WEBVTT 1 00:01:22.420 --> 00:01:23.240 George Mulhearn: Hey? 2 00:01:27.370 --> 00:01:29.080 Patrik Stas: Hey? Long time? No. C, 3 00:01:30.890 --> 00:01:39.919 George Mulhearn: yeah. Some back from all day. Yeah. Yeah. I had like a a week or so. it's good. 4 00:01:40.530 --> 00:01:44.020 Patrik Stas: Did you travel somewhere or just stay around? 5 00:01:44.390 --> 00:01:49.649 George Mulhearn: Oh, no! There was a a festival in Byron Bay that I went to. 6 00:01:50.340 --> 00:01:53.089 George Mulhearn: Sounds like a bing type thing 7 00:01:53.220 --> 00:01:55.570 Patrik Stas: right? Right? Hey, Mira. 8 00:01:56.490 --> 00:01:57.250 George Mulhearn: hey? 9 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:00.310 Miroslav Kovář: Hi! 10 00:02:06.340 --> 00:02:11.550 Patrik Stas: Those festival? Some some sort of music festival, I suppose. 11 00:02:12.170 --> 00:02:17.860 George Mulhearn: Yeah, yeah. It was like multiple days. That kind of thing. 12 00:02:18.060 --> 00:02:19.140 George Mulhearn: Yeah. 13 00:02:19.290 --> 00:02:20.200 Patrik Stas: nice. 14 00:02:32.090 --> 00:02:46.390 Patrik Stas: I'm not sure if both on the joining, I think he mentioned before. he's actually not not gonna be able to join today. But he's online. 15 00:02:47.300 --> 00:02:50.080 Patrik Stas: so let me just check 16 00:03:01.780 --> 00:03:06.169 Patrik Stas: I, I think that's the case, because usually bog done is one of the first 17 00:03:06.730 --> 00:03:08.020 Patrik Stas: to connect. 18 00:03:14.890 --> 00:03:18.289 Patrik Stas: So I guess we'll just get started like this. 19 00:03:18.930 --> 00:03:29.300 Patrik Stas: But certainly there will be stuff to discuss, and some things to get you up to speed, which you might have missed. It's been a while. 20 00:03:29.850 --> 00:03:35.199 Patrik Stas: and there's been things on the move and things on the horizon. 21 00:03:36.390 --> 00:03:38.510 Patrik Stas: So let me just 22 00:03:39.590 --> 00:03:45.820 Patrik Stas: prepare some of my windows here on my computer. 23 00:03:55.150 --> 00:03:57.830 Patrik Stas: and I'm almost ready. 24 00:04:10.560 --> 00:04:11.770 Patrik Stas: Alright. 25 00:04:14.340 --> 00:04:15.930 Patrik Stas: this is good. 26 00:04:22.010 --> 00:04:28.479 Patrik Stas: Let's find the Aries Vcx, the page, and 27 00:04:29.110 --> 00:04:30.899 Patrik Stas: let's get started. 28 00:04:32.340 --> 00:04:40.040 Naian: Oh, we have a 9. It's still high. 9. Hey? We are just getting started. You haven't missed anything. So 29 00:04:40.650 --> 00:04:43.470 Patrik Stas: we are all here. 30 00:04:44.380 --> 00:04:47.030 Patrik Stas: let's take these off. 31 00:04:48.320 --> 00:04:58.629 Patrik Stas: Was, yeah. okay, so yeah, we'll welcome to. July 2,023 Aries Vcx, coming to call. 32 00:04:58.690 --> 00:05:07.230 Patrik Stas: hyper ledger interest policy is in effect. And let's see what we have on and on on agenda today. 33 00:05:07.400 --> 00:05:13.529 Patrik Stas: maybe before there's no new no new new joiners. 34 00:05:13.900 --> 00:05:22.529 Patrik Stas: so Just before we start. I want to make sure that we have everything listed on in our agenda, so 35 00:05:22.600 --> 00:05:28.130 Patrik Stas: is there, perhaps George or Nyan, or metal anything you would like to add here. 36 00:05:30.150 --> 00:05:32.159 Naian: nothing for me. 37 00:05:32.580 --> 00:05:34.030 George Mulhearn: Yeah, nothing for me. 38 00:05:35.390 --> 00:05:37.019 Miroslav Kovář: Oh, I don't think so. 39 00:05:37.400 --> 00:05:56.710 Patrik Stas: all right. so let's hop into the mem mem mentorship update. So like, since we have you on the call man once again. Would you like to? just say a few words about your your status and how how things are going. 40 00:05:58.540 --> 00:06:00.220 Naian: Okay? 41 00:06:00.320 --> 00:06:04.570 Naian: So right now, we are quite on track 42 00:06:04.650 --> 00:06:14.779 Naian: in regards to the expected project that we had. And so currently, I'm in the storage. 43 00:06:15.090 --> 00:06:31.219 Naian: But that's coming in nicely. The storage trait is being finalized, and that's going to be ready by this week. The next paths are the integrate with aviation and support, establishing 44 00:06:31.320 --> 00:06:36.209 Naian: drdconnections. So that's for later. Right now. The storage part is 45 00:06:36.600 --> 00:06:37.770 Naian: like it's 46 00:06:38.450 --> 00:06:44.640 Naian: coming to an end mostly. So I have only understanding because of the god is done. 47 00:06:44.660 --> 00:06:52.880 Naian: and designing trains is in process. My sequel implementation is being done in parallel with the designing of the trade. 48 00:06:53.070 --> 00:07:00.290 Naian: And yes, I'm also including unit tests along with all of this. So yeah, the storage part is going to be done this week. 49 00:07:00.600 --> 00:07:02.719 Patrik Stas: Hmm! Sounds great. 50 00:07:02.770 --> 00:07:24.569 Patrik Stas: I think. Actually, we could. go ahead here, and you know what I'll I'll leave it. I'll I'll let you do it. I think it's kind of satisfying to make those check. Take those check boxes yourself. It's kind of rewarding. So I'm not gonna do this for you. I think I think you could actually check some of them. I mean, even perhaps, like including a 51 00:07:24.900 --> 00:07:36.700 Patrik Stas: project dependency. We we kind of went through that, and it compiles. Now, it just a matter of like initializing and actually start integrating it. So there's still some work to do. But yeah, I think 52 00:07:36.790 --> 00:07:46.570 Patrik Stas: I think you can. Yeah, you know. And and don't don't worry to like basically jump ahead. And you know, you know, 53 00:07:47.060 --> 00:07:56.170 Patrik Stas: check those take those check boxes like ahead of you in even in like further stages, if you happen to, you know. 54 00:07:56.260 --> 00:07:57.490 Patrik Stas: do something 55 00:07:58.330 --> 00:08:17.509 Patrik Stas: kinda earlier, and also don't be worried, like, you know, for example, the storage part like it doesn't have to be perfect. I'm pretty sure that once you start like implementing further on, you'll realize that there's something you missed, and you need to store something more, or you need some more methods. So. 56 00:08:17.590 --> 00:08:28.140 Patrik Stas: but by no means this this needs to be like perfect like it's it's reasonable to assume that you will need to get back to it and probably make some changes to the storage light from 57 00:08:29.050 --> 00:08:29.770 Naian: right. 58 00:08:30.080 --> 00:08:30.880 Yes. 59 00:08:31.050 --> 00:08:39.929 Naian: also. like. I'm also implementing the pickup protocol, at least in the test server. So an an authenticated 60 00:08:40.190 --> 00:08:44.170 Naian: implementation of the pick up protocol. So that's also coming in. 61 00:08:44.310 --> 00:08:48.620 I've already implemented the status request 62 00:08:48.680 --> 00:08:57.050 Patrik Stas: like Stage 6 kind of like spreading ahead a little bit, but which is great, of course. 63 00:09:01.450 --> 00:09:05.970 Naian: Right? I I I guess you could actually check something from from the stage 6. 64 00:09:06.470 --> 00:09:08.590 Patrik Stas: But it's 65 00:09:09.140 --> 00:09:18.510 Naian: yes. So in that we have into in his Vcx message. Great. So that part, isn't it like it's it's a more of a dummy. 