Introduction and Scope

The Hyperledger India Chapter is responsible for growing the Hyperledger community in India, promoting contributions to Hyperledger projects and providing a platform for collaboration, mentoring and support. The chapter aims to showcase the broad range of Hyperledger projects and initiatives to the Indian audience. 

Group Updates

  1. Hyperledger India Chapter 2023 Goals setting.
  2. Hyperledger India Chapter - Student Chapter inauguration.


All Hyperledger meetings are run covered by the following Antitrust Policy.

Every Thursday from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM IST.

Dowload the calendar here Hyperledger Community Calendar
Online meeting URL
Meeting Details

Meeting ID: 403 498 3298

Passcode: 475869

Dial in details
Phone numbers (India)

+91 80 71 279 440 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 116 480 2722 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 22 48 798 004 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 224 879 8012 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 226 480 2722 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 22 71 279 525 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 406 480 2722 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 446 480 2722 (Fee-based Toll)
+91 806 480 2722 (Fee-based Toll)

Meeting ID: 403 498 3298

Passcode: 475869

Toll-free numbers (India)

000 800 050 5050

000 800 001 4002

Meeting ID: 403 498 3298

Passcode: 475869

International numbers

Communication Channels

Get in touch with the Hyperledger India Chapter. Use the following ways to communicate with us.

Mailing List

Chat Channel



Hyperledger India Chapter page.

How to Get Involved

  1. What do you want to see in 2023?
  2. Present a demo or talk about any particular topic in our weekly meeting.
  3. Hear the gist of what happened in the larger community meetings as a glimpse.

Decision Log

Meeting Agendas, Notes & Recordings


Links to External Resources

Chapter Leads


Active Members

See what's happening in this space

Recent space activity

Space contributors