
Meetings 12 noon EDT (16:00 UTC April 17) and 9 pm EDT (01:00 UTC April 18)

Meeting at 12 noon EDT



Notes: The details can be found in the slides

Agent 2 Agent communication was the focus of the call.

Daniel's excellent presentation can be fully experienced through the video. You also have a link here.

Main points:

What are agents?

Where do they sit in the DID stack?

What are the layers? and Why?

The why question is answered by the functional requirements:

Layers are:

How are the layers separated? Mainly through the representation as well as how the data flows in the context. That is the wire transport takes care of the fact that the data as it leaves the device is encrypted appropriately. The plaintext and object are only available once the data is unpacked and decrypted, and only on the device. The data stored locally is also encrypted.

Cryptography in the layers? Wire

Multicasting...One to many communications using encryption on the target (wrapped symmetric key is used-unwrapping requires targets private key- to get at the symmetric key), so K1..Kn targets have separate symmetric keys wrapped in pubkey of K1..Kn. This wrapping can be wrapped again, so that we can do routing as well as multicast.

What are the message types- depends on the protocol (see below).

Higher level constructs are protocols

Example of protocols:

Questions that arose:

Meeting at 9 pm EDT



Jim Wowchuk presented on the schemas. His point was that the adoption of a taxonomy that focuses on semantics of the fields would allow international interoperability.

He drew on some examples from passports (since these need to be internationalized), also from the Australian data regulation for governmental documents. Another example that can be cited is the Singapore MAS data.

These schemas would operate on the message types and data exchanged during credential issuance and verification.

Daniel repeated the mornings A2A (also called DiD communication) presentation slightly speeded up (see the morning session).

The A2A project will be carved out from Indy as a separate project (HL Aries) and possibly nurtured inside the IETF or W3C. IETF would be preferred.

To collaborate at IIW Daniel Hardman and Jim Wowchuk would talk about the relationship between the schemas and the (A2A) DID Communication project.

Have one or either of them present here about the IIW work at the next meeting May 1st.