66 00:09:18.600 --> 00:09:23.530 Naian: The data model inside this test server. So yeah, I haven't did that because of that. 67 00:09:23.570 --> 00:09:26.349 Naian: But the implementation responding 68 00:09:26.370 --> 00:09:30.049 Naian: to the status request that I'm like 69 00:09:30.460 --> 00:09:37.390 Naian: is being done right now, so we can send in this and receive a response. So that is being there like that is, there 70 00:09:37.990 --> 00:09:39.169 Naian: sounds great. 71 00:09:39.420 --> 00:09:46.470 Patrik Stas: all right, looking forward, and it's exciting to see you progressing. And it's really great. 72 00:09:46.670 --> 00:10:00.880 Patrik Stas: I think you're doing well. But George, how's Perhaps, since we don't have So what now on the call now we have a update. How? you know how the Fi stuff is going? 73 00:10:01.110 --> 00:10:05.320 George Mulhearn: Yeah, you want to click on the project plan. But yeah, for sure. 74 00:10:05.830 --> 00:10:06.640 Naian: kids. 75 00:10:10.360 --> 00:10:13.620 George Mulhearn: you can scroll down to the timeline. 76 00:10:15.000 --> 00:10:26.640 George Mulhearn: yeah. So where's it at? So so no has a Pr open and that Pr is basically the script for 77 00:10:26.960 --> 00:10:28.840 George Mulhearn: building 78 00:10:28.970 --> 00:10:33.010 George Mulhearn: all the android binaries and building the 79 00:10:34.270 --> 00:10:37.999 George Mulhearn: the generated rappers and 80 00:10:38.130 --> 00:10:44.509 George Mulhearn: placing them into the right place within a sample app that he's working on 81 00:10:44.740 --> 00:10:53.219 George Mulhearn: Last time I I spoke with him he had the sample up boot strapped and the the script working. There was some 82 00:10:53.810 --> 00:10:57.650 George Mulhearn: build things we had to work through, as you'd expect. But 83 00:10:57.890 --> 00:11:00.790 George Mulhearn: go through that 84 00:11:01.940 --> 00:11:03.619 George Mulhearn: yeah, and 85 00:11:04.390 --> 00:11:14.170 George Mulhearn: haven't yet seen the full thing of the sample app calling into. there is Vcx, because I was sort of the the main goal. 86 00:11:14.220 --> 00:11:22.400 George Mulhearn: But this is definitely exist. yeah, I I didn't have a chance to catch up with this week. 87 00:11:22.560 --> 00:11:25.889 George Mulhearn: if you if you saw in our discussion channel 88 00:11:26.070 --> 00:11:27.330 George Mulhearn: I 89 00:11:29.280 --> 00:11:30.630 George Mulhearn: but yeah, so 90 00:11:30.840 --> 00:11:34.670 George Mulhearn: I'm I'm thinking next week that sample out 91 00:11:34.810 --> 00:11:38.470 George Mulhearn: will be there and ready, and that Pr can go through. 92 00:11:38.970 --> 00:11:50.890 George Mulhearn: Hmm, I see. Okay, okay. yeah. I was wondering as well, is that sort of how you guys wanted things to go. sort of incremental Pr's for this mediator project. 93 00:11:51.100 --> 00:12:00.549 Patrik Stas: Yeah, I I think, like, I'm I'm I'm personally fan of, like the incremental changes. So I think that's fine. We can like merge 94 00:12:00.870 --> 00:12:12.899 Patrik Stas: the St. Which was done if it's like a and I guess if it's holistically, if it does something holistically, if it builds and compiles for it, doesn't it to be like fully complete? But 95 00:12:13.070 --> 00:12:29.410 Patrik Stas: but I guess like the the. Is it going to make sense that the things started in that Pr were kind of finished, and I would be fine merging it and then making another Pr for like next steps. Next I I see you kind of have outline like 96 00:12:29.480 --> 00:12:35.420 Patrik Stas: these Prs ahead of time, for like different features. So we are. I think I think that's a good plan. 97 00:12:36.440 --> 00:12:40.639 Miroslav Kovář: Okay, I think it's actually preferable to rough, large Pr. 98 00:12:40.750 --> 00:12:45.419 Miroslav Kovář: much, much easier to review and to see 99 00:12:45.750 --> 00:12:48.379 Miroslav Kovář: how how the progress is going. So 100 00:12:50.370 --> 00:12:51.900 George Mulhearn: okay, great awesome. 101 00:12:52.570 --> 00:12:53.300 George Mulhearn: Thanks. 102 00:12:55.800 --> 00:13:03.470 Patrik Stas: All right. Let's go back to the agenda. So so, and a quick overview of the 103 00:13:03.490 --> 00:13:16.300 Patrik Stas: work done, and nothing like really significant, I think. the the Noges and migration Pr. With those previously march has been reverted because it was causing some build issues. 104 00:13:16.460 --> 00:13:23.610 Patrik Stas: I'll I'll get back to those build issues. Well, I'll be talking about stuff in progress I'm working on now. 105 00:13:23.780 --> 00:13:32.240 Patrik Stas: there was some clear that we ability to the mixed beard, mixed breed test profile. So 106 00:13:32.320 --> 00:13:36.969 Patrik Stas: We have, like significant coverage with all kind of combinations 107 00:13:37.150 --> 00:13:48.130 Patrik Stas: of the profiles and things have kind of the the testing coverage and the infrastructure kind of improved since the mixed breed 108 00:13:48.510 --> 00:13:58.260 Patrik Stas: was invented. So don't see, don't be it necessary anymore. So we got this deleted kind of cleaned up a little bit, all the testing features. 109 00:13:58.540 --> 00:14:02.980 Patrik Stas: and then, lastly, another kind of cleanup. 110 00:14:03.270 --> 00:14:05.619 Patrik Stas: slice refactoring. 111 00:14:05.630 --> 00:14:11.849 Patrik Stas: was this Pr. It was mostly shuffling the files around to 112 00:14:12.160 --> 00:14:20.939 Patrik Stas: to move stuff out of this like general source in the Directory into either anocrats, ledger, or 113 00:14:21.420 --> 00:14:24.560 Patrik Stas: as a a typo here, or wallet 114 00:14:25.480 --> 00:14:51.110 Patrik Stas: as is to kind of make it clear like, what are we going to be deleting? And what not, because for now we're gonna gonna be we want to keep the the in Wevr. Whose wallet so they'll stay, and then we'll be progressively deleting these other 2 parts, and right now we are starting with deleting the ledger, and I guess once that is completed we'll go ahead and 115 00:14:51.390 --> 00:14:58.019 Patrik Stas: and I get rid of the unknown credits as well. But I suppose the world will live for a bit longer 116 00:14:58.060 --> 00:15:02.600 Patrik Stas: until we have some. I guess. Oscar. Alternative. 117 00:15:03.360 --> 00:15:07.620 Patrik Stas: yeah. So this was. This was done here. There was also. 118 00:15:07.780 --> 00:15:19.379 Miroslav Kovář: I think, I think there's not this, some, some some issues with this Pr, we merge it. I want to apologize. Here we are to it. Kind of pretty much early, I guess. We didn't wait for George to to 119 00:15:19.860 --> 00:15:23.490 Miroslav Kovář: to like. have this review. 120 00:15:24.570 --> 00:15:27.270 Miroslav Kovář: Yeah, you you do needed some. 121 00:15:30.370 --> 00:15:42.330 Miroslav Kovář: You have, like, I just did a step in the Ci which checks bills with various combinations of feature flags. 