
Project Health

Due to the vacations and corona-virus disease,  we have canceled numbers of weekly meetings in Feb. The meeting will start since the 2nd week of Mar.

Now we are re-designing the architecture and finishing the features for v1.0.

There is new members to join the project like Dixing, and he is getting familiar with the project.


The implementation of the new governing model is not as quick as planed. We are lacking of front end developers, will recruit some candidates.


v1.0.0 (In plan)

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Current Plans

Finish the new dashboard implementationHigh

Finish the workflow with the k8s operator agent


Fix all github related warnings and optimize the process

Support HLF 1.4 LTS and later versionMedium

Maintainer Diversity

Current there are 4 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to cello continuously (3 month) will be nominated.

Contributor Diversity

Not changed too much. We have one new active member.

Additional Information


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