WEBVTT 1 00:02:27.560 --> 00:02:28.780 Bogdan Mircea: Hello, everyone. 2 00:02:29.490 --> 00:02:31.170 Patrik Stas: Hi! Hi! Hi! 3 00:02:32.260 --> 00:02:33.100 All right. 4 00:02:59.990 --> 00:03:01.090 Patrik Stas: And then. 5 00:03:03.610 --> 00:03:04.539 Naian: Hi. 6 00:03:06.840 --> 00:03:09.159 good! That link. 7 00:03:09.950 --> 00:03:12.680 Patrik Stas: Hey? Yeah. Good. Good good morning. 8 00:03:12.860 --> 00:03:14.750 Naian: Yes. 9 00:03:18.460 --> 00:03:27.970 Patrik Stas: all right, I guess. Let's start. Let's see if anybody else connects all we are kind of kicking it off. 10 00:03:28.800 --> 00:03:33.870 Patrik Stas: So I share my screen. I like just a second. 11 00:03:33.970 --> 00:03:40.130 Patrik Stas: Just need to do a little set up for my screen sharing. 12 00:04:01.910 --> 00:04:04.020 Patrik Stas: One more moment, please. 13 00:04:17.470 --> 00:04:20.250 Patrik Stas: Okay, almost there. 14 00:04:49.320 --> 00:04:58.640 Patrik Stas: All right. So I'll come to July thirteenth, 2,023 carries v, 6 in the call and 15 00:04:58.700 --> 00:05:02.939 Patrik Stas: Hyper Ledger, and the trust policy notice is in effect. 16 00:05:04.950 --> 00:05:09.379 Patrik Stas: and let's get right into it. So 17 00:05:11.520 --> 00:05:21.610 Patrik Stas: yeah, there's no introductions today. We all are familiar with each other. no. A new members today. 18 00:05:21.700 --> 00:05:25.370 Patrik Stas: so we can skip desktop. 19 00:05:25.430 --> 00:05:34.910 Patrik Stas: I'm just going to the mentorship update. So since the I think we we had the one skip meeting last week. 20 00:05:35.560 --> 00:05:43.800 Patrik Stas: I think just before that we have completed this project plans for our what is this? 21 00:05:43.890 --> 00:05:46.639 Patrik Stas: Okay, this is a wrong link. 22 00:05:47.910 --> 00:05:53.240 Patrik Stas: This is. that's what I wanted to put here. 23 00:05:54.110 --> 00:05:59.230 Patrik Stas: let me fix that real quick. 24 00:06:05.030 --> 00:06:07.660 Patrik Stas: Is this 25 00:06:08.060 --> 00:06:13.610 Patrik Stas: go wrong? Oh, that's good. and the lights is trapped. 26 00:06:19.900 --> 00:06:24.270 Patrik Stas: That's strange. Okay, either way, I'll fix it later. 27 00:06:24.650 --> 00:06:26.359 Patrik Stas: It works in my browser. 28 00:06:26.540 --> 00:06:43.300 Patrik Stas: So we have a project plans for the mediator and for the mobile wrapper we have, like a nice checklist here of the stuff. So we just been done. So we can like, what's the progress kind of live as things are progressing. 29 00:06:43.510 --> 00:06:51.589 Patrik Stas: yeah. And we have, also the same kind of a plan for 30 00:06:52.420 --> 00:06:55.360 Patrik Stas: for the 5 ever. 31 00:06:55.880 --> 00:07:06.449 Patrik Stas: we have only 9 on the call today, and then we like to give some kind of a update on the, on the, on the mediator 32 00:07:06.710 --> 00:07:07.680 Patrik Stas: project. 33 00:07:18.830 --> 00:07:28.759 Patrik Stas: If if you have something, it's it's fine. If if if you don't. If you don't feel ready it it's fine. But if you have something to share, how, how, how things are going? You can. 34 00:07:28.890 --> 00:07:30.309 Naian: You can do that. 35 00:07:31.260 --> 00:07:33.260 Yes, I can give you a quick update. 36 00:07:33.580 --> 00:07:37.330 Naian: so as you can see in the 37 00:07:37.520 --> 00:07:40.319 Naian: the project plan on the website. 38 00:07:40.400 --> 00:07:43.220 Naian: So when you just 39 00:07:43.390 --> 00:07:44.050 Naian: yes. 40 00:07:46.160 --> 00:07:47.080 Naian: so 41 00:07:47.300 --> 00:07:56.760 Naian: we'd started on the Http server finally finalized on accent framework. You have done the research and selected by name. 42 00:07:56.940 --> 00:08:00.470 Naian: and we have not started the coding, but 43 00:08:00.810 --> 00:08:02.980 Naian: so 44 00:08:04.290 --> 00:08:08.490 Naian: initially I've been doing a skeleton 45 00:08:09.690 --> 00:08:14.479 Naian: service, and that's been doing nicely 46 00:08:14.900 --> 00:08:24.849 Naian: Ci, and everything also is being put into place. I haven't been to project that. But 47 00:08:25.330 --> 00:08:32.130 Naian: yes. So you've got Ci on there. We got implementation of an E to the test. 48 00:08:32.330 --> 00:08:33.360 Naian: and 49 00:08:33.650 --> 00:08:36.510 Naian: like just included logging. 