Transportation accounts for 1/4 to 1/5 of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, or 8 billion tCO2e per year.  Of this 75% comes from road vehicles, 12% from aviation, and 10% from shipping.  (Source: Our World in Data)

This project builds a blockchain network to calculate emissions from transportation and verify emissions reductions in transportation.  It could be used with a mobile app to track your own personal emissions for traveling or transportation and logistics emissions as part of the Supply Chain Decarbonization


Mobile App

Using a mobile phone to track travel is quite complex.  Fortunately, there is an open source project called "e-mission" which provides a lot of the infrastructure for it.  See "E-Mission Mobile App" below and the paper "e-mission: an open source, extensible platform for human mobility systems"

We could build upon e-mission to create a mobile app which will capture travel information and integrate with the Blockchain network (see below.)  The mobile app could be used by an individual to track their travel, or attached to a truck, ship, airplane, or cargo container to track its transportation.  The mobile app could offer useful services in addition to tracking trips and calculating emissions, such as maps for drivers and cyclists, looking for shared rides or bikes, or booking or checking on flights, etc.

Features of the mobile app:

Integration with the blockchain network will be via the web socket security wallet on the mobile client.

See our 2021-12-20 Peer Programming Call for a discussion about developing this mobile app and integrating it with the blockchain network.

Blockchain Network

A Fabric blockchain will receive the travel records from either the mobile app or other sources such as shipping manifests (UPS, freight carriers) or employee travel systems (Concur).

The blockchain will not store the travel records.  Instead, each record will be hashed to preserve audit trail.

Blockchain will calculate and record the emissions from the travel records and link back to the original source with a record of its keys.

To do this correctly, the Blockchain will need to validate:

Tokens of Emissions Reduction

Tokens of emissions reduction from travel will be issued by a DAO.  The DAO will vote on:

The DAO can issue tokens for verified travel reduction.

E-Mission Mobile App

NREL OpenPath (formerly e-mission) provides a mobile app which captures travel information and send them to a server. 

Here are some screenshots of what it looks like:


You can try it out yourself by downloading this APK and installing it on an Android phone:


Once you download it:

See their github issues #693 and #694 for how to set it up correctly, as well as details about how this interesting app works.  See this page for how it calculates emissions from travel.

Other resources