122 00:15:43.010 --> 00:15:43.830 Miroslav Kovář: Yeah. 123 00:15:44.100 --> 00:15:52.370 Patrik Stas: yeah, I I I know what you mean. why, indeed! Policies? Oh, I have missed it. 124 00:15:53.070 --> 00:15:54.040 Yeah. 125 00:15:54.210 --> 00:15:55.639 Miroslav Kovář: Why, you, too did that. 126 00:15:56.990 --> 00:16:11.049 Miroslav Kovář: I don't know exactly right now on the spot. Why I did that. I think, yeah, I had some like issues. I I actually deemed it as a necessary. But I don't. I can't reason about it right now. I remember I'll have to take a look 127 00:16:11.110 --> 00:16:16.069 Patrik Stas: I guess, because yeah, I was also doing some changes to the features. 128 00:16:16.110 --> 00:16:21.040 Patrik Stas: features in the on the Vdr tools level to make to 129 00:16:21.190 --> 00:16:39.660 Patrik Stas: to enable compiling in in the wallet without 0 and Mq. Dependency. And then, somehow. I guess, I was tweaking some some of our own cargo tunnels, and I came to conclusion that. 130 00:16:39.940 --> 00:16:50.629 Patrik Stas: like some feature, apparently, I came to conclusion that some default feature is necessary. But let me have a quick look if 131 00:16:51.230 --> 00:16:56.380 Patrik Stas: if it makes any sense. So yeah, this this was literally just kind of a 132 00:16:58.250 --> 00:17:07.520 Patrik Stas: refactoring. This didn't make any functional change, I believe. And is there any other feature changes? I did. 133 00:17:08.150 --> 00:17:14.080 Patrik Stas: Perhaps I was doing some other changes and which I revered, which are reverted. 134 00:17:14.250 --> 00:17:27.120 Patrik Stas: and for those I have originally had to adjust the Ci. But maybe it doesn't really apply anymore. So yeah, I'll I'll have a if if if we can. 135 00:17:27.319 --> 00:17:35.819 George Mulhearn: Yeah, it's it's it's no worries. There's sort of a coincidence that I had to look after as much and noticed it. But 136 00:17:35.840 --> 00:17:39.999 George Mulhearn: hopefully, you understand the intentions of those checks. 137 00:17:40.440 --> 00:17:43.249 George Mulhearn: they yeah. I put them in off the 138 00:17:43.500 --> 00:17:53.560 George Mulhearn: there was an issue with compiling for only modular lips and without the default features, because video to our default feature. 139 00:17:53.620 --> 00:17:54.780 George Mulhearn: and 140 00:17:54.860 --> 00:18:02.499 George Mulhearn: and personally, the way we consume it is in that manner, just modular lives without video tools. 141 00:18:03.230 --> 00:18:08.420 George Mulhearn: so yeah, I was just putting a check in to make sure nothing gets regressed. 142 00:18:08.710 --> 00:18:19.429 Patrik Stas: Yeah, yeah, it's a, it's a good catch, and I mean the features are supposed to be additive so definitely should compile without default features. 143 00:18:20.210 --> 00:18:21.200 George Mulhearn: Hmm. 144 00:18:22.920 --> 00:18:26.330 Patrik Stas: yeah, all right. So 145 00:18:27.210 --> 00:18:41.330 Patrik Stas: yeah. So I guess that's where the Pr's. Which have been marked since the last week, and then in the progress and it was a ongoing effort to pioneer the the Exchange protocol, and like 146 00:18:41.380 --> 00:18:49.030 Patrik Stas: we'd kind of with the the making it Ios and applying the state pattern from Mira. 147 00:18:49.060 --> 00:19:02.849 Miroslav Kovář: I I I don't know if you want to drop any comment about it, mirror or or I would not, I would not say pioneer. There are, or the existing implementations for a while. 148 00:19:03.260 --> 00:19:04.790 Miroslav Kovář: But yeah. 149 00:19:04.860 --> 00:19:05.960 Miroslav Kovář: in a sense. 150 00:19:06.270 --> 00:19:11.290 Miroslav Kovář: hmm, yeah, I have 5 in progress, a 151 00:19:12.620 --> 00:19:16.959 Miroslav Kovář: prototype implementation, let's say, and yeah, all right. 152 00:19:17.630 --> 00:19:28.750 Miroslav Kovář: I've perhaps I've said it recently on on this call. I'm not sure I I'm basically using at H to test the correctness of the prototype implementation. And 153 00:19:29.010 --> 00:19:34.060 Miroslav Kovář: yeah, recently, recently, I did support for 154 00:19:35.370 --> 00:19:40.589 Miroslav Kovář: did Key as a recipient in now to be out of an invitation 155 00:19:40.880 --> 00:19:59.730 Miroslav Kovář: we as as defined in the Rfc. we previously or currently are using, because it's not march yet. using just naked base. 58 encoded ed, 2, 5, 5, 1 9 key. 156 00:19:59.910 --> 00:20:00.960 Miroslav Kovář: And so. 157 00:20:01.690 --> 00:20:03.799 Miroslav Kovář: oh, yeah. 158 00:20:04.050 --> 00:20:10.299 Miroslav Kovář: after this fix, basically. this, the current status is that 159 00:20:11.960 --> 00:20:31.030 Miroslav Kovář: so? A cup I fails either as a as a responder on on the receipt of a request, because the request that any C. 6 currently sends in the J. She's protocol uses day to beer and a kapi does not support the peers 160 00:20:31.520 --> 00:20:33.530 Miroslav Kovář: on the main branch yet. 161 00:20:34.540 --> 00:20:43.250 Miroslav Kovář: and and similarly, it it when it's a request rate, fails, you see, on receipt of a response 162 00:20:43.590 --> 00:20:46.420 Miroslav Kovář: again with the same, with the same issue. 163 00:20:46.740 --> 00:20:52.429 Miroslav Kovář: No, these, these, these fish issues can be overcome by simply not sending it here. 164 00:20:53.070 --> 00:20:58.389 which I would not take require too many changes to the implementation, so 165 00:20:58.460 --> 00:21:05.169 Miroslav Kovář: I can do that to test whether or something else breaks down the line. But I don't think so. 166 00:21:05.750 --> 00:21:09.370 Miroslav Kovář: no. 167 00:21:10.100 --> 00:21:13.869 Miroslav Kovář: there is not much that that can fail after after 168 00:21:14.870 --> 00:21:23.619 Miroslav Kovář: well, I'm not sure but yeah. So the the the current status 169 00:21:24.350 --> 00:21:25.690 Miroslav Kovář: I 170 00:21:25.710 --> 00:21:36.100 Miroslav Kovář: would say that, like overall, I think it's going according to to plan, in a sense like the testing so far confirmed. 171 00:21:36.290 --> 00:21:41.209 Miroslav Kovář: so my suspicions as to what needs to be implemented 172 00:21:41.830 --> 00:21:45.859 Miroslav Kovář: and discovered some issues with the 173 00:21:46.480 --> 00:21:50.449 Miroslav Kovář: good and state of base and 174 00:21:51.120 --> 00:21:54.429 Miroslav Kovář: needs things that need to be. Either 175 00:21:54.550 --> 00:21:58.140 Miroslav Kovář: we factored or implemented from scratch 176 00:21:58.530 --> 00:22:10.650 Miroslav Kovář: things like Jw. Assigning which a cup I as I confirmed that just does use Jws signatures. So we we 177 00:22:10.950 --> 00:22:17.780 Miroslav Kovář: good so support you, I will assigning. And signature verification 178 00:22:19.120 --> 00:22:27.900 Miroslav Kovář: yeah. And there are many, many things like like this. things which are complicating. 179 00:22:28.330 --> 00:22:42.920 Miroslav Kovář: the implementation that such as the like. I said to the which basically, if if I'm trying to like likewise the usage of the new document 180 00:22:43.520 --> 00:22:49.900 Miroslav Kovář: implementation and the directions document the implementation. It's 181 00:22:50.820 --> 00:22:55.820 It forces me either to be copy pasting stuff or using converters 182 00:22:56.030 --> 00:23:01.060 Miroslav Kovář: doing the old and new versions of recommend which is better prone 183 00:23:01.550 --> 00:23:02.980 Miroslav Kovář: And 184 00:23:04.250 --> 00:23:05.440 Miroslav Kovář: so 185 00:23:07.020 --> 00:23:16.419 Miroslav Kovář: by bloating the code. code. Good size. It's not It's not pleasant to look at at all. So 186 00:23:17.940 --> 00:23:28.100 Miroslav Kovář: yeah. But perhaps we can deal with it temporarily. yeah, 187 00:23:30.370 --> 00:23:31.779 Miroslav Kovář: So what I would 188 00:23:31.860 --> 00:23:42.520 Miroslav Kovář: like do is, or what what my plan going on is to finish off this first type of implementation just to equal. 