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Jason T


The Hyperledger Fabric (and associated) projects utilize various tools and workflows for continuous project development. This documentation will assist you in getting started with using these tools and understanding the workflow(s) our contributors use while working with the Fabric CI infrastructure.


The table below indicates all of the Hyperledger Projects that are built, tested, verified, and released using the Jenkins CI infrastructure:

Jenkins Dashboard

On the Jenkins dashboard, a list of all Jenkins jobs required to build, test, verify and release each of the Hyperledger Fabric projects is organized and displayed in separate views. For example, the Fabric view displays each of the jobs related to the fabric project:


Contributing to the Fabric CI process starts with identifying tasks to work on, and bugs to be fixed. The JIRA site provided by the Hyperledger Community is where to find these items. To narrow down tasks and bugs that are directly related to Fabric CI, use the following URLs:

Comment Phrases to trigger failed jobs


CI jobs listens on the below comment phrases , when you type a comment as reverify-x in fabric project, this triggers fabric-verify-x86_64 CI jobin fabric project.


  • Run VerifyBuild/VerifyBuild - Triggers fabric-verify-build-checks-x86_64

  • Run SmokeTest – Triggers fabric-smoke-tests-x86_64.

  • Run UnitTest – Triggers fabric-verify-unit-tests-x86_64.

  • Run IntegrationTest - Triggers fabric-verify-integration-tests-x86_64

  • Run DocsBuild – Triggers fabric-docs-build-x86_64


  • reverify-x – triggers fabric-ca-verify-x86_64 job on x86_64

  • reverify-z – triggers fabric-ca-verify-s390x job on s390xreverify-e2e – fvt - triggers fabric-ca-verify-end-2fvt-end-x86_64 job on x86_64
  • recheck – Triggers fabric-rtd-verify-job

  • reverify – triggers all failed jobs.


  • reverify-node8x – triggers fabric-x or reverify - to restart the build on sdk-node8node-verify - x86_64 job on x86_64

  • reverify-node8z – triggers fabric-sdk-node8-verify-s390x job on s390x

  • reverify-node6x – triggers fabric-sdk-node6-verify-x86_64 job on x86_64

  • reverify-node6z – triggers fabric-sdk-node6-verify-s390x job on s390x

  • platform.

  • remerge-x or remerge - to restart the build on sdk-node-merge x86_64 platform.reverify – triggers all the failed fabric-sdk-node jobs


  • reverify-x – triggers fabric-sdk-java-verify-x86_64 job on x86_64

  • reverify-1.0.0 – triggers fabric-sdk-java-verify-1.0.0-x86_64 job on x86_64

  • reverify – triggers all the failed fabric-sdk-java jobs


Below is a table that shows you where to find the most informative resources for the most frequently asked questions about Fabric CI.

Which Fabric projects are currently using CI?hyperledger_fabric_projects_on_ci
What is the process used to build, test, and release Fabric projects?
Where is the Jenkins CI for Hyperledger Fabric?
Where is the sandbox installation of Jenkins CI for Hyperledger Fabric?
Where can I found out more about each of the Jenkins jobs used to build, test, and release Hyperledger Fabric projects?
How do I write Jenkins job definitions for use with Hyperledger Fabric projects?
How should I test my Jenkins job definitions for use by the Fabric CI process?
I want to find Fabric CI related tasks to work on. Where should I go?
I have questions about Fabric CI. Where should I go for help?