When setting up or trouble shooting your LFID so you can Connect to the Wiki or JIRA

Step-by-step guide

How to create an LFID (watch quick 1.5 min video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEc4JRyaAoA)

1. Visit https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/
2. Select "I need to create a Linux Foundation ID"
3. Choose a username, add an email and password. Do not use any of the social login links.
4. Input your first and last name
5. Click "create new account"
6. Check your email and validate the account
7. Save your username and password so you don't have to login again! Your username = your LFID. Remember that your email address is not the same as your username.

Why do I need an LFID? This allows you to:
-Browse through the mailing list history on groups.iohttps://lists.hyperledger.org/groups
-Edit and add content to the Hyperledger Wiki, while you can always view the wiki without logging in, if you want to make changes you'll need to login with your LFID username and password. Save them for both sites and you'll only log in once!

Thank you Karen Ottoni and Ry Jones

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