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Comment: Formating migrated agenda


  • Patient/Member Subgroup (Marissa Iannarone, Lead)


Marissa provided an update on the Patient/Member Subgroup, indicating that there is ongoing work within the subgroup as work is put on hold for the Donor Milk Project while the team looks for an active sponsor/customer to help set direction for the project

Marissa also indicated that, given her professional workload for 2019, she will be stepping down as subgroup lead, and is actively seeking her replacement. If you're interested, please contact Marissa (either via the listserv or Rocket.Chat)

  • Payer Subgroup (Raveesh Dewan, Lead)


Raveesh statused the group on the work that his team is doing on the white paper that they're developing, used to best determine how blockchain technologies should be used, given a specific business use case and context. Raveesh will share a link to this document for membership peer review

In addition, Raveesh mentioned that he's working on a Hyperledger “plugin” that will make it easier to very develop blockchain technologies based solutions. Raveesh hopes to share that information with membership soon

HLHC-SIG Ad Hoc Team Updates

Mikhail noted that it appears that the Hyperledger team is doing a bit of structural work in advance of getting WG/SIG membership involved in building out the wiki. Very little activity was noted on the Rocket.Chat #wiki channel
  • Charter Review/Revision Team (Len Edwin and Ken Allgood [writers], with Adrian Berg and Marissa Iannone [editors])

    • Final edit completed. Accepted by Hyperledger leadership

    • Current version open for membership review, located here


  • Subgroup Review Team (Benjamin Djidi, Mikhail Elias, Jeff Stollman, Steven Elliot, Robert Coli, and Sonia Wagner, Lead)

    • Currently in works

    • Plan is to create a new subgroup focussing on interoperability


Mikhail provided some very good oversight on some of the discussions going on within the Subgroup Review Team. There is much to consider, and the plan forward is to consolidate this thinking into a concise plan to best engage SIG membership

Bob Coli supported Mikhail's broader “60,000 foot” view of some of the recommendations and looks forward to future discussions with both the team and full membership

Old Business

  • HLHC-SIG Membership Directory (Rich)

    • Now available: a public-facing membership directory that lists members' companies/organizations (possibly contact information)

    • Available from our HLHC-SIG home page. Link here: Membership Directory

Now available, with the full expectation to migrate this directory over to Confluence when available
Rich continues to work with Seattle-area leadership in kidney care/kidney research to find a suitable concept so that we can convene an HLHC-SIG writing team to draft a competition proposal

New Business

  • 2019 HLHC-SIG Survey (Rich)

    • Currently on hold, awaiting Hyperledger leadership direction

    • Discussion: specific areas of focus for this upcoming survey?


  • Getting Published? (Rich)

    • We have some extraordinary talent in our membership… let's put that to good use

    • Discussion: your interest in convening ad hoc writing teams to publish articles/white papers on behalf of the HLHC-SIG?

Recommendation from Mikhail that perhaps we post writing topics up on our wiki, and crowdsource team members to help write around those article theses
  • Onboarding slide presentation for HLHC-SIG (Rich)

    • Great example presented by the Social Impact Working Group

    • Ostensibly used for onboarding a new chair/officer, but could be used for new members?

    • Discussion: would there be good utility/value to something like this?
