Versions Compared


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Demo for Sprint EV 18.25 (2018-12-20)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • VCX: Credential Values format is outdated, Matt. (4 min)
    • IS-1101


  • Indy SDK


  • : PostgreSQL wallet storage, Vyacheslav G. (4 min)
    • IS-1063


  • Indy Node


  • : New request handlers architecture, Artem O. (4 min)
    • INDY-1728
    • INDY-1730


  • Indy Node


  • : Hotfix releases 1.6.80 and 1.6.82;


  • issues with POOL_RESTART and triggering of VIEW_CHANGE, Sergey Kh. (4 min)
    • INDY-1896
    • INDY-1909


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.24 (2018-12-06)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Preparation VCX for release, Artem I. (4 min)
    • IS-874 IS-936
    • IS-950 IS-951 IS-952
    • IS-1090
    • IS-1059
    • IS-1061
    • IS-1071


  • Indy SDK


  • : Revocation serialization and AMCL migration, Nikita Kh. (4 min)
    • IS-1093


  • Indy Node


  • : New Stable Release 1.6.79;


  • Improvements in Validator Info tool, Vladimir. (4 min)
    • INDY-1726
    • INDY-1814
    • INDY-1854
    • INDY-1841
    • INDY-967


  • Indy Node


  • : Fixes related to BLS signature, Renata. (4 min)
    • INDY-1846


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.23 (2018-11-22)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Alex and Sergey M.


  • (2 min)
  • Indy SDK: Rust wrapper integration, Nikita Kh. (4 min)
    • IS-1066


  • Indy SDK


  • : 1.6.8 Release, Sergey M. (4 min)
    • IS-1030, IS-1031, IS-1032


  • Indy Node


  • : Found out why max node prod time increases during long load test, Sergey Kh. (4 min)
    • INDY-1747


  • Indy Node


  • : Sequence diagram for Plenum Consensus Protocol, Alex. (4 min)
    • INDY-1851


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Alex/Sergey M. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.22 (2018-11-08)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (5 min)
    • Upgrade of Sovrin Main Net


  • Indy SDK:


  • Dummy Agents, Artem I.


  • (4 min)
    • IS-1042


  • Indy SDK


  • : IndyCLI resuming key rotation, Darko. (4 min)
    • IS-1036


  • Indy Node


  • : Recent load test results, Vladimir Sh. (2 min)
    • INDY-1774, 1775, 1776, 1821


  • Indy Node


  • : Test Pool Automation scripts, Sergey Kh. (2 min)
    • INDY-1641 Epic


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (8 min)
    • Changes to team organization


Demo for Sprint EV 18.21 (2018-10-24)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Alex. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Reduce common build times, Sergey. (4 min)
    • IS-1020


  • Indy SDK:


  • Avoid VCX compile time linking with payments plugins, Nem. (4 min)
    • IS-934


  • Indy Node:


  • Fixes for Backup Instances degradation (leading to OOM), Renata. (4 min)
    • INDY-1682


  • Indy Node:


  • ZMQ memory Consumption, Sergey Sh. (4 min)
    • INDY-1686


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Alex. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.20 (2018-10-11)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Artem I. (4 min)
    • Support DID seeds in hex format, IS-1023
    • 1.6.7 release


    • , IS-


    • 1024


  • Indy SDK:


  • Sergey M. (4 min)
    • Rust Wrapper, IS-1013
      Rust Wrapper CI/CD pipeline


    • , IS-1014


  • Indy Node:


  • Ledger 2.0: alternatives to RBFT


  • , Sergey Kh. (4 min)
    • INDY-1615
    • INDY-1613


  • Indy Node:


  • Fixing catch-up issues, Nikita S. (4 min)
    • INDY-1711
    • INDY-1739
    • INDY-1740


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.19 (2018-09-27)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Getting Started Tutorial for libvcx


  • , Darko. (4 min)
    • IS-935


  • Indy SDK:


  • Indy CLI allows to work with wallets created outside of CLI, Artem I. (4 min)
    • IS-988


  • Indy Node:


  • Do not re-verify signature for Propagates, Andrey N. (4 min)
    • INDY-1649


  • Indy Node:


  • Support all FEEs txns in the load script, Dmitry. (4 min)
    • INDY-1665


  • Plans for next sprint, Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.18 (2018-09-13)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Ledger queries without an active DID, Vladimir. (4 min)
    • IS-863


