
Hyperledger Grid

Project Health

Health is good. Sponsors and contributors continue collaborative design work involving RFCs to define Catalog for Grid using industry standards for supply-chain.

Work is being managed utilizing the community tools provided by Hyperledger. Community interactions are typically done via rocketchat discussions.


New issues


Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Weekly design sessions are underway involving sponsors and contributors collaborating on Grid design.

The project is active. Some highlights:

Current Plans

Specific plans include:

Maintainer Diversity

The list of active maintainers for Hyperledger Grid currently remains unchanged.

We anticipate adding additional maintainers, as contributions increase in areas currently in development.

Contributor Diversity

Sponsoring organizations that are actively contributing to Grid include Cargill, Target, GS1, and Bitwise IO. In total, there are 18 active contributors to Grid across five active organizations

Additional Information


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