50 00:08:36.940 --> 00:08:49.530 Naian: So yes, the basic structure is taking form. Now this case, I will be studying the pick up protocol and about using database to store our messages. 51 00:08:49.710 --> 00:08:52.759 Naian: So that's what we'll be doing this week. 52 00:08:52.880 --> 00:08:53.630 This is 53 00:08:53.890 --> 00:08:55.350 Naian: so I'm thinking. 54 00:08:56.550 --> 00:09:08.660 Naian: yeah, taking stock of all the protocols and the details and trying to formalize a structure for how to save them in the database. And stuff like that. 55 00:09:09.060 --> 00:09:11.179 Naian: Yeah, so that's the 56 00:09:11.400 --> 00:09:13.570 Naian: stuff that playing on my top 57 00:09:13.650 --> 00:09:19.010 Naian: formalizing the data structures. And the rough sketch of what 58 00:09:21.670 --> 00:09:23.110 Naian: you need to. 59 00:09:24.440 --> 00:09:28.399 Patrik Stas: Right? Yeah, that that sounds sounds like a plan. 60 00:09:28.440 --> 00:09:37.620 Patrik Stas: yeah. So thank you for for update. is there a repo? Where where you are pushing the comments where we can have a look? 61 00:09:38.430 --> 00:09:42.669 Naian: Getcha? 62 00:09:54.550 --> 00:09:59.569 Patrik Stas: yeah. So you can just post it and chat, and I'll 63 00:09:59.580 --> 00:10:07.839 Patrik Stas: oh, we we can have a Oh, yeah, awesome. 64 00:10:08.050 --> 00:10:14.929 Naian: It has just the basics like this is not going to be the mutation. 65 00:10:15.210 --> 00:10:19.699 Naian: the. 66 00:10:19.780 --> 00:10:23.649 Naian: So how do we? 67 00:10:23.740 --> 00:10:26.890 Naian: This doing the basics here? 68 00:10:27.460 --> 00:10:29.670 Patrik Stas: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? 69 00:10:30.070 --> 00:10:32.950 Patrik Stas: Okay, okay, cool. 70 00:10:33.130 --> 00:10:47.690 Patrik Stas: right? So let's go further. I s about the we. We don't have a socknowled here, but I I neither, George today, but I did see that there is a 71 00:10:48.090 --> 00:10:53.840 Patrik Stas: but there is, some of the progress, and there is a pr 72 00:10:54.560 --> 00:11:03.809 Naian: in this flies unified demo. And so it's quite a for the chunk of code, apparently. 73 00:11:04.300 --> 00:11:17.280 Patrik Stas: so this is in progress. I'll have a look at it later, and see, maybe from the fault. Now, how? How is this? How? Some some sort of update? W. What's the state of? 74 00:11:17.570 --> 00:11:19.209 Patrik Stas: Oh, this right now? 75 00:11:19.580 --> 00:11:23.219 Patrik Stas: I think. 76 00:11:24.330 --> 00:11:25.500 Patrik Stas: I think 77 00:11:25.780 --> 00:11:38.279 Patrik Stas: George left a message. about me missing this to this meeting. No, updates are the done only to review the even if I have both script as A, so I guess a little about the Pr. 78 00:11:38.280 --> 00:11:55.789 Patrik Stas: All right. then next up the kind of overview of the work done. So we've completed in the past 2 weeks migration from Vdr tools to credits migrating the wallet. We already have the like 79 00:11:56.550 --> 00:12:02.520 Patrik Stas: code support and the the integration support for a credit library for a while. 80 00:12:02.560 --> 00:12:13.029 Patrik Stas: At the same time we also did Some changes to to be able to run it with 81 00:12:13.190 --> 00:12:20.690 Patrik Stas: credits and on credits. And and in the Vdr ledger client 82 00:12:20.750 --> 00:12:30.130 Patrik Stas: there's a Pr. Still open with this failing some one random test. it's it's very close to completion 83 00:12:30.270 --> 00:12:34.490 Patrik Stas: that. So hence I just I just bullied here. 84 00:12:35.700 --> 00:12:40.469 Patrik Stas: Then we had the yeah UN. If 5 wrapper we covered that 85 00:12:40.950 --> 00:12:53.740 Patrik Stas: we have underview Pr. From from Baghdad about adding support for migration from O. J's. So this is yet to be reviewed. Looks pretty simple 86 00:12:54.230 --> 00:13:06.129 Patrik Stas: And then we had a messages. Great fix. I don't exactly know what this was about, Bogan. Can you shit some light what this fix was about? 