

Possible values:

* "PROPOSED" in Grey specifies that discussion is underway. 

* "READY FOR VOTE" in Blue specifies that the proposal has been finalized and is ready for the TSC to vote.

* "RESOLVED" in Green specifies that the decision was made by the TSC.

BlockingLinks to pages for projects or initiatives that are blocked by this decision
OutcomeCapture what was decided
Minutes LinkProvides a link to the minutes where the decision was made by the TSC. The minutes will have the vote result (e.g., unanimously approved)

Overview of Proposal

The Hyperledger Greenhouse is confusing. There is a mix of projects that application developers (majority) want to use and core platform developers (minority) want to use. The large number of projects and their unobvious dependencies is confusing. The website is maintained by the Hyperledger staff but the TSC should help identify the main problems and can make suggestions on how to refactor the greenhouse.

Initial discussion on this topic can be found on the Summary & RFC page but will continue here.

Formal Proposal(s)

Include proposal(s) that the TSC will vote on.

Action Items

Include any tasks here that need to be completed once the decision has been approved by the TSC

Reviewed By