

Name Reference
Luca BoldrinInfocert
Steve Magennis
Todd GehrkeLuxoft
Ajay JadhavAyanWorks
Ravi Agrawal
Shinzi Satou
Jim MasonDMX
Nitin AgarwalGio
Drummond ReedSovrin, Evernym
Andres "Dre" BonifacioSymPact, SI-SIG

There were two great presentations. Thanks to Todd Gehrke for his contribution in recording the call.



Do we need dlts or blockchains to implement SSI or DIDs?

By Luca Boldrin 

What is the real value that the ledger brings to SSI, this is what he expects to answer in the presentation.

Some points that he made:


 Preliminary slides

The Consent Layer in the India Stack by Ajay Jadhav

Although Ajay only had a short time, he ably presented on the consent layer, which drew a host of questions on the various aspects. We worked on an extension of about 10 minutes to the call due to demand and interest from the community. Hopefully he will present this architecture in greater detail in a later call.

Although the India stack has had many detractors due to its reliance on the Aadhaar number, the most widely deployed national ID, the India Stack continues to evolve.

Most of the criticism is related to the overreach and surveillance capabilities of the system; however the privacy layer and protection for individual entities are being back-filled through a series of supreme court rulings and bills.  See the reference section for Personal data  protection bill.

Data classification from personal, generalized data to derived data (covered in detail in the slides) and what is protected and the drivers behind it.

The Digital Locker being is an important element of the India stack, the consent to share has to be captured along with data issued as well as data shared. The Locker is centrally created, but in control of the user who chooses to add items to it and protected by regulation.

There is a short section on the overall architecture of the consent layer (which is not yet in production)

The slides from iSpirit also contain a number of use cases in the Indian context.

Questions: the specifics of Indian Regulation for privacy protection from Steve Magennis which was answered by Nitin Agarwal and Ajay (see the references to bills below).


India stack from medium


Data Empowerment & Protection Architecture (DEPA)- Ajay's slides

Electronic Consent Framework v1.1.pdf

Data Protection Bill,2018.pdf