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Hyperledger Caliper

Project Health

Since the first published release, the maintainers are working on improving the quality of the core code-base. Besides the obvious reasons for this, we also expect that a cleaner code-base will lower the entry barrier for new contributors.

Community relations mainly happen on Rocket.Chat, and the questions are answered in detail, and on time. Furthermore, there is an increasing contributor interest related to the supported DLTs (both improving recent adapters and implementing new ones, like for Corda).

Questions/Issues for the TSC

There are no issues at this time.


v0.2.0 was released on 25th October (on npm and DockerHub), see the GitHub release page

v0.3.0 is coming soon.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Current Plans

Current development efforts are focusing on the following, core code-base related tasks (for the v0.3.0 release):

Subsequent releases will target the improvement of platform supports, starting with the existing adapters.

Maintainer Diversity

The list of maintainers remained unchanged since the last report.

Contributor Diversity

There are currently 30 contributors to the repository, 17 of them with more than one commit. To the best of our knowledge, contributors are from various companies/organizations, such as Huawei, IBM, Intel, Soramitsu, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Monax and the University of Oregon. The maintainers are also keeping in touch with other companies who are mainly interested in expanding the platform support of Caliper (e.g., with Corda).

Additional Information


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