Complete these tasks to get started

  • Edit this home page - Click Edit in the top right of this screen. Remove two of the three sections below, as well as this section when you are happy with the layout of the page.
  • Configure the sidebar - remove the "Pages", "Blog", and "Space Shortcuts" sections by clicking on the `-` sign next to them until they appear as a `+` sign. Then save the changes.
  • Create a Meeting Agendas and Notes page - Click the Create button in the header to get started
  • Brand your Space - Click Configure Sidebar in the left panel to update space details and logo
  • Set permissions - Click Space Tools in the left sidebar to update permissions and give others access (usually the only change here is to click the View option for Anonymous users)
  • Label the page appropriately - For a project space, label this page project-home. For a workgroup space, label this wg-home. For a SIG space, label this SIG-home.
  • Update links for mailing list
  • Update links for chat channel


CII Badge
DescriptionHyperledger Cactus is a new approach to the blockchain interoperability problem

Key Characteristics

Provide a bulleted list of the Key Characteristics for this project


Provide link to the documentation that exists for this project

Project Management

Hyperledger Cactus uses GitHub Issues to track work items.


Hyperledger Cactus uses GitHub for source code control.


Mailing List

Update these links to reflect the mailing list created for the project.

Chat (for questions and ephemeral discussions)

Update these links to reflect the chat channels created for the project.



Recent space activity

Space contributors