87 00:13:06.280 --> 00:13:21.770 Bogdan Mircea: Yeah. So in like. In short, it was about updating, bumping the survey dependencies and the fact that some internal since they changed and that was messing up the message. This realization. 88 00:13:22.030 --> 00:13:30.640 Bogdan Mircea: So this not only takes care of that, but it actually simplifies the Aries message. This realization, so that 89 00:13:30.880 --> 00:13:33.579 Bogdan Mircea: relies on less internal stuff on Saturday. 90 00:13:33.900 --> 00:13:39.789 Bogdan Mircea: so that should essentially lead to less breakage in the future. 91 00:13:39.930 --> 00:13:49.859 Bogdan Mircea: I actually, I'm not expecting this to be happening ever again. The only things that are now internal and use from Sur. They are the buffer 92 00:13:49.880 --> 00:13:51.770 Bogdan Mircea: type, the content 93 00:13:52.090 --> 00:13:57.540 Bogdan Mircea: and the content this realizer. So 94 00:13:58.440 --> 00:14:02.930 Bogdan Mircea: these are pretty much there to stay. there's actually. 95 00:14:04.540 --> 00:14:18.600 Bogdan Mircea: and I don't even know how to new. But there are. It is being planned to basically expose this as public Api at some point or rather to allow implementations of these realize to provide their own buffer types. But that. 96 00:14:18.790 --> 00:14:24.620 Bogdan Mircea: apparently is depending on the default associated types 97 00:14:24.790 --> 00:14:27.860 Bogdan Mircea: which are still unstable. 98 00:14:28.220 --> 00:14:36.010 Bogdan Mircea: yeah. So I honestly don't expect this to be happening anytime soon. So here, what changed is that tag? 99 00:14:36.260 --> 00:14:51.090 Bogdan Mircea: What's it called tech content visitor and the other stuff that was being used there regarding that. and we no longer rely on that. So that should be. That should be fine, if by any 100 00:14:51.140 --> 00:14:58.880 Bogdan Mircea: I know, for any reason. We're still going to have problems in the upcoming future, maybe in the near future, especially then 101 00:14:58.990 --> 00:15:02.680 Bogdan Mircea: I guess we can change it and just rely on public stuff. 102 00:15:02.990 --> 00:15:06.820 Bogdan Mircea: even though it would be a bit sad but 103 00:15:06.940 --> 00:15:08.110 Bogdan Mircea: nonetheless. 104 00:15:09.340 --> 00:15:14.550 Patrik Stas: Right? Yeah. And maybe for for people that are not up to speed. Regarding what 105 00:15:14.630 --> 00:15:29.949 Bogdan Mircea: what this is about is basically just our makeshift implementation of of a tagged enum, because that's what the messages are. And this allows us to basically this realize like further, this realize 106 00:15:30.050 --> 00:15:40.319 Bogdan Mircea: into a specific message type based on the on the message structure message data type, let's say, based on the message type, field itself. 107 00:15:40.570 --> 00:15:43.809 Bogdan Mircea: which would have otherwise been 108 00:15:43.930 --> 00:15:48.200 Bogdan Mircea: convoluted or annoying or complex. 109 00:15:49.910 --> 00:16:00.310 Patrik Stas: right cool, cool, cool, and I think that that kind of explains it. I remember when we talk about, I mean, I I remember when we kinda 110 00:16:00.520 --> 00:16:12.920 Patrik Stas: this this look a bit mysterious at the time of merging the Pr. And where they were from concerns that the the the the IP changes. So it actually happened. But it's good that we 111 00:16:13.060 --> 00:16:21.329 Patrik Stas: I mean, as you explain it, it it should be a right. I mean, it's not no big even now. We it's solved. It always is. 112 00:16:21.700 --> 00:16:30.829 Bogdan Mircea: Yeah, so pretty. It was mimicking the the the right implementation that certainly provides for types when you, because that's where the inspiration came from. 113 00:16:30.890 --> 00:16:37.349 Bogdan Mircea: And it was indicating that more closely which it doesn't do anymore. It's more custom made, let's say. 114 00:16:38.180 --> 00:16:40.970 Bogdan Mircea: or they alert for our use. Case. 115 00:16:41.960 --> 00:17:04.220 Patrik Stas: I see. I see. Thank you. yeah. By the way, it's it's we have. We got a June? The call welcome to just maybe. I I'll I'll all just stop for a