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Add description box: The ME-SIG will bring together technical, academic, and industry-related expertise in order to solve long-standing problems in the creation, fair distribution, and legally appropriate attribution of media assets (film, television, e-books, audiobooks, hi-res gallery or museum images, photojournalism, games, e-sports, and so forth).

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This is an open group and anyone is welcomed to get involved. Good steps to take to contribute are:

  • Subscribe to the mailing list and & introduce yourself: Visit the Media & Entertainment SIG list page and click 'Join This Group'
  • Join the chat channel?
  • Dial-in to an upcoming meeting: The group holds regular meetings online that you are welcome to take part injoin
  • Add your name to the Directory: Help people connect with you by adding your information to the Member's Directory (this is optional)
  • Edit this wiki: Everything on the wiki is able to be edited , so feel free to make changes and & additions by logging in and clicking on 'Edit'

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