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  • If you’re new to the group, please… Introduce yourself ~ 5min

  • Open Forum ~ 5min
  • Follow Ups/Generic Updates/Presentations ~ 20min
  • Contributors bootcamp session by Arun & India chapter community (Community sessions - How To?)
  • A session for India and APAC community by FireFly team on 29th July 2021 at 6:00 PM.
  • Call for volunteers - help Hyperledger India Chapter organize and run events.
    • Event co-ordinators to work with Hyperledger staff and the chapter leads.
      • Rajesh Krishan
      • Ajay Maikhuri
      • Hardik Gupta
    • Creative writers/Blogs
      • ??? - post on LinkedIn asking for volunteers
  • Blockchain Stories 2021 - Upcoming - Should plan marketing ASAP. Poster + google form
    • September 25th onwards to October 3rd week (festive season)
    • Total sessions per day 3 at max, min 2.
    • Send call for proposal emails, LinkedIn promotion.
    • Action Items:
      • Creating a google form for CFP: Vikram
        • CFP should ask - contact information, company if they representing any, brief idea/abstract of what they are presenting, any links to previous presentations on this topic if any, is this technical/business presentation?
      • Creating promotional materials: Vikram + Student Society members
      • Send information to student society: Arun, Jerrin
    • Poster contents: Hyperledger India Chapter & Student Society logos, Registration link, Event information (tentative dates & name - Blockchain Stories 2021), Blockchain projects (any source).
    • Tracks:
      • All Things Token
      • All Things Supplychain
      • All Things Identity
      • All Things CBDC
      • Any.. (fill in additional category)
  • Action Item:
    • Review & write whitepaper - Use of Blockchain in elections. - Vikram/Rajesh
    • Joe, Introduce with Hyperledger healthcare SIG/ social Impact SIG - Kamlesh
    Community sessions - How To?
  • Fabric Improvement - Kamlesh is presenting 4th August Fabric contributor's meeting.
  • Fabric security issue - Rajesh Krishnan, Join next fabric contributor meetings.
  • Jubilant from Saintgits college need Hyperledger fabric trainer for Fabirc workshop - 11th, 12th, 13th Aug.


Kamlesh Nagware

Arun S M

Rajesh Krishnan

Gopinath S

Jerrin Sebastian


Ajay Maikhuri

Gigo Joseph

Vikram Sharma

Pushkar Bharambe

Jayasimha Prasad

Prashanth Rahulkar