In order to help jump-start your experience with the Hyperledger/Fabric we are giving a this information sheet.

The first question you might have is what is Hyperledger?

Hyperledger is a collaborative effort created to advance blockchain technology by identifying and addressing important features for a cross-industry open standard for distributed ledger technologies(DLTs) that will transform the way business transactions are conducted globally. Hyperledger consists of several projects.

Find out more regarding all the Hyperledger projects here:

What is the specific vision of Hyperledger Fabric?

We have Information and a great Video illustrating the vision of Hyperledger Fabric, which was shown at recent events including Sibos 2016.

Where do I learn more about the design of the Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric is being built in a pluggable modular framework. With this design in mind blockchain networks can be purpose built with different modules to achieve different goals, such as faster ordering service, advanced vs simple query search, etc. Check out the roadmap roadmap, and our Design docs.

How do I get started with Hyperledger Fabric?

The Wiki is where you will find key items such as:

How do I interact with the community?

Key communication vehicles:

How do I get help?

If you have any questions, or wish to have further information please feel free to post in, or send me a direct message @markparz.

Where can I learn more about membership services?

Membership services presentation by Jonathan Levi to the Identity Working Group on 2016-06-23

Where can I find information on Fabric's architecture?

See Design docs

Where is the document of APIs with definitions of methods and their descriptions, which is generated from source code?

See Fabric GoDoc