WEBVTT 1 00:00:52.350 --> 00:00:53.430 Jason Frame: Hey, Sammy? 2 00:00:56.380 --> 00:00:57.430 Sally MacFarlane: Hello! 3 00:01:02.670 --> 00:01:06.969 Jason Frame: Got a few more minutes, but maybe it's only yesterday. Why not say no. 4 00:01:06.980 --> 00:01:08.600 Sally MacFarlane: Could be a quiet call. 5 00:01:08.640 --> 00:01:14.339 Jason Frame: Okay, there's nothing much on the agenda, but I did put some items in about the release. But yeah. 6 00:03:52.750 --> 00:03:54.870 Jason Frame: it's a bypass right. 7 00:03:55.330 --> 00:04:00.710 Jason Frame: Think we can probably get started. But we might not haven't even asked. Join us today. But 8 00:04:01.790 --> 00:04:05.090 Jason Frame: so it could be a short call. I'm just gonna 9 00:04:05.430 --> 00:04:06.810 Jason Frame: my screen now. 10 00:04:19.680 --> 00:04:21.550 Jason Frame: Alright. 11 00:04:22.850 --> 00:04:24.210 Jason Frame: hopefully, you can 12 00:04:24.290 --> 00:04:25.620 say that. 13 00:04:26.660 --> 00:04:27.480 Sally MacFarlane: Yep. 14 00:04:28.540 --> 00:04:33.999 Jason Frame: notice there you can look, click through to see that. 15 00:04:34.400 --> 00:04:42.659 Jason Frame: It's nice that this means being recorded. So the recording is already started. Stay on mute speaking, and 16 00:04:44.490 --> 00:04:49.640 Jason Frame: So, looking at the agenda, we don't have anything under general announcements. 17 00:04:49.660 --> 00:05:03.589 Jason Frame: to talk about or any work updates. But I'll have to start. Ask Did you have anything for general announcements Sally or anyone else to 18 00:05:04.060 --> 00:05:05.190 Jason Frame: might be on the call? 19 00:05:06.710 --> 00:05:16.079 Sally MacFarlane: No, no general announcements. I could probably give a quick update on right before. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Right? Thank you. So yeah. 20 00:05:16.430 --> 00:05:17.470 Jason Frame: should go. 21 00:05:17.750 --> 00:05:21.289 Jason Frame: There'll be under work updates. Let's do that we normally do that first, I think 22 00:05:21.720 --> 00:05:22.590 Jason Frame: ever. 23 00:05:23.170 --> 00:05:25.220 Sally MacFarlane: Yeah. So 24 00:05:26.700 --> 00:05:32.950 Sally MacFarlane: Justin, from jubicabra and my team are kind of working on for it for 4 4 25 00:05:34.430 --> 00:05:38.520 Sally MacFarlane: stuff. So there's some hive tests that are failing. 26 00:05:38.540 --> 00:05:39.840 Sally MacFarlane: There's a 27 00:05:41.760 --> 00:05:52.309 Sally MacFarlane: the engine for choice updated method. We haven't implemented that in basic yet. So that we're hoping to get that one done today. and then there's 28 00:05:52.350 --> 00:05:58.169 Sally MacFarlane: some Dennis got a Pr up for some sort of related 29 00:05:58.350 --> 00:06:05.670 Sally MacFarlane: look. It's a rename from bob gas. So we're gonna review that one today. 30 00:06:05.690 --> 00:06:09.570 Sally MacFarlane: So yeah, there's just a few little things. But overall we're looking pretty good. 31 00:06:10.400 --> 00:06:15.830 Jason Frame: Is that log guest, and it's now changed to data. Guess you said. 32 00:06:16.050 --> 00:06:25.730 Jason Frame: yeah, cool. Great. Got it? Thanks, Sally. That's good. So and so is there another is there 33 00:06:25.940 --> 00:06:34.259 Jason Frame: right now, the next one 34 00:06:34.810 --> 00:06:42.070 Sally MacFarlane: so the other piece of the puzzle is 478, eip 4, 7, 88. So we need that for definite 8. 35 00:06:42.490 --> 00:06:46.400 Sally MacFarlane: So that's also in progress. So there's a draft Pr 36 00:06:46.520 --> 00:06:48.280 Sally MacFarlane: already for poison. Idiot. 37 00:06:48.920 --> 00:06:49.830 Jason Frame: Okay? 38 00:06:53.100 --> 00:06:54.480 Jason Frame: Good. Thanks. 39 00:06:56.770 --> 00:06:57.920 Jason Frame: Let's face the same. 40 00:07:01.790 --> 00:07:03.929 Jason Frame: Okay, that will make sense, then. 41 00:07:04.100 --> 00:07:09.340 Jason Frame: Excellent. Yeah. Was there any other work? Updates you want to share? 42 00:07:10.260 --> 00:07:11.909 Sally MacFarlane: That that's about it. 43 00:07:11.970 --> 00:07:14.450 Jason Frame: Cool, great. Alright! 