189 00:23:42.570 --> 00:23:43.710 Miroslav Kovář: First of all. 190 00:23:44.310 --> 00:23:54.189 Miroslav Kovář: I would like to try to run the Aka. I branch with the working did be your implementation locally. This would also significantly. 191 00:23:54.300 --> 00:23:58.260 Miroslav Kovář: oh, speed up my my hmm 192 00:24:01.310 --> 00:24:06.400 Miroslav Kovář: feedback loop, let's say, because yeah, I wouldn't have to rebuild the for images and stuff. 193 00:24:06.880 --> 00:24:08.030 Miroslav Kovář: So 194 00:24:08.440 --> 00:24:22.110 Miroslav Kovář: and I, I would like to test using peer dates in the in the exchange on our side. If that fails, I will. I will support for for the 195 00:24:23.020 --> 00:24:26.130 Miroslav Kovář: for the 196 00:24:26.300 --> 00:24:27.910 Miroslav Kovář: better voice, this on 197 00:24:29.170 --> 00:24:32.320 Miroslav Kovář: and and and 198 00:24:32.840 --> 00:24:42.680 Miroslav Kovář: finish off. Basically, though I it working, working and implementation which passes the it test against a couple in itself. 199 00:24:43.450 --> 00:24:44.490 and 200 00:24:45.260 --> 00:24:49.930 Miroslav Kovář: then use this to the implementation as a reference for 201 00:24:50.090 --> 00:24:58.260 Miroslav Kovář: a final more I would, I would finish this for type implementation and then 202 00:24:58.280 --> 00:24:59.550 Miroslav Kovář: work on 203 00:24:59.800 --> 00:25:01.759 work on the issues that came up. 204 00:25:02.890 --> 00:25:14.860 Miroslav Kovář: is, as I was saying, like, there are. There are many, many small tasks that need to be done, and then I would. I would proceed with with the final implementation 205 00:25:14.930 --> 00:25:19.739 Miroslav Kovář: of the 206 00:25:21.600 --> 00:25:30.479 Patrik Stas: it's not good in. It sounds like a micro well fault through when a laid out plan. Alright. 207 00:25:31.790 --> 00:25:42.619 Patrik Stas: So that's did exchange stages, and then we have I. So this is the task I'm currently working on. 208 00:25:43.310 --> 00:25:54.770 Patrik Stas: is, the is a a switch from from Vdr tools like your clients to in the Vdr implementation. 209 00:25:55.190 --> 00:26:10.469 Patrik Stas: And the issue is I, I have the P. Already and technically it works. But it doesn't work fully and everywhere, and not. Not that doesn't work, but it does just doesn't compile yet fully 210 00:26:10.580 --> 00:26:15.380 Patrik Stas: in all the environments. So if I look at the Ci right now. 211 00:26:15.870 --> 00:26:26.600 Patrik Stas: basically, I'm getting failures, for when I compile stuff on Alpine Linux, so that's a M. Usful target 212 00:26:27.220 --> 00:26:38.340 Patrik Stas: and then also on Android and Ios for the Vcx. And it all fails with compilation of 0 and queue 213 00:26:38.880 --> 00:26:55.689 Patrik Stas: 0 M. 2, 6, 0 11. It's the same failure everywhere. now it's it's so difficult. It's relatively difficult to reproduce the Ios build and android bills. but it's it much easier to 214 00:26:55.780 --> 00:27:09.520 Patrik Stas: just kick up up on Linux instance, and try to compile the stuff in there. So I reproduce this error in container, which is like, I think, great first step to actually identifying what the problem is. 215 00:27:09.690 --> 00:27:14.729 Patrik Stas: that's hard to tell from this error. Honestly, it's 216 00:27:15.100 --> 00:27:21.370 Patrik Stas: Some some compiler issue. It's ceiling clang. And 217 00:27:21.540 --> 00:27:37.750 Patrik Stas: yeah. Oh, you'd have to find what what the issue and the fix is for this, but it should be relatively doable now, on the on that I have it reproduced locally, essentially. And so I I'm I'm hoping that the same fix which will apply for this 218 00:27:37.780 --> 00:27:42.540 Patrik Stas: up on Linux will also work for ours and android. 219 00:27:44.710 --> 00:27:56.380 Patrik Stas: yeah. So that's that but in general, this pr which is yet lacking description, it's removing all of the 220 00:27:56.760 --> 00:28:09.289 Patrik Stas: ledger slash full-related codes from the Vdr tools. So essentially leaving the Vtr Vdr tools to cover only wallet and an on credits. 221 00:28:09.400 --> 00:28:13.810 Patrik Stas: So it's on 20,000 code lines of 222 00:28:13.940 --> 00:28:31.180 Patrik Stas: deleted. And obviously, I had to do like a tweaks on like our, you know, in in ours. Vcx. As well. So then everywhere we would use actually the the in. Dvdr, client. 223 00:28:31.780 --> 00:28:37.449 Patrik Stas: yeah, that was those relatively all right. And 224 00:28:37.790 --> 00:28:45.160 Patrik Stas: Then the tests are passing. If the things compile, apparently all tests are passing. So that's good. 225 00:28:46.290 --> 00:28:51.380 George Mulhearn: sorry, Android. And I was spilled working. 226 00:28:52.170 --> 00:28:56.610 Patrik Stas: Yeah, no, no, they they don't. The live Vcx android. 227 00:28:57.960 --> 00:29:02.679 George Mulhearn: Okay? But it seems like the same root root cause. 228 00:29:06.430 --> 00:29:07.260 Okay. 229 00:29:07.380 --> 00:29:11.050 Patrik Stas: you have any thoughts by chance, and it's a 0 on Q issues. 230 00:29:13.020 --> 00:29:21.149 George Mulhearn: I'll I'll look at it. I mean, I I've done it before, like 231 00:29:21.180 --> 00:29:25.200 George Mulhearn: have it working on Android and ios. So 232 00:29:25.230 --> 00:29:26.500 Patrik Stas: maybe 233 00:29:26.730 --> 00:29:28.530 I'm config thing that 234 00:29:28.580 --> 00:29:30.409 George Mulhearn: can help you. 235 00:29:30.760 --> 00:29:43.519 Patrik Stas: yeah, I I wouldn't be surprised. It's just some configuration. It it's it's everywhere a little bit differently, but at the same time it feels like it's the same thing. But I don't know what it is. 236 00:29:43.710 --> 00:29:53.029 Patrik Stas: It's always solid to 0, and it's but, as you see, the error messages different. There is a cured 237 00:29:53.450 --> 00:30:06.510 Patrik Stas: Is there anything useful in this one here. I don't really even see the error. Really I I'm not sure it fell on the run. See? Make? And 238 00:30:06.850 --> 00:30:09.200 Patrik Stas: hmm, yeah, I don't know what the problem is. 239 00:30:11.700 --> 00:30:24.549 Patrik Stas: Yeah, so hopefully, this will be like on a on, on, on blog soon, and then it can be merge. And we can like get rid of like huge huge burden. We carried this like, we do our tools. 240 00:30:25.070 --> 00:30:27.999 George Mulhearn: yeah, some awesome awesome effort. 241 00:30:30.230 --> 00:30:31.100 Patrik Stas: sorry. 242 00:30:32.630 --> 00:30:51.270 George Mulhearn: so I think my Internet's bad. But I I was just saying it's an awesome effort. 19,000, yeah, it was. It was actually like, just, you know, a bunch of delete buttons, but But then the the integration of the it takes a bit of far to glue it up 243 00:30:51.360 --> 00:30:57.939 Patrik Stas: to make it work. But it's it's it's good. So one, maybe one more note here, essentially, after this. Pr. 244 00:30:58.740 --> 00:31:01.940 Patrik Stas: the and the 245 00:31:03.320 --> 00:31:05.989 Patrik Stas: after this pr is march. 