

Possible values:

* "PROPOSED" in Grey specifies that discussion is underway. 

* "READY FOR VOTE" in Blue specifies that the proposal has been finalized and is ready for the TSC to vote.

* "RESOLVED" in Green specifies that the decision was made by the TSC.

OutcomeNominations shall be posted to the TSC list and confirmed by the nominee in case of nomination by someone else.
Minutes Link2019 10 03 TSC Minutes

Overview of Proposal

In 2019, we allowed for 3rd party nominations of people for the TSC. This caused problems with people being nominated that didn't want to be and people getting nominated and not knowing they were nominated. There is serious disagreement over whether we should allow 3rd party nominations or not.

Formal Proposal(s)

  1. Should we allow 3rd party nominations for the TSC election?

Action Items

Include any tasks here that need to be completed once the decision has been approved by the TSC

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