second this. Obviously, would you like to add anything on the agenda, you know, if you have anything particular 116 00:17:04.240 --> 00:17:08.420 Patrik Stas: you, you you came here to discuss, or something like that. 117 00:17:09.819 --> 00:17:18.009 Abhishek D: Yeah, well, hello, everyone. Yeah. So I'm just trying the I I use the most of the Cx. And 118 00:17:18.339 --> 00:17:31.979 Abhishek D: I install the latest framework as well, and it's setting the head of my subscript so I don't mind. Means yeah, Patrick, has helped me in various to understand various fundamentals and concept. So 119 00:17:32.350 --> 00:17:50.029 Abhishek D: I think by the next week I will be able to contribute to you guys as well. So for now why, I'm just trying the basics as Demo. And once I will, I will be able to hit all their functions and matters properly, and then I will try to update the repository as well for the latest code or anything. 120 00:17:50.350 --> 00:17:59.420 Abhishek D: So that's my plan at the moment. And thank you. for helping me out. 121 00:18:01.720 --> 00:18:22.580 Patrik Stas: Okay, so I I I see, are you coming from? So I'll just put here in in in case you would have, you know, if we have like a time left, and I think we would. We can like further, and maybe, you know, talk like talk a bit about we sa, or whatever it comes to your mind if you have some 122 00:18:22.600 --> 00:18:28.550 Patrik Stas: questions or anything. So I'll just put you in like V, 6. 123 00:18:28.980 --> 00:18:31.130 Patrik Stas: Discussion. 124 00:18:31.400 --> 00:18:35.590 Patrik Stas: all right. 125 00:18:37.080 --> 00:18:38.810 Patrik Stas: I just put it there 126 00:18:40.170 --> 00:18:54.199 Patrik Stas: and let's let's continue in the in our agenda. So we covered this one, and then well, it's pretty brief, I think. so instead of in progress. I think 127 00:18:54.260 --> 00:19:10.670 Patrik Stas: it's for the clear what we are busy with. So so we have kind of a research about the credits to on credits. Rs migration right now on going by book them. And then we have the exchange staff. 128 00:19:10.870 --> 00:19:21.260 Patrik Stas: also say like research, because it's like, pioneering kind of a new approach for the State mission implementation 129 00:19:21.430 --> 00:19:23.279 Patrik Stas: from from mirror. 130 00:19:23.400 --> 00:19:35.609 Patrik Stas: So maybe. Let's let's talk about it. The first one if you could kind of give an update. But public update on this, on this, on this 131 00:19:35.710 --> 00:19:38.239 Patrik Stas: progress book down? 132 00:19:41.050 --> 00:19:43.560 Bogdan Mircea: an update. 133 00:19:44.480 --> 00:19:45.530 Patrik Stas: Yeah. Well. 134 00:19:46.880 --> 00:19:49.150 Bogdan Mircea: yeah, basically, just 135 00:19:49.430 --> 00:19:52.890 Bogdan Mircea: trying to accommodate that. Essentially. 136 00:19:54.010 --> 00:20:05.109 Bogdan Mircea: let's say that our infrastructure was mainly built around Indie and on on credits, tries to be where aims to be, I guess ledger agnostic, and that poses some problems in terms of implementation. 137 00:20:05.330 --> 00:20:16.179 Bogdan Mircea: that's that's pretty much it still working on retrofitting it, but not retrofitting. But I don't know just just fitting it into our 138 00:20:16.260 --> 00:20:18.310 Bogdan Mircea: our current 139 00:20:18.350 --> 00:20:21.560 Bogdan Mircea: Api. and 140 00:20:21.830 --> 00:20:28.029 Bogdan Mircea: still struggling with that from from some aspects, particularly, the revocation is something that 141 00:20:28.270 --> 00:20:33.729 Bogdan Mircea: and everything related to that is something that's let's say, drastically changed. 142 00:20:34.430 --> 00:20:38.839 Bogdan Mircea: yeah. So 143 00:20:38.920 --> 00:20:43.050 Bogdan Mircea: not really much of an update, really. Just I don't 144 00:20:43.150 --> 00:20:46.389 Bogdan Mircea: trying to to figure it all out. 145 00:20:46.930 --> 00:20:59.409 Patrik Stas: Yeah, maybe just I mean, I'm kinda repeating myself, maybe from like other calls, or even like private calls. But but if if things get tricky, I think we we always have the option to. 146 00:21:00.060 --> 00:21:06.150 Patrik Stas: I think kinda keep old Api kind of 147 00:21:08.290 --> 00:21:11.829 Patrik Stas: well, just try to go with it. 148 00:21:12.090 --> 00:21:18.739 Patrik Stas: Approach that. We wouldn't try to preserve 149 00:21:20.040 --> 00:21:21.630 Patrik Stas: issuance 150 00:21:21.970 --> 00:21:33.450 Patrik Stas: of the old, based on all credential definitions, pose migration. And but I guess we would need to keep the okay. And that's the tricky part. Actually. 