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  • Main Identity WG
  • Hyperledger Indy
    • Contributors Meeting
      • Collaboration on CI / CD, Indy-Aries-VDR, Indy Credx, Aries Credx, and Aries KMS
      • Update from Hyperledger Global ForumSpecific case of troubleshooting an Indy network
      • Notes and recording
    • Indy Node
      • March: delayed until April to use the new Ursa.
      • April: New Ursa, including better hashing. Rich schemas objects. Bug Small release: new rich schemas objects and some bug fixes. Also a statically linked ZMQ tool.
      • Slowing release cadence to every-other month-ish.
    • Indy SDK
      • March: 1.14.4: Bug fixes and new features in LibVCX (Connection Redirect and Reject Proof)
      • Smaller releases because of focus on Aries Shared libraries.
    • Indy Catalyst
    • Indy Semantics WG
      • ODCA pilots underway
      • The agenda, video, notes, etc. from the HL Indy Semantics WG call: 
  • Hyperledger Aries
  • Hyperledger Ursa
    • RFC submitted for Crypto Construction Language (similar to bitcoin script) 
    • 0.4.0 scheduled for late March
      • Hash to curve
      • Updates to AMCL wrapper
  • SovrinSovrin
      TAA is  being enforced on Main Net.
    • Status of the network is good, even though the Sovrin Foundation is going through a transition.
  • DIF DIDComm Working Group
  • W3C Standards
    • Verifiable Credentials Working Group
    • DID Working Group
      • DID Working Group Face-to-Face this week. Expect freeze to standard in May.
  • Other?
