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Hyperledger Besu

Project Health

Besu is strong and growing. This quarter Besu has prioritized fostering the community around Besu and delivering its 1.4 Release.  

Questions/Issues for the TSC


Besu has released one minor version update (1.4, 26 Feb) and six bi-weekly patch releases (1.3.7 on 13 Dec through 1.4.1 on 13 Dec, 18 Dec, 15 Jan, 29 Jan, 12 Feb, 26 Feb, 12 Mar respectively). 

Major functional improvements include:

Check out the blog here for more information on the feature improvements.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

A few high-level activities include:

As a part of joining the Hyperledger community, the Besu team has participated in the community by:

Current Plans

The Besu project team has several upcoming priorities:

  1. The project team is currently working towards its 1.5 Release, scheduled for June 2020. The 1.5 Release is expected to include the following features:
    1. Performance improvements: Performance is a high priority item for the Besu team at this time to ensure it’s a leading Ethereum space. Some of the improvements will include block propagation, block product and validation, transaction pool management, and JSON RPC query response time. 
    2. Privacy Improvements
    3. Beam Sync Early Access
    4. Mining Support
  2. The Besu team is also continuing to focus on finalizing and publishing performance metrics with its work on Hyperledger Caliper. The publishing of the metrics was slightly delayed since last quarter because there remains additional work for the team to get the range of metrics and tests it requires. The team is currently working on this task. We still believe publishing these performance metrics will help provide the community additional context on the project’s usability for a variety of use cases.
  3. Similar to last quarter, Besu is also continuing to engage with its community and grow the diversity of its maintainer and contributor base. The Besu team is hoping to continue to grow attendance for its bi-weekly contributor calls to grow engagement across contributors.

Maintainer Diversity

Our maintainer diversity is growing.  We have maintainers from four different organizations at this point in time. This is an additional organization since the previous quarter.

The four organizations include:

The new maintainers this quarter include:

We are planning on likely downgrading a couple of maintainers in the upcoming quarter because of their lack of recent Besu contributions.

The maintainers breakdown is currently:

Contributor Diversity

Commits from 2019-12-09 to 2020-03-20 : 252

Committers from 2019-12-09 to 2020-03-20 : 33

Identified Orgs 2019-12-09 to 2020-03-20 : 7 + 3 independent committers

Additional Information


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