151 00:21:33.950 --> 00:21:35.870 Bogdan Mircea: alright. 152 00:21:36.200 --> 00:21:40.150 Bogdan Mircea: Yeah, I mean, bottom line is that 153 00:21:40.300 --> 00:21:54.450 Bogdan Mircea: we could sort of this regard what we have right now and start from scratch. But that means we cannot really properly test it where I mean, we can, but that would involve, like a lot of work in in its own right, whereas if we manage to 154 00:21:54.560 --> 00:22:07.499 Bogdan Mircea: implement it into our current infrastructure, we would be able to reuse all the tests and everything that's already in place. especially from a migration standpoint and ensure that things keep on working. 155 00:22:08.310 --> 00:22:12.600 Bogdan Mircea: so yeah, it's it's really 156 00:22:12.940 --> 00:22:22.469 Bogdan Mircea: I don't know chicken and that kind of problem. You either do it separately, but then you cannot really test properly, or you try to make it 157 00:22:22.600 --> 00:22:28.369 Bogdan Mircea: and force it into our infrastructure, which is really painful. But we 158 00:22:28.460 --> 00:22:32.780 Bogdan Mircea: then you at least get to be able to test it properly, and 159 00:22:33.640 --> 00:22:54.470 Bogdan Mircea: maybe as well worth mentioning is that the overall plan is, if the like, when this is ultimately done and it works, and we have tested it thoroughly. we can pretty much drop the credits and Vdr tools implementation. So this will be the only one because it relies on the actual on on credits. V, one specification. So 160 00:22:54.650 --> 00:22:58.019 Bogdan Mircea: that's supposed to be universal, at least. 161 00:22:58.210 --> 00:23:07.769 Bogdan Mircea: So then, this won't be a problem anymore. It's just a matter of really this this transitioning that we want to be careful about. 162 00:23:08.920 --> 00:23:11.980 Bogdan Mircea: and that's posing problems as well. 163 00:23:12.730 --> 00:23:13.700 Patrik Stas: No. 164 00:23:15.600 --> 00:23:27.360 Patrik Stas: alright. Well, we'll see. I'll see how things go. how how things flesh out after a week. I guess maybe I'll have some clear idea picture 165 00:23:27.850 --> 00:23:46.289 Patrik Stas: next of the did exchange protocol. I I know that you are also like facing various challenges, and you identified some, some possibly like preliminary like work which which could be done. So. 166 00:23:46.930 --> 00:23:57.149 Patrik Stas: okay, can you? can you do some sort of like update, or, you know, share your thoughts on on things to be done, maybe ahead of the exchange itself? 167 00:23:57.680 --> 00:23:58.580 Miroslav Kovář: Hmm! 168 00:24:00.970 --> 00:24:05.730 Miroslav Kovář: Well, the update. there is a very 169 00:24:06.860 --> 00:24:11.769 Miroslav Kovář: grouped I can complete heckey and 170 00:24:11.970 --> 00:24:24.000 Miroslav Kovář: very, very bad implementation of if you can call it that ready right now, and I'm trying to get a very basic end to end this passing, to have to have at least something. 171 00:24:24.220 --> 00:24:25.380 Miroslav Kovář: But. 172 00:24:25.680 --> 00:24:36.249 Miroslav Kovář: as you know, there is, still, as you say, there's still a huge list of to lose we need to get to before we reach any kind of 173 00:24:36.830 --> 00:24:40.919 Miroslav Kovář: acceptable level of implementation. 174 00:24:41.330 --> 00:24:44.539 Miroslav Kovář: and so like what has been done so far. 175 00:24:45.470 --> 00:24:47.810 Miroslav Kovář: I was mainly 176 00:24:48.090 --> 00:24:56.300 Miroslav Kovář: kind of to to the discovery, I would say. rather than reaching some kind of 177 00:24:56.670 --> 00:25:02.310 Miroslav Kovář: the robust or even usable implementation, I guess. So 178 00:25:02.670 --> 00:25:07.419 Miroslav Kovář: I I have those 2 prioritized. And 179 00:25:07.840 --> 00:25:16.579 Miroslav Kovář: and I will just be going through them one by one when I'm done with the test. 180 00:25:21.380 --> 00:25:31.120 Miroslav Kovář: I guess, like there is. No, there is no need to like. Go through these 2 roofs right now, like the there are. Some are, some are smaller. 