00:19:29 Stephen Curran: Check out the new: https://www.hyperledger.org/ 00:20:04 Helen Garneau: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/x/q4biBQ 00:40:16 Sam Curren: https://hackmd.io/I4ursAbnRGWXumCdYFO39A 00:49:05 Ariel Gentile: +1 to publish it in DIDComm.org. It would be nice to have there a list of known feature types 00:50:00 Akiff Manji: With proper text searching 00:52:36 Akiff Manji: It was more difficult to publish versions from GitHub on Docusaurus 00:56:18 Sam Curren: Reacted to "It was more difficul..." with 👍 01:01:27 Steve McCown: +1 for HSMs. :-) 01:01:45 Jorge Flores: US/DHS is also soliciting W3C VCDM and W3C DID project proposals 01:03:48 Jorge Flores: Reacted to "+1 for HSMs. :-)" with 👍🏼