This list is seeded by questions from the developer survey (conducted in 2017?).

Section 1: General Blockchain Questions

What is your familiarity with blockchain?

How long have you been working with blockchain technology? 

Describe your interest in blockchain (choose all that apply)

Is your organization using blockchain technology?

Which non-​Hyperledger blockchain based technologies are you actively engaged with, investing in, developing for, or using? (choose all that apply)

Section 2: General Hyperledger Questions

How did you hear about Hyperledger?

What is your interest in Hyperledger?

Does your employer assign you to interact with Hyperledger as a responsibility of your role?

What is your familiarity with Hyperledger?

Specify which Hyperledger projects you have tried (choose all that apply)

Have you contributed to a Hyperledger project or technical working group in the past year?

Specify which Hyperledger projects you have contributed source code or documentation to (choose all that apply)

What are your biggest challenges in using Hyperledger projects: 

How do you find answers to questions regarding Hyperledger and its various projects? (choose all that apply)

Which of these mechanisms do you use the most to find answers to questions regarding Hyperledger and its various projects?

Which working groups have you participated in? (choose all that apply)

Which working groups would you like to contribute to? (choose all that apply)

Which special interest groups have you participated in? (choose all that apply)

Which special interest groups would you like to contribute to? (choose all that apply)

Which project-specific meetings have you participated in? (choose all that apply)

Which project-specific meetings would you like to contribute to? (choose all that apply)

Section 3: General Interaction Questions

Do you have a Linux Foundation ID?

Do you participate in Hyperledger Chat (aka Rocket.Chat)?

Do you read the Hyperledger Mailing Lists?

Do you read the monthly Hyperledger Newsletter?

Have you used Hyperledger's Jira to report a bug or view existing bugs?

Do you have a GitHub account?

Have you contributed to an open source project?

How do you discover new technologies and products? (choose all that apply)

How do you like to learn a new technology? (choose all that apply)

How often do you use Stack Overflow?

What communication tools do you use on a regular basis? (choose all that apply)

From those selected above, which communication tool do you use the most?

Are you a developer?

Section 4: Developer Environment Questions (for developers only)

What programming languages do you use? (choose all that apply)

What programming languages are you interested in learning? (choose all that apply)

What are your favorite development frameworks or tools? (choose all that apply)

For which platforms do you develop applications? (choose all that apply)

What is your main development environment?

To what extent do you develop ...

Rate your familiarity with ...

Section 5: Community Profile (all optional)

While all of these questions are optional, we want to ensure that Hyperledger is a diverse and inclusive community. These questions and your answers will help us to determine if we are meeting the goal of having a diverse and inclusive community.

Gender Identity (To help understand the diversity of our community, please choose the gender with which you identify if you are comfortable doing so.)

In which region do you reside?

Within that region, in which country do you reside?

Which of the following best describes the principal industry of your organization?

How would you best describe your current role?

What is the size of your company/organization?

How long have you been in your current role?

What is your primary spoken language? ____________