Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, members of Education Architecture SIG have voted to cut back the group meeting frequency to quarterly, 3 online meetings and 1 face to face meeting, that is assuming the CDC would have lifted the ban on group gatherings. 

Even though we are not meeting as frequently, there have been quite a few educating things that have happened with EASIG members involved. Most notably is the recent report released by American Council on Education (ACE) about blockchain adoption in education. ACE has been commissioned by US Department of Education to run an Education Blockchain Initiative and the report is part of the initiative. EASIG was featured in the report, along with many blockchain services that our members are representing: Maryville University, Oral Roberts University, ASU, WGU, Dallas Community College and Pistis.io, etc. I have invited both Sharan Leu and Kerri Lemoier to share their work and the report at our next SIG meeting. 

EASIG membership is still growing to over 80. We are currently taking the time to review the SIG charter and priorities among our members and I’ll have an update as soon as we finish the review.