  • Indy SDK:


  • Better logging


  • , Slava. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  •  Historical data in validator-info, Sergey S. (4 min)
    • INDY-1637


  • Indy Node:


  • Switch off backup replicas with lost primary, Renata. (4 min)
    • INDY-1680


  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.17 (2018-08-30)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Alex / Slava


  • Indy Node:


  • Load testing with non-smooth load


  • , Natalia Dracheva. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • False positive View Change issue and fixes


  • , Sergey Shilov. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Support of RAW wallet keys


  • , Artem. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Wallet benchmarking


  • , Sergey. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Alex / Slava. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.16 (2018-08-16)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy Node:


  •  Trust anchor permission not needed for ledger writes


  • , Artem Obruchnikov. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  •  Load test results


  • , Vladimir. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Advanced support of pool actions


  • , Sergey. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Support simplified pwhash key derivation algorithm in Wallet API


  • , Artem Ivanov. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.15 (2018-08-02)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard
  • Indy Node:


  • Explore timing and execution time


  • , Sergey Khoroshavin. (4 min)
    • INDY-1475
  • Indy Node:


  • A possibility to upgrade Sovrin instead of Indy-Node


  • , Dmitry Surnin. (4 min)
    • INDY-1491


  • Indy SDK:


  •  1.6.1 stable release


  • , Sergey M. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • CD for mobile platforms


  • , Artem. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.14 (2018-07-19)


  • Welcome and Goals



  • Indy Node:


  • Fix for open connection


  • issue


  • , Sergey Sh. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Fix for open connection



  • Indy SDK:


  • Integrate tags-based search to Anoncreds workflow


  • , Artem. (4 min)
  • Plans


  • for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.13 (2018-07-05)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Alex. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Indy SDK Release 1.5


  • , Nikita Zh. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Wallet access from cluster nodes


  • , Slava. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Indy Node Release 1.4


  • , Alex. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Decreasing amount of INFO log level


  • , Dmitry S. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Alex/Slava


  • (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.12 (2018-06-21)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Wallet Import/Export


  • , Nikita Zhigunenko. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Support of Indy Node protocol version 2


  • , Vyacheslav Gudkov. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Fixing catchup cancellation during ViewChange


  • , Alex. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Extending load script to support all write and read requests


  • , Olga. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.11 (2018-06-06)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Support of state proofs for custom transactions


  • , Sergey M. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • get-validator-info command support


  • , Nikita Zh. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Using separate NICs and different queue sizes for client-to-node and node-to-node communication


  • , Sergey Sh. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Using request’s digest to identify requests uniquely


  • , Renata. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (3 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.10 (2018-05-24)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Libnullpay now behaves like a real payment plugin, has automated build and binary packages


  • , Nikita Kh. (4 min)
  • Indy SDK:


  • Integration of a new wallet


  • , Artem I. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • View Change issues and tests


  • , Sergey Kh. (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • New load scripts


  • , Dmitry S. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint


  • , Richard. (5 min)

Demo for Sprint EV 18.09 (2018-05-10)


  • Welcome and Goals


  • , Richard. (2 min)
  • Indy SDK: Payments API, Nikita Kh. (4 min)
    • IS-661: Payments Interface: Java wrapper


    • IS-635: Tokens Interface: Null payment handler for tests


    • IS-638: Tokens Interface: Register tokens handler call integration tests


    • IS-637: Tokens Interface: Payment address calls integration tests


    • IS-639: Tokens Interface: Add request fees call integration tests


    • IS-640: Token Interface: Tokens-related transactions builders integration tests


  • Indy SDK:


  • CLI plugins and payments commands


  • , Artem. (4 min)
    • IS-652: Tokens Interface: Design CLI payments support


    • IS-667: Tokens Interface: CLI user should be able to register custom payments and wallets plugins


    • IS-668: Tokens Interface: CLI user should be able to assign fees to Ledger transactions


    • IS-669: Tokens Interface: CLI user should be able to send payment-related transactions


    • IS-66x: Tokens Interface: CLI user should be able to manage payment addresses in CLI


  • Indy Node:


  • New txn format


  • , Alex (4 min)
  • Indy Node:


  • Latest load testing results, Olga. (4 min)
  • Plans for next sprint, Richard. (5 min)