
When: Feb 17th, 12:00 pm EST (17:00 UTC) 

Details: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2021-02-17 (this page)

Main Event:

Kaliya "Identity Woman" Young presents her new paper on VC Flavors. 

The first part of the paper elaborates on the following three data formats of VCs by walking through a credential lifecycle:

The second part discusses at length the differences between JSON and JSON-LD and the differences between the two different ways to express ZKPs, namely ZKP-CL and the newest flavor JSON-LD ZKP with BBS+.

Attendees (16)

@Kaliya Young

Vipin Bharathan

Daniel Bachenheimer

John Walker

Daniela Barbosa

Fabrizio Leoni

Luca Boldrin


Video Recording