

Possible values:

* "PROPOSED" in Grey specifies that discussion is underway. 

* "READY FOR VOTE" in Blue specifies that the proposal has been finalized and is ready for the TSC to vote.

* "RESOLVED" in Green specifies that the decision was made by the TSC.

BlockingLinks to pages for projects or initiatives that are blocked by this decision
Minutes LinkProvides a link to the minutes where the decision was made by the TSC. The minutes will have the vote result (e.g., unanimously approved)

Overview of Proposal

Labs sponsors are currently limited to "a maintainer of one of the Hyperledger projects, a TSC member or a WG chair". This turns out to be quite limiting, making it often difficult for people to find a sponsor. As a consequence labs stewards get routinely solicited to be sponsor so that the proposal can move forward.

The whole idea of requiring a sponsor in the first place was to provide for some filtering mechanism and weed out unworthy proposals. Having the sign-off from a SIG chair surely achieves that goal so, this proposal is to extend the list of qualifying sponsors to include SIG chairs.

Formal Proposal(s)

Extend the list of qualifying lab sponsors to SIG chairs.

Action Items

Include any tasks here that need to be completed once the decision has been approved by the TSC

Reviewed By