Name of the page should be in the form YYYY Qn Project Name (e.g., 2019 Q1 Hyperledger Fabric)


Hyperledger Caliper

Project Health

Caliper reached a significant milestone in the last quarter. The first official pre-release was published to both NPM and DockerHub. The published artifacts significantly increased the setup&run experience for the community, resulting in fewer issues/questions both on GitHub and Rocket.Chat, which, in turn, freed up some maintainer efforts to focus on new features and upgrades. 

Community relations mainly happen on Rocket.Chat, and the questions are answered in detail, and on time. Furthermore, there is an increasing contributor interest related to the supported DLTs.

Questions/Issues for the TSC

There are no issues at this time.


The first official pre-release (after some significant repository restructuring and refactoring) was finally published on NPM and DockerHub, marking the v0.1.0 state of Caliper.

Since then, the maintainers have a stable code-base to build upon without worrying about breaking the release used by the community. This increased the momentum of development for the project.

The maintainers haven't decided on a regular publishing frequency yet, but they plan to bump versions after every added major feature or a set of bug-fixes (this means an approximately 3-4 weeks long release cycle).

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Current Plans

The development tasks can be sorted mainly into the following categories:

Stabilizing the core architecture

Introducing support for new platforms

Currently, there are multiple platform support PRs under review. Namely for:

It's worth to note that each PR is submitted by the community (thumbs up)

Polishing the existing platform adapters

A key selling point of Caliper is the ability to implement workloads in a DLT-agnostic way. "Write once, run anywhere."

The list of supported DLTs is getting longer, which will hopefully give some ideas about the required abstraction level of the Caliper API. However, the help of the specific platform's experts/maintainers will be probably needed to provide full-fledged support for the platforms.

Improving the documentation

The issues/questions pressure towards the maintainers could be decreased further by improving the documentation:

There's already active work addressing this task group (independently/concurrently with the other tasks).

Maintainer Diversity

Current maintainer list and affiliations, in alphabetical order: 

Contributor Diversity

There are currently 28 contributors to the repository, 18 of them with more than one commit. To the best of our knowledge, contributors are from various companies/organizations, such as Huawei, IBM, Intel, Soramitsu, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Monax and the University of Oregon. The maintainers are also keeping in touch with other companies who are mainly interested in expanding the platform support of Caliper (e.g., with Corda).

Additional Information


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