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The Hyperledger Telecom Special Interest Group invites partners from industry and academia to submit proposals to be considered in Guest Speaker/Solution Brief/Proof of concept/Reference Architectures.

We are particularly interested in topics related to the use of Blockchain, Distributed Ledger and Smart Contracts technology in Telecommunications, Networks, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing.

Read more about how to submit your idea or project to the group.

Benefits for You:

1- Take advantage of sharing your blockchain efforts with the Hyperledger community and on Hyperledger's channels which reach over 100k followers on our social media accounts. 

2- Discuss and develop your ideas with a network of industry and academic leaders who are interested in collaborating with others on applying blockchain in the telecom space.

3- The Hyperledger community is structured so that you can learn from others in the community and you're also able to connect with people who are interested in learning from you.

4- Hyperledger runs a yearly paid mentorship program that community members are encouraged to create project proposals for.  All accepted projects will get the support of Hyperledger staff with finding a mentee and paying them for their work on that project.

Accepted Contributions:

1- Technical Talks

2- Developing use cases into White Papers

3- Hyperledger Labs support for open source contribution

Possible Themes

  1. Software Defined networking (SDN)/NFV and blockchain
  2. 5G and blockchain
  3. Open RAN (O-RAN) and blockchain
  4. Enhancing Security in Telecom Domain and blockchain
  5. IoT and blockchain
  6. Roaming and blockchain

What Hyperledger offers:  David Boswell

Telecom SIG previous Publications:



Current Collaborators:

  1. Linux Foundation Networking
  2. Linux Foundation Edge

Open call for Telecom SIG Collaborators:

   Feel Free to add <Name here>

Possible Themes

  1. SDN
  2. 5G
  3. O RAN
  4. Security in Telecom Domain (DDos, Black List)
  5. IOT
  6. Roaming
  7. Private 5G (Small Cell) and blockchain
  8. Digital twinning and blockchain
  9. Edge Computing and blockchain
  10. Cooperative and Connected Mobility

Open for:

  1. Universities
  2. Startups
  3. Telecom Companies


Showcase Area:

  1. Use cases from startups

Standard Bodies:

  1. ETSI
  2. ITU
  3. IEEE


  • Linux Foundation
  • European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
    1. with blockchain
    2. Inter-Carrier Settlement/ BSS
    3. Counter-fit or Fraud Prevention
    4. E-Sim security using Blockchain
    5. Telecom Protocols for Blockchain
    6. Reference Architecture for Blockchain
    7. Telecom User Group( TUG )use cases with Blockchain

    Telecom SIG previous Publications:

     1. Optimizing Wholesale Intercarrier Settlement with Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain

     2. Decentralized ID and Access Management (DIAM) for IoT Networks

    Current Collaborators:

    Linux Foundation Networking

    Linux Foundation Edge


    IBM-LogoImage Added

    University of Delhi

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    CONNECT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

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    Open for:

    1. Universities
    2. Startups
    3. Telecom Companies
    4. Standardization Bodies

    Proposals should be submitted electronically online via email to


    Papers and Presentations

    The Telecom Special Interest Group shares about what is happening with blockchain in telecom through the publication of papers and by hosting presentations.  Both of these are shared on Hyperledger's channels to promote the work of the group

    to the Hyperledger community


    If you are interested in working with the group on what you are doing with blockchain in the telecom space, we encourage you to reach out.  We are able to help you raise the visibility of your work by making use of all of Hyperledger's channels, including Hyperledger's Twitter account with 65k+ followers, Hyperledger's LinkedIn account with 30k+ followers, and an active website.

    Example of a published paper:

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    Example of a presentation:

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