246 00:31:06.050 --> 00:31:19.750 Patrik Stas: the Vdr tools feature. It essentially only refers to an on credits implementation, as the ledger will be always in the Vdr. And the wall at this kind of currently, always the 247 00:31:19.870 --> 00:31:29.900 Patrik Stas: the indie one. So the Vvr tools feature flag, we will essentially on the we refer as to whether you want the An on credits from 248 00:31:29.940 --> 00:31:35.769 Patrik Stas: lead Vdr tools. So I guess it makes sense, then to actually rename the flag to something like. 249 00:31:35.960 --> 00:31:41.129 Patrik Stas: I know Chris. vdr tools, perhaps. 250 00:31:42.400 --> 00:31:47.010 George Mulhearn: Hey? Just a general question while it's in my head. And maybe we can 251 00:31:47.270 --> 00:31:51.510 George Mulhearn: put this to the discussion at the end if you want. But after 252 00:31:51.840 --> 00:31:54.080 George Mulhearn: video tools is stripped of 253 00:31:54.090 --> 00:31:58.250 George Mulhearn: non cred as well. are we gonna keep the traits? 254 00:31:58.290 --> 00:32:01.210 George Mulhearn: For, you know, ledger and on credits, etc., 255 00:32:01.390 --> 00:32:07.629 Patrik Stas: I I believe. So. Yeah, I I think it's I. I won't. We will do you thing me up. 256 00:32:08.600 --> 00:32:09.990 Miroslav Kovář: young. 257 00:32:11.520 --> 00:32:18.859 Miroslav Kovář: I don't. I don't. I'm not entirely sure, either way. I I was has been going back and forth on this. 258 00:32:21.410 --> 00:32:44.010 Miroslav Kovář: I think that Bogdan is us, but we're saying something against those straits and wanted to get rid of them. I think it's and that I think that was your argument. Mirror. It was also my argument. Yeah, I was for a while I was a proponent of them, and then I wanted to get rid of them. I I I don't. 259 00:32:44.270 --> 00:32:58.700 Patrik Stas: Yeah, yeah. But I I know, like one of your arguments, for like a a as a proponent for it or smoking. And and I think that's a good argument that you can the ledger implementation essentially with with this. 260 00:33:02.340 --> 00:33:17.529 George Mulhearn: Yeah. So I guess we'll see. But in my opinion I think it makes sense. What what do you think George should? I'm for keeping them. I need to think about exactly what my argument is. But at the moment I'm for keeping them. 261 00:33:19.980 --> 00:33:29.069 Patrik Stas: Yeah, who who knows if we need to migrate to something else in the future, and then it might be the being good, shielded off from all the 262 00:33:29.540 --> 00:33:37.130 Patrik Stas: kind of specific dependencies underneath. 263 00:33:37.210 --> 00:33:43.009 George Mulhearn: Pretty sure on in the SDK. And then it got dumped. That's right. 264 00:33:45.350 --> 00:33:59.880 Patrik Stas: Okay? And then, lastly, there's like this. A new effort on going from log downs bogged down. We don't have bog down on my call. But essentially just so, I'm not gonna probably fully represent it. 265 00:34:00.200 --> 00:34:10.910 Patrik Stas: as as as good as he would. but the idea is, and I think there's there. So there's a Pr, I think we're both on started. We're working on this. 266 00:34:11.159 --> 00:34:20.310 Patrik Stas: So it's addition type of Pr, so so no, no worries about breaking stuff. 267 00:34:20.780 --> 00:34:30.990 Patrik Stas: where is it? I guess this one. So the ultimate idea is to build additional layer on top of state machines. 268 00:34:31.270 --> 00:34:43.730 Patrik Stas: but book down here started with coping out the state machine connections to mission in particular. And then he wants to actually do some changes 269 00:34:44.580 --> 00:34:49.729 Patrik Stas: on the on the state machine make it somewhat 270 00:34:49.790 --> 00:34:52.150 Patrik Stas: flatter or thinner. 271 00:34:52.400 --> 00:35:01.239 Patrik Stas: and then take that logic out to this a processing layer where 272 00:35:01.740 --> 00:35:08.340 Patrik Stas: essentially it should handle even more stuff for you than the state machines originally did. 273 00:35:08.700 --> 00:35:23.479 Patrik Stas: where you you you kind of supply the the main thing you have to supply is a storage for your State machines and resolver for State machines. 274 00:35:23.740 --> 00:35:26.820 Patrik Stas: So then, when you receive a message. 275 00:35:28.100 --> 00:35:38.119 Patrik Stas: you pass this message to this process processing layer and along with a message, you also pause in your storage where your state machines are stored. 276 00:35:38.470 --> 00:35:47.710 Patrik Stas: and State machine resolver, W. Where the State mission resolver essentially takes a look at the message 277 00:35:48.230 --> 00:35:53.070 Patrik Stas: and trying to find respective State machines 278 00:35:53.850 --> 00:36:03.590 Patrik Stas: in the storage. and once that the submission is found. you know it's it's updated to process the message 279 00:36:03.840 --> 00:36:08.310 Patrik Stas: do the necessary. I O, and 280 00:36:08.540 --> 00:36:21.839 Patrik Stas: you know, if if the if the State mission update is successful, that essentially, you know the the new State machines into the storage. So then. 281 00:36:21.880 --> 00:36:31.890 Patrik Stas: as a consumer of this layer you. You have like less things to worry about. You don't have to concern yourself with how to. 282 00:36:32.700 --> 00:36:50.719 Patrik Stas: You know you don't necessarily concern yourself with parsing out like thread ids from the message to find it in the storage. This this layer should kinda handle it for you. That's That's probably my understanding of 283 00:36:50.920 --> 00:36:53.390 Patrik Stas: the the in intention. Here 284 00:36:57.270 --> 00:37:02.210 George Mulhearn: is it? Is it almost just the full agent implementation? 285 00:37:02.240 --> 00:37:07.099 Patrik Stas: It's I guess it's not like agent. But 286 00:37:07.990 --> 00:37:11.140 Miroslav Kovář: Whoa. 287 00:37:12.910 --> 00:37:15.610 Miroslav Kovář: we don't, is planning something along those lines. 288 00:37:16.590 --> 00:37:20.430 Patrik Stas: I I wouldn't call it agent, because 289 00:37:22.090 --> 00:37:40.700 Patrik Stas: I think in, in, in actual agencies. Still, maybe a lot more logic than simply updating a state machine like that's like really bare minimum. When you receive a message, the bare minimum you gonna do it. It is update the state machine and see the transition goes further. 290 00:37:41.310 --> 00:37:46.940 Patrik Stas: But in practice, in in, in real agent, you might have to do like a lot more things. 291 00:37:47.080 --> 00:37:53.330 Patrik Stas: My opinion so it should be just kind of. I guess. 292 00:37:54.130 --> 00:38:01.119 Patrik Stas: A a a logic which tends to get duplicated in agents, indeed. But then 293 00:38:02.700 --> 00:38:10.339 Patrik Stas: people don't have to like Ver duplicate the kind of same issues, solving the same issue everywhere as to 294 00:38:10.520 --> 00:38:11.960 Patrik Stas: as to. 295 00:38:12.140 --> 00:38:26.300 Patrik Stas: you know, kind of inspecting the message and take thinking what message it is and where it is to W. Where? Where the State machine, W. We stayed mission to load out. 296 00:38:26.520 --> 00:38:39.089 Patrik Stas: That being said. It's I. I think it's it's kind of experimental, so we'll just see how it goes. And if it proves to be useful, and then we'll assess it further 297 00:38:40.080 --> 00:38:44.229 George Mulhearn: cool. That's that's pretty cool. Do you know, if the intention is to 298 00:38:44.340 --> 00:38:45.530 George Mulhearn: for 299 00:38:45.580 --> 00:38:52.680 George Mulhearn: us to provide both options like the role state machines, and also this higher level. 