
  • Project updates
  • Overlays Data Capture Architecture (ODCA)

Connection Info

The call takes place over Zoom here

Reminder to the host: we plan to record this call.




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All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.


Ken EbertSovrin
Steve McCownAnonyome


Working Group Reports and Release Plans

  • Main Identity WG 2019-11-13
    • Update from Drummond on three topics: Data Protection, ToIP, and Guardianship
    • Roadmap for whitepaper: move to GitHub, checkpoint for 2019, and start on update for 2020
    • FATF beneficial ownership discussion
  • Hyperledger Indy
    • Contributors Meeting
      • Discussed a plan for cross-organizational reviews of pull requests for Indy Node.
    • Indy Node
    • Indy SDK
      • November: bug fixes, deprecating components that moved to Aries, LibVCX support for Aries protocols.
    • Indy Catalyst
      • Production deployment testing: volume loads.
        • Trying to identify performance bottlenecks. Currently think it's calls to the database.
        • Performance problems is preventing going to production.
      • Migrating into Hyperledger GitHub org
        • Needs more documentation.
    • Indy Semantics WG
      • ODCA pilots underway
      • The agenda, video, notes, etc. from the HL Indy Semantics WG call: 
  • Hyperledger Aries
    • Aries Working Group meetings: discussions about naming, plans for core repositories
    • Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
    • Aries Protocol Test Suite
      • Architectural improvements to support mediators, then can contribute LibVCX tests
    • Aries Core Libraries (agent storage, resolvers, comms)
    • Aries Language Frameworks and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
  • Hyperledger Ursa
    • Ursa 3.0 release is due in November
      • Updated BLS signature (multi-signatures, small-BLS)
      • Compilation optimization for specific hardware
      • Rest of predicates for Anoncreds 2.0 and delegatable credentials
    • Agent Managed storage considerations -
  • Sovrin
    • Network updates and extensions
    • Sovrin Governance Frameworks and Trust Architecture
      • Sovrin Governance Framework v2 had more changes. Next approval is December 4.
    • Transaction Author Agreement is expected to be enforced on the Sovrin Network "soon" (January / February?)
    • Sovrin APAC meetings have started. 1800-1900 US Pacific
    • Sovrin Foundation Webmeeting Info:

      • The WG meets every other week for two regional one-hour Zoom webmeetings. Upcoming 2019 meeting dates: Nov 4/5, Nov 18/19, Dec 2/3, Dec 16/17.

      • US/EU Region meetings are Mondays 08:00-09:00 Pacific Time, 16:00-17:00 UTC.

      • APAC Region meetings are Mondays 18:00-19:00 Pacific Time, Tuesdays 02:00-03:00 UTC, Tuesdays 3-4PM New Zealand.

  • W3C Standards
  • Interop and External updates (Dmitri Zagidulin
  • Other?
    • Diversity, Civility, and Inclusion working group preparing for Hyperledger Global Forum. DCI is trying a new format to increase geographic presentation. Two meetings will be virtual - products/projects will be noted and take place in the wiki and rocket chat. Each participant will dedicate one hour sometime on the day+- of the meeting. After two such meetings, we will assess participation. We are working on potential graphics, interactive presentations, and will partner with the Accenture happy hour to promote DCI principles.

Open Discussion

  • Paul Knowles – Overlays Data Capture Architecture (ODCA) presentation and demonstration

Next Meeting Topics

Future Topics

  • Picolabs Agent Demo (Bruce expressed interest in sharing recent work)
  • Roadmap coordination between Indy, Aries and Ursa

Action items


Call Recording

  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov