00:11:51 Bret Michael Carpenter: https://www.w3.org/TR/did-use-cases/ 00:16:25 Alfonso Govela: Hi everyone, Alfonso Govela, Hyperledger Latinoamerica 00:17:39 Daniel Bachenheimer: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Reimagining_Digital_ID_2023.pdf 00:18:04 Hyperledger Community: Welcome all - due to technical difficulties this is not being live-streamed - I will upload the video to the Hyperledger YouTube shortly after this meeting ends 00:18:18 Bret Michael Carpenter: Reacted to "Welcome all - due to..." with 👍 00:19:03 Char Howland: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/2023-06-29%3A+Identity+Special+Interest+Group 00:26:00 Char Howland: Reacted to "Welcome all - due to..." with 👍 00:36:38 Char Howland: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=19657312 00:42:57 Daniel Bachenheimer: https://trustoverip.org/toip-model/ 00:52:23 Daniel Bachenheimer: A great example where WEF championed Decentralized Digital Identity is https://ktdi.org/ 00:55:08 Daniel Bachenheimer: apologies - must drop 01:04:56 Alfonso Govela: Thank you Char, Sean, and Vipin for this session. Have to leave. Glad to be back. Best to you all