181 00:25:31.240 --> 00:25:34.410 Miroslav Kovář: so most of them is just 182 00:25:34.770 --> 00:25:35.450 got it 183 00:25:38.800 --> 00:25:42.880 Miroslav Kovář: like they are not particularly difficult. They are just. There is just a lot of them. 184 00:25:42.920 --> 00:25:47.440 Miroslav Kovář: So there is like no block, or except there is a lot of 185 00:25:47.830 --> 00:25:48.900 Oh, it's 186 00:25:49.120 --> 00:25:53.880 Patrik Stas: it's that that's kind of better, I guess, case on. 187 00:25:55.310 --> 00:26:09.849 Patrik Stas: although there is lots of at least we know what to do, being clue less about it. And also everyone be aware that like mirror is overly pretty self-critical. So I'm sure that implementation is not as 188 00:26:09.870 --> 00:26:13.769 Miroslav Kovář: bad. And hacky. 189 00:26:15.950 --> 00:26:23.869 Patrik Stas: all right. yeah. So I guess after we have this. this will be kind of 190 00:26:25.310 --> 00:26:33.020 Patrik Stas: kind of canonical like example, implementation for the for the next 191 00:26:33.110 --> 00:26:35.399 Patrik Stas: next next 192 00:26:35.660 --> 00:26:57.319 Patrik Stas: state machine implementation. So it's good to have a high bar. And and this will also enable us like a much better testing And then we have one more item in progress. from George. And thing. That kind of relates. Basically, it's kind of a simple mediature 193 00:26:57.490 --> 00:27:11.610 Patrik Stas: like, extremely simple mediator, really, just like a message queue, or like message store, or something like that, with just a few endpoint and points. I think this is mainly to 194 00:27:11.820 --> 00:27:14.690 Patrik Stas: to help out 195 00:27:15.010 --> 00:27:19.830 Patrik Stas: soft now to 196 00:27:20.870 --> 00:27:36.950 Patrik Stas: sh shield him all from a complexities of the message in a full ball message. Mediation. So just kind of very simple a a message story could use. And also, I think George wants to use this in a kind of a least favor. Demo 197 00:27:37.210 --> 00:27:51.229 Patrik Stas: showcasing how how a is this is can be used. So yeah, this is, this is, this is in progress. I don't know how far off. But 198 00:27:51.270 --> 00:27:59.600 Patrik Stas: I don't expect to be this like too complex. So it might be that it is almost close to completion. As it is, I think. 199 00:28:00.050 --> 00:28:03.909 Patrik Stas: and what else? 200 00:28:05.010 --> 00:28:08.460 Patrik Stas: That's kind of it, I suppose. 201 00:28:09.100 --> 00:28:25.150 Patrik Stas: let me check out. Pull requests which are open, if there's anything I have possibly missed, and so you need 5 from swap. Now a migration. This is mine, just to be fixed the last test. There 202 00:28:25.290 --> 00:28:39.260 Patrik Stas: we have the the relay for testing. and then some some older pr. most of them stuck for a reason for one, for one week or another. 203 00:28:39.900 --> 00:28:43.700 Patrik Stas: I don't think these are going to be March in time soon. 204 00:28:44.320 --> 00:28:49.320 Patrik Stas: yeah. So I guess that that's it. 205 00:28:49.990 --> 00:28:54.290 Patrik Stas: upcoming work. Basically, it's 206 00:28:54.610 --> 00:29:00.479 Patrik Stas: the exchange. And I guess one more important like, item. 207 00:29:00.720 --> 00:29:03.949 Patrik Stas: I'll be the it back then update 208 00:29:04.160 --> 00:29:12.690 Patrik Stas: mirror. Is this something you are planning to do in the end of before before the did exchange? Or 209 00:29:13.600 --> 00:29:17.749 Patrik Stas: what's your thoughts on doing the 210 00:29:18.250 --> 00:29:27.290 Miroslav Kovář: it would be like the best way to to verify that it works for an end the the the additional implementation 211 00:29:27.630 --> 00:29:40.139 Miroslav Kovář: to update the back channel and try try it on audio exchange tests against other other frameworks. Yeah, that' be definitely great Co confidence confirmation. 