
This space will be used to aggregate, categorize, and discuss various use cases around applying DLT and Blockchain to Capital Markets, with specific focus  on various Hyperledger Projects.

We attempt to define "good" use cases here as the ones that are most appropriate for the technology and bringing the most benefits by using DLT over the existing infrastructure, systems, and processes.

Draft of categories (to be converted into a mind map graph):

Special Instruments

Climate Change

The 2018 Sveriges Riksbank Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to William Nordhaus for his work on integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis. Here is a study by the ECB on climate financing.

A SIG has been proposed for studying Climate Change and the dlts. More details will be posted.

The main point made in this study by the ECB is that Green Equity is a better predictor of long run outcome on climate change; debt being a lesser duration product, investors are not as sensitive to longer term threats and opportunities. ". We find that for given levels of economic and financial development, carbon emissions per capita are significantly lower in economies where equity financing is more important relative to bank lending."

Green Bonds

Green Equity


EEA Usecases

Telecom- not as relevant to Capital Markets- Maybe Use Case 4

Real Estate - Maybe more relevant