300 00:38:52.910 --> 00:38:53.910 George Mulhearn: Angela. 301 00:38:55.010 --> 00:38:58.709 Patrik Stas: sorry. Can you come again? 302 00:38:59.210 --> 00:39:05.069 George Mulhearn: Is the intention long term, if this goes through is it to 303 00:39:05.130 --> 00:39:08.870 George Mulhearn: oh, are we going to support both of these paradigms? You know the 304 00:39:08.960 --> 00:39:17.669 George Mulhearn: paradigm where the consumers dealing with State machines themselves, and all of that and also this higher level 305 00:39:17.940 --> 00:39:20.409 George Mulhearn: whether they don't have to directly deal with them. 306 00:39:20.800 --> 00:39:44.009 Patrik Stas: Yeah, I think I'm not 100% sure how that will play solve yet. I think Bogdan's ideals because th, the this processing where it does impact on, on the on on what is really like the assumption as to what people gonna be using whether they gonna be using the state machines or 307 00:39:44.010 --> 00:39:55.360 Patrik Stas: or they will just or or if 90% people would just ready to go with this processing layer, then it has impact on the like the overall design. Right? So then. 308 00:39:55.670 --> 00:39:58.360 Patrik Stas: if if 309 00:39:59.460 --> 00:40:07.190 Patrik Stas: under the assumption that people actually wants to use this processing layer. Then the state machines. Api. 310 00:40:07.330 --> 00:40:35.290 Patrik Stas: and the way to work with it can can be actually like a lot uglier, perhaps like, because you wouldn't care, maybe that it would be like very, very technical Api, or like, you would have to inject lots of stuff or something like that. But then, yeah. But if you assume that people, some people, we use the this processing layer, and some people just want to use state machines and have a more control over 311 00:40:35.710 --> 00:40:39.099 Patrik Stas: of our stuff, and they don't want to like implement. 312 00:40:39.180 --> 00:40:59.780 Patrik Stas: I know these these storage traits you have to inject to the processing layer. They want to be less constrained then, yeah, then, I think you in in that part now, we would have to make sure that the State machine design is like still somewhat user, friendly, even if not as simple as this processing layer. 313 00:40:59.790 --> 00:41:01.570 George Mulhearn: But I think, Bobby 314 00:41:03.100 --> 00:41:19.569 Patrik Stas: cool. Yeah, I agree, would you? I mean, I I know, like my introduction to this, like it was fairly poor and simplistic, I I'm sure, since since it's kind of a A. A. A book down this idea he would do better job explaining, presenting this. But 315 00:41:20.330 --> 00:41:22.730 Patrik Stas: just just kind of from what I told you. 316 00:41:23.000 --> 00:41:41.159 Patrik Stas: are we able to? E in vision like, do you think you would go with something like that? or would you want to just consume the the? You know the state machines as you as you do do today without much changes? 317 00:41:42.780 --> 00:41:44.270 George Mulhearn: it 318 00:41:44.310 --> 00:41:48.800 George Mulhearn: I need to see the full implementation. I I guess it really 319 00:41:48.930 --> 00:41:54.909 George Mulhearn: depends on how much control this implementation is taking. 320 00:41:55.250 --> 00:42:04.269 George Mulhearn: because, yeah, I I mean, personally, I don't. I don't mind the state machines, especially after the the rework 321 00:42:04.510 --> 00:42:05.940 George Mulhearn: They'll be even better. 322 00:42:06.230 --> 00:42:10.070 George Mulhearn: But I I agree that probably most consumers 323 00:42:10.290 --> 00:42:15.800 George Mulhearn: would prefer this higher level interface. Api. 324 00:42:16.060 --> 00:42:29.640 Patrik Stas: hmm, yeah, okay. So we we'll we'll see. I I guess, right now, there's not much to look at it from. Just kind of copy of the State Mission, but with some changes, apparently. Oh, yeah, there is a State mission storage here. 325 00:42:30.180 --> 00:42:33.819 there is something drafted new protocols. 326 00:42:34.440 --> 00:42:41.349 Patrik Stas: but yeah, I think it's not kinda completed, and I think it would be better if worked on makes introduction. So 327 00:42:41.420 --> 00:42:52.980 Patrik Stas: you can also, provide some informed opinion. Maybe we can have an an another set session somewhere else. So we don't have to wait for the for the next week 328 00:42:53.320 --> 00:42:59.419 Patrik Stas: just to kind of share the idea with you. And I'm very curious. What's what's your thoughts on it? 329 00:43:00.930 --> 00:43:03.360 George Mulhearn: Hmm, yeah, yeah, for sure. Pretty good. 330 00:43:05.310 --> 00:43:13.030 Patrik Stas: All right. yeah, that's being set. That's the stuff which is in the progress right now. 331 00:43:13.510 --> 00:43:33.359 Patrik Stas: we have pause. Oh, yeah, maybe one more update. So we passed a migration to an on credits as we identified essentially some like complications. And and some work we could. I? I identified some work we could actually contribute to an on credits 332 00:43:33.630 --> 00:43:37.700 Patrik Stas: prior to attempting to integrate it. 333 00:43:37.880 --> 00:43:39.660 Patrik Stas: So 334 00:43:39.720 --> 00:43:50.890 Patrik Stas: yeah, we will be joining in the upcoming weeks. We'll start joining. I'm a quizzer as I'm on credits 335 00:43:51.110 --> 00:43:53.900 Patrik Stas: for group calls on Mondays. 336 00:43:54.230 --> 00:44:01.659 Patrik Stas: and yeah, start kind of collaborating with the folks from that area. 337 00:44:01.680 --> 00:44:14.379 Patrik Stas: And then once we feel the things are kinda ready, and maybe we better understand that future of plans of on on credits, and then we'll be more comfortable 338 00:44:14.440 --> 00:44:18.669 Patrik Stas: proceeding with the credits to unknown credit. migration. 339 00:44:19.690 --> 00:44:25.899 George Mulhearn: What a do you can you say exactly what it is that needs updating or isn't ready. 340 00:44:26.140 --> 00:44:32.129 Patrik Stas: so the most challenging part actually 341 00:44:32.880 --> 00:44:38.130 Patrik Stas: is for the you. Sure 342 00:44:38.820 --> 00:44:45.539 Patrik Stas: the the, the the main difference between credits and on the right Rs is 343 00:44:45.570 --> 00:44:48.810 Patrik Stas: around. How revocation 344 00:44:49.220 --> 00:45:06.070 Patrik Stas: how we're location works. Where in in credits and like in the world. You have this revocation, Deltas, and you and they put those on the ledger, but in our own credits, for in the like generalize and on credits. 345 00:45:06.100 --> 00:45:12.050 Patrik Stas: the other ledger. Other ledgers when we are in in 346 00:45:12.130 --> 00:45:38.289 Patrik Stas: since and on credits, are striving to be ledger agnostic. The other ledgers typically don't have this like CAD or capability to store revocation deltas, like in the in the ledger, does. And so for other ledgers, the implementation typically goes just by publishing the like entire state of the Revocation list rather than just delta. 