Hyperledger Fabric https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric

Project Health

Hyperledger Fabric is fairly mature and stable with a Long-term support (LTS) release and incremental new features being added in minor releases. There is less churn and fewer commits than in years past, with continued focus on quality and support. New features get proposed, approved, and implemented based on a community RFC process. Mailing list activity is down compared to prior years. PRs and mailing list questions are generally turned around quickly.

Required Information

  1. Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? Yes
  2. Have you implemented the Common Repository Structure in all your repos? Yes

Questions/Issues for the TSC



v2.2 is the current LTS releases with patch releases approximately quarterly.

Releases past quarter:

Additionally, SDKs are regularly patched, most notably Java SDK v2.2.11 to update log4j and address the log4j December vulnerability.

Upcoming releases:

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

The project delivered v2.4.0 with two significant new features:

v2.4.1 also added an external builder for 'chaincode as a service' to the fabric-peer docker image that makes deployment to Kubernetes environments simpler.

For more details on v2.4 see the What's New documentation.

Additionally the project has been planning future work through the RFC process.

RFCs merged this quarter:

Other RFCs are in review with recent discussions surrounding SmartBFT, OpenTelemetry tracing, and module crypto service.

Finally, new project samples have been added to help users get up to speed and deploy Fabric:

Current Plans


The project is working on a v2.5.0 release with a feature to Purge the history of private data. The feature may help organizations meet GDPR requirements with the ability to delete private data while preserving a hash of the data on the blockchain.

Discussion about a future Fabric v3.0 release was kicked off at the January 5th contributor meeting. The proposal is to refactor some Fabric components so that new features can be more easily added on top, most notably a proposed BFT ordering service. For more details see the recording at Contributor Meetings 2022.


We plan to resume the Fabric community documentation meetings and update Fabric documentation in the following areas:


Update Caliper client for Fabric.

Maintainer Diversity

No changes. 6 of 11 maintainers of core Fabric from IBM.

Contributor Diversity

Year to year comparison, by commit:

Year to year comparison, by contributor:

Additional Information

Link to the Fabric dashboard: Q4 2021

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