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The following individual has volunteered to serve as the initial interim Chair for the working group: 

TBDFeng Hou - Maryville University

Process of the Group

  • Participation is open to everyone in the community
  • Meetings will be held monthly via tele/virtual conference
  • When needed a task force can be created and have separate working sessions to discuss specific work items.
  • In person meetings at industry events and meetups


  • Sending agendas for meetings to make meetings more productive 
  • Ensuring that minutes are taken, including capturing list of participants. This does not mean that they will be responsible for taking the minutes, but rather that someone is taking the minutes
  • Leading the meeting
  • Sending out cancellation notices prior to the meetig
  • Ensuring that working group updates to the TSC are done on a quarterly basis
  • Facilitating the group and helping ensure that the goals and objectives are set 
  • Enforcing the Working Group's adherence to the Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Minutes for each meeting should be kept and accessible from the working group's wiki page on Members of the working group will need to decide who will keep notes.


Meetings are placed on the Hyperledger Community calendar. To ensure that the meeting can be removed, please send an email in advance of the meeting to In addition, please notify the mailing list and Rocket.Chat.


  •  A Working Group Charter is created on the Hyperledger wiki based on the application, adding two lines ”Approved by the TSC on <date>” and “Implementing the standard working group process defined <here>”, linking to the right page on the wiki.
  •  Set up real-time chat channel for the working group. Channel should be named #{working-group-name}-wg.
  •  Set up the mailing lists for the working group. Use mailing list request form to create hyperledger-{working-group-name}-wg mailing list for this project.
  • Set up a wiki page for the working group. Create a page at{working-group-name}. The initial sections on the Wiki should include: Charter, Antitrust Policy Notification, Meeting Details, Communication Channels, Community Folder.
  • Set up a community folder within the Hyperledger Community folder to store meeting recordings and other documents. Give permissions to the working group chair to edit.
  • Set up a Zoom meeting id for hosting the working group meetings. This meeting should ensure that all meetings will be recorded to the cloud.
  • Set up the quarterly working group reports for this working group. Add the working group to the quarterly working group schedule and working group updates page.
  • Send Welcome Email Template
  • Work with the working group lead to ensure that the community calendar is updated (Hyperledger Community calendar) to include the date/time of the meeting. IMPORTANT: Since a single Zoom account allows multiple IDs, but only one meeting can occur at the same time, ensure that the meeting day/time does not conflict with an existing community meeting.
  • Send out calendar invite to the mailing list.
