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Hyperledger’s extensibility is an enabling technology tool that can form one part of the foundation of educational transformation. As an anchor of a student-centered record, it can to integrate, extend, and enhance, existing institutional applications, processes, and workflows.
The Education Architecture Group will explore and advise on issues related to integration with legacy application infrastructure of learning management systems (LMS), Student Information Systems (SIS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Integrated Library Systems (ILS), Instructional Apps, Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM), Human Capital Management (HCM), Cloud Computing models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Hybrid), and self-sovereign digital identity. In addition, this group will investigate the integration of data across the multiple institutional, informal, and workplace learning experiences in the student’s lifetime of learning, and whether these can be integrated into a comprehensive record of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and ability.


  • There is a growing interest in educational use cases for blockchains, but currently no hyperledger/blockchain-based community of interest (SIG) that focuses on assets for these stakeholders
  • Opportunity to capture and focus local, regional, and national hyperledger and other blockchain initiatives at the intersection of education, employment, and workforce development
  • Support educational institutions to make informed decisions on strategy and implementation of Hyperledger and other blockchain technologies
  • Emerging standards are important to promote interoperability and cost savings across schools and systems, and to achieve long term policy goals
  • Foster an open ecosystem of educational providers, publishers, technology vendors, policymakers, and practitioners


The Education Architecture working group is open to interested participants of all skill levels. In particular, this group will be comprised of institutional or individual participants across the education sector, including K12 school, districts, state entities, ministries of education and institutions of higher education. In addition, individual instructors, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, investors, technology vendors, practitioners, artists, librarians, and policymakers are valuable participants.


  • Identify key use educational applications for Hyperledger and other blockchain technologies
  • Showcase case studies and success stories
  • Promote open interoperability standards
  • Explore and advise on key strategies for Hyperledger integration to critical campus applications
  • Promote open standards for distributed and digital credentialing 


The Education Architecture Working Group will collaborate with other existing or future Hyperledger and other blockchain working groups focused on Education and Training (curriculum focused).

The Education Architecture Working Group will also collaborate and share community development and standards work in credentialing and interoperability with appropriate standards bodies and groups interested in (1) DIDs; (2) data security; and (3) privacy policy.  This includes groups working on DLT other than Hyperledger, such as Ethereum or other blockchains.

Other Industry Affiliations may include: We will reach out to other industry groups to determine their interest in participating.


The following individuals have already expressed an interest in joining this working group, and we hope they will become contributors over the first year:
(List of interested parties listed with their consent, including name, association, and optionally email addresses)

TBDAlex Kaplan - IBM, WW Leader, Emerging Technologies for Talent Development,

Proposed Chair

The following individual has volunteered to serve as the initial interim Chair for the working group: 