347 00:45:38.290 --> 00:45:42.859 Patrik Stas: So we just kind of put the current state of the the Revocation list. 348 00:45:43.140 --> 00:45:44.410 Patrik Stas: and 349 00:45:44.430 --> 00:45:47.860 Patrik Stas: and in order to like 350 00:45:49.990 --> 00:46:06.510 Patrik Stas: support this differences, yeah, they had to lose. Th, the things are a bit different in in on the, and it's it's a bit tricky. yeah, it it. It's challenging to to integrate that without 351 00:46:06.860 --> 00:46:11.409 Patrik Stas: forking out the stuff. And for, you know, creating alternative. 352 00:46:11.480 --> 00:46:29.420 Patrik Stas: And on credits in interface implementation. And there's also challenges that they oh, I I know what one of the challenges is also that the ledger interface is returning like in the types. But then, on 353 00:46:29.630 --> 00:46:52.789 Patrik Stas: in unknown credits, you are working with this generic, you know, and on credits, types. And so you resolve something on the ledger, but you can really pass it. It's it's a different time from different library. You cannot really pass it to the On and Credit library unless you somehow convert it and book them have done this like a kind of poc, and 354 00:46:53.340 --> 00:46:58.019 Patrik Stas: I see it. I didn't fully review it, but from his 355 00:46:58.340 --> 00:47:13.659 Patrik Stas: just from his description. you know it. It's kind of work, but he was like work around and work around. And he just he just made it the Pr. For a future reference, but not really with intention to get it much right now. 356 00:47:15.090 --> 00:47:17.319 Miroslav Kovář: Perfect. So 357 00:47:19.070 --> 00:47:26.579 Miroslav Kovář: you said you were talking about the Revocation list. how do you do having to? pass the whole Revocation list? 358 00:47:26.760 --> 00:47:28.330 Miroslav Kovář: this. 359 00:47:29.320 --> 00:47:33.929 Miroslav Kovář: it's actually not subject to to change. 360 00:47:34.470 --> 00:47:35.599 Miroslav Kovář: Or is it? 361 00:47:35.800 --> 00:47:49.040 Miroslav Kovář: Yeah, yeah, it. It's not. I mean, that's just one of the challenging points. It's a complication. But yeah, but George was, George was, I think, asking, what? What needs to be changed. So so just to be clear. 362 00:47:49.470 --> 00:48:00.869 Patrik Stas: yeah, it it's just that. Yeah, this was like challenging part, like ritual State challenging, probably, and we'll have to think about it. But in in conjunction with those other that different types and 363 00:48:01.470 --> 00:48:21.220 Patrik Stas: and stuff like that it, it was like even more difficult, and and additionally like as a as Bogd almost like kind of trying to integrate it. He found some of the Apis, you know, creates like that they could be designed better. And so we had the session with Steve and the current, and 364 00:48:21.620 --> 00:48:39.340 Patrik Stas: some other people. And we, we agree that we'll essentially start contributing to and on to make things a little bit better for the rough native, you know, consumers of the on Chris Library. So we want to do this preliminary improvements first, before we actually try to 365 00:48:39.770 --> 00:48:41.270 Patrik Stas: do the integration. 366 00:48:41.630 --> 00:48:47.379 Miroslav Kovář: Yeah, so we are yet to schedule a meeting with 367 00:48:47.730 --> 00:48:53.119 Miroslav Kovář: Andrew Whitehead and other maintainers of On which we 368 00:48:53.550 --> 00:48:54.989 plan to do 369 00:48:55.710 --> 00:49:07.290 Miroslav Kovář: correct. That was one of the outcomes of the meetings of the meeting last week. yeah. And also we kind of committed in in like for the communication 370 00:49:07.900 --> 00:49:15.879 Miroslav Kovář: that, we will get a Pr. In with some or 371 00:49:16.120 --> 00:49:17.320 Miroslav Kovář: in the mail, but 372 00:49:17.700 --> 00:49:28.099 Miroslav Kovář: we will get a Pr. And by the end of next week, approximately with it. Some suggest the changes we can then, discuss, perhaps further. 373 00:49:34.010 --> 00:49:37.299 George Mulhearn: Cool, awesome. Thanks. Thanks for explaining that. 374 00:49:37.720 --> 00:49:44.350 George Mulhearn: afj, are they using critics or non credits? 375 00:49:44.620 --> 00:49:54.919 Patrik Stas: I think the crimes. Just I think I saw something I was not listing through. Pr, I think so. I saw something on, on, on, Chris, all right. So 376 00:49:56.160 --> 00:50:02.679 Patrik Stas: I'm not sure what to say is, I think they have some implementation. But 377 00:50:03.380 --> 00:50:20.460 Patrik Stas: d given that I I I I don't really know if you'd stay just just like a total assumption here. But given the fact that they are more mobile focus, I think there's not really like, you know, issue or production use cases. So perhaps it's it's easier for them, because 378 00:50:20.750 --> 00:50:27.329 Patrik Stas: they might be able to afford. Kinda do do more breaking changes on the issue side. But I don't know. I'm just. 379 00:50:27.390 --> 00:50:30.650 Patrik Stas: I'm just totally guessing and assuming here. 380 00:50:31.420 --> 00:50:32.150 George Mulhearn: Yeah. 381 00:50:32.270 --> 00:50:33.220 yeah, cool. 382 00:50:36.580 --> 00:50:48.380 Patrik Stas: well, that that that got me thinking. I was wondering if by any chance we could. Actually, if if we if we separate out 383 00:50:49.050 --> 00:50:50.120 Patrik Stas: the 384 00:50:51.590 --> 00:50:56.330 Patrik Stas: those issue and be sure and hold her 385 00:50:56.760 --> 00:51:12.980 Patrik Stas: trade UN on credits trades, if we could perhaps actually support on them credits for a mobile, because it might be easier. But I'm I'm not sure just brainstorming thought. Maybe. 386 00:51:13.850 --> 00:51:21.900 Miroslav Kovář: Well regarding splitting the traits, I thought, that's the assumption, or or like that, that's that. That's the 387 00:51:22.540 --> 00:51:28.920 Miroslav Kovář: If we are going to keep the trace, then we, we will split them. And adjusting. 388 00:51:29.260 --> 00:51:31.899 Patrik Stas: yeah, yeah. Yeah. 389 00:51:31.940 --> 00:51:45.910 Patrik Stas: But then, yeah, that. Then we could have some features right? And you could perhaps for a pro and holder. Maybe you could opt into the anon credits version. But still there is a problem with the types, and you would have to do some sort of conversions 390 00:51:45.930 --> 00:52:00.529 Patrik Stas: to kind of make it work, and it might be. might be our awkward implementation. It it's easier to do these things in in in Javascript or or Python, when you don't have, you don't have a hard types, and Monday are just 391 00:52:00.800 --> 00:52:04.399 Patrik Stas: look the same, but there are different types. Then you have a work with it. 392 00:52:04.780 --> 00:52:07.289 George Mulhearn: Yeah, I I have done 393 00:52:07.520 --> 00:52:11.470 George Mulhearn: like the base and on credits trade the the 394 00:52:11.750 --> 00:52:13.190 George Mulhearn: the approval 395 00:52:13.390 --> 00:52:16.960 George Mulhearn: and hold the methods. 