212 00:29:40.430 --> 00:29:46.980 Miroslav Kovář: But I I guess after we have our own local test. Right? There will be maybe the reasonable next step. 213 00:29:48.150 --> 00:30:04.359 Patrik Stas: Alright sounds sounds good. So that's kind of brings us to the end. now, we can have like time to spare, so I'll be sure if you have anything you know you would like to, or anyone actually, also, Nyam or I'll be shake or anyone else 214 00:30:04.960 --> 00:30:13.790 Patrik Stas: we can. We can spend it for some time. So maybe before we go into here. 215 00:30:14.050 --> 00:30:19.600 Patrik Stas: does anyone else have any any kind of a topic or thing you would like to discuss together. 216 00:30:31.290 --> 00:30:35.130 Abhishek D: So so I think we can go ahead there. 217 00:30:35.530 --> 00:30:56.340 Abhishek D: Yep, okay, so well So as for your suggestion. I was looking at the references you given. My my purpose is to generate the invitation link so that I can use it in our methods. So currently, provision button is working partially working fine because I'm getting able to get use the mediator link 218 00:30:56.340 --> 00:31:17.680 Abhishek D: and also getting the response from the elite method, but later it is a few seconds. It is breaking. Maybe some background credit is breaking, which is on low priority at the moment. So, but all, all provision, but is working fine. So my next step is to test the invitation link and accept of our 219 00:31:17.830 --> 00:31:42.189 Abhishek D: for that. I need to use some fab or something to generate the acceptance. Sorry invitation, link I. We also have, means temporary server where we are generating the Vc. and the of the individual link. But maybe we have used the Python library to generate the link, so that it is not working in our demo. 220 00:31:42.190 --> 00:31:54.139 Patrik Stas: So for now I'll just stop you for a second. So now, when you are like doing this testing? Are you using that that third party, Demo? 221 00:31:55.020 --> 00:31:56.999 Patrik Stas: for the application? 222 00:31:57.550 --> 00:32:08.230 Abhishek D: Yes. So that means that the the version of v. 6 is the the version of Vcx running in that demo? It? It's probably fairly old. Right? 223 00:32:08.830 --> 00:32:09.790 Abhishek D: Okay. 224 00:32:10.400 --> 00:32:17.250 Patrik Stas: let me check that. Actually. So we have. where was it Vcx. 225 00:32:19.910 --> 00:32:25.930 Patrik Stas: And I don't know if you are linking them all from here or not. Only Vcx. 226 00:32:27.880 --> 00:32:30.520 Patrik Stas: And you are using 227 00:32:31.130 --> 00:32:33.530 Abhishek D: this one. 228 00:32:33.780 --> 00:32:36.230 Abhishek D: Yes, second one. Yes. 229 00:32:36.240 --> 00:32:48.909 Patrik Stas: I was Demo. And let me see, I can by a chance find out what's the version of v. 6. Here. some put file, maybe not? No. 230 00:32:50.020 --> 00:32:52.609 Patrik Stas: 0 42. 231 00:32:52.710 --> 00:32:55.839 Patrik Stas: That's like a very, very. I am 232 00:32:55.920 --> 00:33:03.670 Patrik Stas: bump. V, 6 to version 0 14 2. Yeah. So like, that's like, really, really old, I mean, that's like, 233 00:33:05.030 --> 00:33:18.699 Patrik Stas: Well, according to the loss, is it like at least 3 years old? So so I don't know where it it depends what you are using to generate invitations. But you know chances are that perhaps 234 00:33:18.960 --> 00:33:23.350 Patrik Stas: since this has been released. the maybe the 235 00:33:23.850 --> 00:33:39.109 Patrik Stas: the the kind of the modern invitations you might generate from some library. They they look bit different than what we work with 3 years ago. So it it might be a difficult. I I I you know 236 00:33:39.500 --> 00:33:51.530 Patrik Stas: I'm I'm not sure what would be. What is the latest version of Vcs. the latest version is 50 56. 237 00:33:51.880 --> 00:33:57.050 Patrik Stas: So that's why we have 0 56. So that's like, you know, like. 238 00:33:57.310 --> 00:34:02.179 Patrik Stas: it's almost like 40 40 releases ahead. 