44 00:07:15.210 --> 00:07:19.930 Jason Frame: I'll move on to the release updates. Then so 45 00:07:20.960 --> 00:07:24.410 Jason Frame: 23 dot 7 dot 0 s. People would have seen 46 00:07:24.680 --> 00:07:30.130 Jason Frame: That release was scrubbed. We there was a performance regression that was found 47 00:07:30.380 --> 00:07:34.390 Jason Frame: with the kekat hash upgrade to the 48 00:07:34.770 --> 00:07:41.489 Jason Frame: when upgrading the bouncy Castle library, so that because of that that release was removed. 49 00:07:41.620 --> 00:07:44.260 Jason Frame: And and now there is a 50 00:07:44.610 --> 00:07:56.200 Jason Frame: replacement release 23.7 one and there's an Rc. Currently out for that. And as far as I know, that's still that's still in progress. and I haven't heard any 51 00:07:56.230 --> 00:07:59.660 Jason Frame: wh. Whether there's any issues with that at all the moment. 52 00:08:00.900 --> 00:08:05.750 Jason Frame: Did you know, if there's do have you? Do you know the progress of the passing one at all? 53 00:08:06.160 --> 00:08:14.749 Sally MacFarlane: I do not know. So maybe that's a question to ask and discord. As to yeah, what's the status of that? 54 00:08:14.830 --> 00:08:16.390 Jason Frame: Yeah. 55 00:08:17.540 --> 00:08:21.100 Jason Frame: I feel like I should know. 56 00:08:24.780 --> 00:08:34.870 Jason Frame: Oh, spots correctly. okay, yep. That sounds like a good thing to do. Yeah. So yes, on that. I think this was done probably 57 00:08:36.630 --> 00:08:39.739 Jason Frame: more than a week ago. Anyway, more. So 58 00:08:41.049 --> 00:08:42.829 Jason Frame: yeah should be, should be. 59 00:08:43.990 --> 00:08:47.469 Jason Frame: should have had enough time to burn, so good to find out where that is. 60 00:08:49.180 --> 00:08:53.039 Jason Frame: That's the only items I had in for the release. 61 00:08:55.150 --> 00:08:58.269 Jason Frame: Both. Anything else? You want to add. 62 00:09:02.320 --> 00:09:04.129 Sally MacFarlane: I don't have anything else. 63 00:09:04.200 --> 00:09:08.420 Jason Frame: Okay. And what about anything else in general like 64 00:09:11.720 --> 00:09:13.040 Sally MacFarlane: not. 65 00:09:13.180 --> 00:09:19.910 Jason Frame: Okay. Well, I think that might be everything for the call then, nice and short, and we'll have to. 66 00:09:20.310 --> 00:09:29.500 Jason Frame: Yeah, I'll put a question on. Just called to check on that status of the the Rc. Burn in so we can find out where that is 67 00:09:30.490 --> 00:09:32.229 Jason Frame: very good to know. Sounds good 68 00:09:32.430 --> 00:09:39.629 Jason Frame: alright. Oh, we. We have one more person. Just join. 69 00:09:40.910 --> 00:09:48.449 Stefan Pingel: Are you going 70 00:09:48.540 --> 00:09:50.099 Stefan Pingel: busy? Sorry. 71 00:09:50.110 --> 00:09:57.670 Jason Frame: That's okay. So we've we've you can see the what we've gone through ready at the moment. So tell me, gave it an update before. 72 00:09:57.870 --> 00:10:03.930 Jason Frame: And I just went through. The release updates. Is there anything you want to add at all. Stefan. 73 00:10:03.950 --> 00:10:06.040 Stefan Pingel: update? 74 00:10:06.300 --> 00:10:13.419 Stefan Pingel: Yeah. So I'm personally working at 4, 7, 8, 8, making some progress 75 00:10:13.680 --> 00:10:21.370 Stefan Pingel: there. yeah, that that that there is a Pr, but but it's yeah. I'm I'm I'm 76 00:10:21.890 --> 00:10:32.069 Stefan Pingel: trying to get the hive tests to work. There were things not really related to 478 that I had to fix. But but I'm getting close now. So yeah. 77 00:10:32.270 --> 00:10:34.100 Stefan Pingel: okay, making progress. 78 00:10:34.480 --> 00:10:39.489 Jason Frame: Right? Good to hear. Yeah, that's all I put there for the 4, 7, 9, 8 was that there's a 79 00:10:39.780 --> 00:10:46.020 Jason Frame: that's needed for Devin, I. And then you've got draft. Pr, app. Yeah, okay. 80 00:10:47.050 --> 00:10:49.140 Jason Frame: that sounds like it. Then? 81 00:10:50.200 --> 00:10:53.300 Jason Frame: alright. Well, my, there is a 82 00:10:53.410 --> 00:10:55.830 Jason Frame: was there anything else you wanted to add? 83 00:10:56.700 --> 00:11:03.139 Jason Frame: Great? Okay. Well, I'll stop sharing. Then that sounds like that might be everything for today's call. Then. 84 00:11:04.740 --> 00:11:17.540 Jason Frame: thanks. That was a quick one. Yeah, thanks for thanks. Everyone joining. Yeah, I'll 85 00:11:17.960 --> 00:11:22.229 Stefan Pingel: yeah.