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Reminder: This is our last meeting of 2023.


Mario Reichel of PPI: Leveraging ISO 20022 to Optimize Supply Chain and Trade Finance Management Platforms: Harmonized ISO 20022 for Cross-Border Payments – A Data Model Also for Blockchain Solutions in Logistics


Mario Reichel, along with Ayhan Koseoglu of PPI: Presented their knowledge of leveraging ISO 20020 to optimize supply chain and trade finance management platforms.

  • PPI is a company providing software end-to-end solutions and consulting for the understanding and migration to ISP 20020 for financial transactions.
  • Mario described the ISO 20022 international standard for data transport between financial service companies. This message standard is a common platform for the development of messages for the following:
    • Is a modelling methodology to capture in a syntax-independent way financial business areas, business transactions and associated message flows
    • Is a central dictionary of business items used in financial communications
    • A set of XML and ASN.1 design rules to convert the message models into XML or ASN.1 schema
  • The focus of ISO 20022 is to produce a single standardized approach(methodology) for the development of standards to be utilized during financial standards initiatives. It is a recipe defining specific rules on how to develop messages:
    • ISO 20022 does not define the message standard itself. It specifies rules and a methodology for how messages are to be developed.
    • Supported by the global SWIFT community
    • SWIFT does not mandate migration. The decision to migrate is a decision to be reached by various stakeholder financial communities
  • The ISO 20022 standard consists of a set of definitions and roles:
    • It is a concept for the development of standards
      • A single standardization approach(methodology, strict procedure) to be used for all financial standards initiatives
      • A central financial repository
    • Freely and openly available
      • More than 740 messages are available free of charge on
      • Not just for payments
      • 20+ organizations are involved along side SWIFT
    • Supported by SWIFT
      • SWIFT assumes the role of registration authority (RA)
      • Is a service provider for the community
      • SWIFT is not mandating a migration
      • Communities decide if and when they want to migrate – also applies to new releases
    • Not just XML tag standardization
      • ISO 20022 is independent of network and syntax
      • ASN.1 is an additional syntax
    • Also a basis for API development
      • In order to support non-file based communication consistently to the ISO 20022 data model
      • Representation via JSON next to XML
  • Customer Credit Transfer Initiation V9 (pain.001.001.09)
    • Is an XML based message format under the ISO 20022 standard
    • Designed to streamline cross-border and domestic payment processes
    • The successor to V9 message format and include a number of enhancements
    • pain.001.001.09 = Business Doman + purpose + variant + version
    • Covers the following business domains
      • payments initiation
      • payments clearing and settlement
      • account management
      • cash management
      • securities trade
      • collateral
      • Trade Services Initiation
    • Enhanced data richness
    • Improved flexibility – more flexible payment instructions
    • Increased security
    • Improved interoperability
    • A description of the “4 corners model” for payment systems was provided
    • Bank agnostic to initial payments
    • Adoption level is across the globe with:
      • 70 countries
      • 80% of the volume in near future
  • Global Harmonization – CPMI (Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures)
    • Focuses on harmonization of data requirements for the use of ISO 20022 messages for cross border payments.
    • The CPMI developed the data requirements for ISO 20022 in collaboration with the private sector.
    • Presentation demonstrated(slides) the end to end of richer and better structured information
    • Provides for richer data elements:
      • category purpose code
      • purpose code
      • end-to-end reference
      • ultimate debtor and/or ultimate creditor
      • structured remittance info
      • dedicated tags for LEI and UETR
    • Under the CPMI data requirements are a core set of messages and 12 basic requirements:
      • appropriate message for a particular business function
      • ISO 20022 externalized codes for payments and payment related processes
      • character set used for ISO 20022
      • common time convention across messages
      • unique end-to-end reference
      • transparency on amounts, FX and charges
      • unique account identifiers to the extent possible
      • identify all Fis involved in a standardized way(BIC or LEI
      • identify all entries and person involved in a structured way
      • common minimum level of postal address – structured
      • transport of customer remittance information across the entire chain by enabling structured or unstructured remittance information
    • PDF report to the G20 entitled “Harmonized ISO 20022 data requirements for enhancing cross-border payments available online
    • PDF available “Consideration for the use of Stablecoin Arrangements in Cross-Border Payments” through online search.
  • A working Example of ISO 20022:
    • EVONIK and THEMIS, two European chemical companies, have an automated bidirectional invoice settlement and payment process. Components of the solution(architecture) are:
      • CORDA for security integration to their respective ERP systems through a standard information flow
      • Smart contract for payment after automatic validation of the order plus confirmation matching.
      • Nodes and wallets – payment absent any intermediary, cash on ledger
      • E-money by licensed PSP in Fiat money

View file
name231130.Harmonized ISO 20022 CPMI +supply-chain.v3-for-pdf.pdf


Tom Klein 

Mario Reichel

Jeff Pribich 

Alicia Noel 

Andrea Frosinini 

Ayhan Köseoğlu 

Michael Vander (Coface)

Fatih Ozgul

Michael Darden, DFM Data

Murali Balann

Fahmy Laute

Ling W Chang 

Ricardo Orsi

Faris Jebara

Ned Thompson, MBA 

Kirsi Larkiala

Kay Nijenhuis


Whit Knapp