396 00:52:17.150 --> 00:52:35.460 George Mulhearn: using a non-creds. Rs, I do remember, like the annoying part of having to convert between the revocation status list and and deltas, and I sort of just copied the Afgh implementation. But. 397 00:52:35.610 --> 00:52:40.250 George Mulhearn: as you say, not the issue of parts, they probably much more difficult. 398 00:52:41.850 --> 00:52:48.339 Patrik Stas: Hmm, yeah. Yeah. So I think we'll take a little bit more time to to 399 00:52:48.360 --> 00:52:53.379 Patrik Stas: could put focus on this, for for now I'll stay with credits, and 400 00:52:53.540 --> 00:53:01.300 Patrik Stas: this is Paul Post for for now, and they're actually busy with this other other things. 401 00:53:01.680 --> 00:53:11.890 Patrik Stas: the the George, do you? Sense? like I I is there a motivation or reason for you. 402 00:53:11.980 --> 00:53:19.689 Patrik Stas: Our business needs to switch to rather than you know being on critics? Or is it rather just like 403 00:53:19.830 --> 00:53:27.219 Patrik Stas: that it feels right? Or is there like, you know, concrete reason why you want to use unknown credits? 404 00:53:28.550 --> 00:53:31.989 George Mulhearn: a a that we did it. 405 00:53:32.720 --> 00:53:36.269 George Mulhearn: I don't know. I I sort of 406 00:53:36.310 --> 00:53:45.240 George Mulhearn: took a whim that everyone was moving towards the on credits. Rs and went for using that instead. 407 00:53:45.460 --> 00:54:01.399 Patrik Stas: right? But it it actually like a a cup. I I think the main a cup I release. I know they merged recently, and like some also in a cup. By some I'm a kits integration. But 408 00:54:01.820 --> 00:54:14.209 Patrik Stas: but I believe that you're not cut by like, maybe the last release or so is actually still running critics. So it just kind of like around this time. It seems like all these frameworks 409 00:54:14.300 --> 00:54:25.980 Patrik Stas: around the summer, and now trying, switching, or trying to switch. Well, we are trying to switch on, Chris, but it's it's relatively right. I I think we are not far behind as a 410 00:54:26.000 --> 00:54:50.540 Patrik Stas: things being running, running critics and and credits. it's like, still getting like security updates and stuff, whereas Vdr tools is not so so critics is, I think, still, like, all right, so implementation. But yeah, that's something like like, midterm long term will will be moving there. And that's definitely intention and 411 00:54:50.910 --> 00:54:55.550 Patrik Stas: want to. for the the specification which is 412 00:54:55.860 --> 00:54:57.990 Patrik Stas: ledger agnostic. 413 00:54:58.380 --> 00:55:09.269 George Mulhearn: Yeah, yeah, I think I think acup is definitely the big consumer of credit. And they're sort of pushing a lot of the updates, I think. I think recently they 414 00:55:09.530 --> 00:55:13.200 George Mulhearn: put the effort to get rid of So 415 00:55:13.620 --> 00:55:15.080 George Mulhearn: And 416 00:55:15.430 --> 00:55:22.259 George Mulhearn: I I think they've done it already, and moved to the like the stand alone. So, cl signatures. 417 00:55:22.300 --> 00:55:42.319 Patrik Stas: yeah, yeah. So that's with the new credits for these. I actually, we should probably oh, it's it's actually a a I guess, some a to do work we should do rather sooner than later. we should update the credits version to the latest release which contains some some updates, I think that's 0 for but 418 00:55:42.820 --> 00:55:45.500 Patrik Stas: a 0 for or is it 1 point? All? 419 00:55:45.700 --> 00:55:58.010 Patrik Stas: I'm not sure. But it shouldn't be, too I, as as far as I know it, on the rust level there is not really a breaking changes. I think so. It it should be rather smooth. 420 00:55:58.400 --> 00:56:12.180 George Mulhearn: Oh, yeah, yeah, that's a that might that might resolve a lot of dependency issues with. Oh, yeah, because it was taken. Ursa, right? And now it doesn't. And also have lots of blood in it kind of 421 00:56:12.420 --> 00:56:15.179 George Mulhearn: yeah, okay, this might be really good 422 00:56:15.320 --> 00:56:29.130 Patrik Stas: hmm, yeah, yeah that's right and I think also, once we frame all the Vdr tools, get rid of the 0 and queue there again. The the some of these dependency issues can be again mitigated and and solved. 423 00:56:29.290 --> 00:56:31.410 George Mulhearn: Hmm. sure. 424 00:56:31.950 --> 00:56:49.950 Patrik Stas: all right. yeah. So that's that's that's it. No, just C yard tools to critics. All the migration. Yeah, this is currently pause due to the Ci build issues. But it's being worked on upcoming work state pattern. Yep, that's like, 425 00:56:50.320 --> 00:56:54.540 Patrik Stas: it's a, it's a long story kind of 426 00:56:54.840 --> 00:56:56.610 Patrik Stas: issue. 427 00:56:57.630 --> 00:57:03.700 Patrik Stas: And well, yeah, we are. It's not really upcoming. It is upcoming. At the same time we are working on it 428 00:57:03.750 --> 00:57:16.149 Patrik Stas: And in in conjunction now with this processing layer, which may like shuffle things around, let's see, we we should have a a a call, all of us together with with. 429 00:57:16.180 --> 00:57:20.240 Patrik Stas: and then the Cli Demo! 430 00:57:20.750 --> 00:57:37.349 Patrik Stas: That's I guess that's like open task for anyone in the world to pick up. I I was actually thinking, you know, if you it, it can actually be like a interesting task for you, or maybe even for stop now, I guess. 431 00:57:37.500 --> 00:57:44.170 Patrik Stas: to to kind of see? See how 432 00:57:45.100 --> 00:58:05.930 Patrik Stas: how to use every Vcx, basically, the the the idea here we want to do is implement this simple demo where you' when you run to, you know in Cli you run 2 windows, one the windows starts like Ellis. We will call her Ellis agent, and then a favor agent. 433 00:58:06.160 --> 00:58:07.530 Patrik Stas: and then 434 00:58:07.840 --> 00:58:22.120 Patrik Stas: they established didconnection together, you know, using the the connection State machine which you'll be actually using and just exchange some message and perhaps then integrate more protocols. But but 435 00:58:22.660 --> 00:58:27.910 Patrik Stas: yeah, it's it's it's kinda open task for for for anyone. 436 00:58:28.160 --> 00:58:39.429 Patrik Stas: So if if you would like to pick it up. Maybe after you gain a little bit of experience with as in in the future, then you can feel free to actually take it, if you'd like to. 437 00:58:41.170 --> 00:58:54.990 Patrik Stas: okay? yeah. I'll, i'll provide more input and you know, don't don't feel, any pressure, it's not like, you need to do it, and just out there for anyone, including you or or swap me or 438 00:58:55.020 --> 00:58:56.200 Patrik Stas: anyone else 439 00:58:56.860 --> 00:58:57.910 Naian: of 440 00:58:58.630 --> 00:59:03.220 Patrik Stas: yeah. And that's I guess it. We didn't have any more topics. We took 441 00:59:03.260 --> 00:59:09.500 Patrik Stas: the whole hour for this meeting, actually. So I I didn't expect we would, but we did. 442 00:59:09.670 --> 00:59:11.440 Patrik Stas: so 443 00:59:11.910 --> 00:59:16.610 Patrik Stas: thank you. Thank you all for joining, and have a great rest of the week. 444 00:59:18.060 --> 00:59:21.699 Miroslav Kovář: So you, too, you, too, bye, bye. 445 00:59:22.770 --> 00:59:23.740 Naian: good day.