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1.1 Introduction

This study project aims to analyze and document the best practices, architectural framework and design patterns for applications of blockchain technology in the gaming space. Examples being, use of BaaS (Blockchain as a service), SSI (Self sovereign Identity) and blockchain agnostic frontends  and backends. This project will be accomplished in three parts as below:

1) Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

2) Use Cases of Blockchain Technology in Gaming

3) Best Practices, Architectural Frameworks and Design Patterns for Blockchain Gaming

1.2 Scope

The scope of this research paper is limited to researching the design use cases, design principles and architectural standards for of use blockchain technology in gaming space. This paper does NOT delve into details of so called "metaverse", which is still an undefined target state. This Also, this paper is primarily focused on how to use blockchain technology in gaming space. This paper is not intended to provide the standards or frameworks for games in general. 


This research paper was started around Jan 23rd, 2022 and is expected planned to be completed by March 31, 2022 (subject to possible revisions depending on resource availability and other constraints): in 3 parts as below:  

Part 1: Introduction to Blockchain GamingHere is a high level breakdown for this effort: 

TaskTarget End DateStatus
Define and formalize scope of research paper:Jan 31, 2022In Progress
Finalize list of games to be researchedJan 31, 2022In Progress
Complete research on selected gamesFeb 05, 2022In Progress
Draft research paperFeb 12, 2022Not Started
Peer review of research paperFeb 19, 2022Not Started
Finalize research paperFeb 26, 2022Not Started
Publish research paperFeb 28, 2022Not Started

Part 2: Use Cases of Blockchain Technology in Gaming

TaskTarget End DateStatus
Initiate Draft Paper Mar 01, 2022Not Started
Finalize list of use cases to be researchedMar 05, 2022In Progress
Review findings of
Complete Initial research Mar
26, 2022In Progress
Peer review of research workApr 09, 2022Not Started
Finalize research paperApr 23, 2022Not Started
Publish research paperApr 30, 2022Not Started

Part 3:Best Practices, Architectural Frameworks and Design Patterns for Blockchain Gaming

TaskTarget End DateStatus
Initiate Draft Paper Mar 15
Draft research paperMar 11
, 2022Not Started
Finalize Scope of PaperMar 30, 2022In Progress
Complete Initial research May 28, 2022In Progress
Peer review of research
Mar 25
Jun 11, 2022Not Started
Finalize research paper
Apr 1
Jun 25, 2022Not Started
Publish research paper
Apr 8
Jun 30, 2022Not Started


2.1 Draft 
