2019 Q3 Hyperledger Cello


Project Health

Project health is largely the same as in previous update. The community is making  changes to make Cello more of a production ready tool. Features and capabilities are now more based on common use cases and behaviors of the Blockchain applications. Weekly meetings often see 10+ participates and often run over the allocated 60 minutes due to discussions and questions.


There are no major issues at this time. There is increasing requirement for the new features of the planed v1.0.0 release.


Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Current Plans

Implement the user management for blockchain networkHigh

Organize and manage fabric network dynamically

Proposal Justitia work to be contributed into CelloMedium
Support HLF 1.4 LTS and later version (The ansible agent part is finished)Medium

Maintainer Diversity

Current there are 4 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to cello continuously (3 month) will be nominated.

Contributor Diversity

Contributions to the projects maintain the similar rate as Q2. Lot of discussions on bringing user management components from a third party which already has the function in their product.

Additional Information


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