification will be done via the Hyperledger India chapter mail, 




Registration StartsWednesday Thursday, July 2425, 2024 
Registration EndsSundayThursday, August 415, 2024
Hackathon PeriodAugust 116-1427, 2024
Shortlisted  Projects August 1929, 2024
Presentations to the JuryAugust 2431, 2024
Winners AnnouncementAugust 31, 2024



For the elimination round:

  • The application must be complete. No Full code is expected at this stage, however and a written proposal or , a slide set is expected along with the demo video.
  • Judging criteria:
    • Quality and uniqueness of the proposal: 50% weightage
    • Relevance and potential impact: 50% weightage
  • Points awarded in the elimination round DO NOT carry forward to the final round.