239 00:34:02.340 --> 00:34:05.859 Patrik Stas: Well, 3 years of time. So 240 00:34:07.330 --> 00:34:09.260 Patrik Stas: yeah, like the the 241 00:34:09.300 --> 00:34:14.639 Patrik Stas: you might try it like accepting the invitation. 242 00:34:16.070 --> 00:34:28.600 Patrik Stas: I don't know. You might get it working. After all, it was. It was like standards which didn't move so much. But it really depends, I guess, what software you are using to generate these invitations. 243 00:34:28.670 --> 00:34:41.299 Patrik Stas: But it might work or it might not, and there won't be like. There's not a reasonable like easy way to kind of support you if you run into any issues. 244 00:34:41.330 --> 00:34:55.099 Patrik Stas: So it it would be. It would be like, my, you know. Maybe you will. Definitely. It's it's longer road. And then maybe, you know, you run into different challenges. But at the same time much more straightforward. 245 00:34:55.100 --> 00:35:18.829 Patrik Stas: If you rather try to update the V 6 version to to the latest, and then you'll run into like issue off. Some function, maybe doesn't exist, and the Api is a little bit different, you'll have to fix thing or 2, but then, once you reach the point that you are trying to exit the invitations. Then it will be much more, you know, easier to argue about, or the back, or try to figure out what what is wrong? Because 246 00:35:18.870 --> 00:35:25.249 Patrik Stas: is the latest. And it's working with like A or these like other issues to other frameworks. 247 00:35:25.790 --> 00:35:36.350 Patrik Stas: So I I would recommend to primarily try to update the V 6 version first. Now, it'll be easier to, you know, to kind of agree about. 248 00:35:37.150 --> 00:35:38.440 okay, yeah. 249 00:35:41.320 --> 00:35:55.579 Abhishek D: yes, perfect. So yeah, I already download the latest? yeah, let's say, framework already. And installed in that separate poc, so I'm trying to implement it. But first of all. I yeah, understanding every method. 250 00:35:55.630 --> 00:36:10.499 Abhishek D: So that's where I'm at the. So can you guide me in a in a second position like how to generate the invitation like if if I will be able to run the new S ex. If I work in a 251 00:36:11.460 --> 00:36:14.350 Patrik Stas: I guess 252 00:36:14.940 --> 00:36:22.450 Patrik Stas: one way it would be you could use the V 6 framework itself to, you know, to kind of 253 00:36:22.990 --> 00:36:33.730 Patrik Stas: build kind of a server application for like generating invites and accepting connections kind of like ser server, side agent 254 00:36:33.980 --> 00:36:39.980 Patrik Stas: or maybe easier. I can just a a different type of challenges 255 00:36:40.390 --> 00:36:48.230 Patrik Stas: you. You can just run you other option will be to just run Aka by the, are you familiar with a 256 00:36:48.520 --> 00:36:49.600 Abhishek D: No, no. 257 00:36:49.860 --> 00:36:55.580 Patrik Stas: So there is a this like very popular institutional. 258 00:36:59.510 --> 00:37:11.010 Patrik Stas: This is, there is this popular implementation. And it's a server side. So this is basically a service which institutions would typically run, you know, like. 259 00:37:11.020 --> 00:37:31.609 Patrik Stas: some some company. A favor would run this and generate the invitation and use this to issue credentials. You know, this is like a football like rest, Api, with the Didcom and DC. Ares capabilities. 260 00:37:31.940 --> 00:37:45.289 Patrik Stas: so we can run this, I think, in doctor, and then generate. Use the rest, Api to to create invitation and then past that invitation to your, you know. 261 00:37:45.420 --> 00:37:48.609 Patrik Stas: to your mobile application. 262 00:37:49.190 --> 00:38:00.449 Patrik Stas: and you should be able to establish connection, you know, and then, consequently, you would be able to issue credential through this Api. It would be easier than 263 00:38:00.590 --> 00:38:03.319 Patrik Stas: I guess, building your own. Sure. 264 00:38:06.600 --> 00:38:07.770 Abhishek D: Okay. 265 00:38:07.880 --> 00:38:23.620 Patrik Stas: But yeah, it's a it's like based on python. And so it can be sometimes tricky to run python stuff locally, I think. I but I think you can running in Docker, and there might be a lot more straightforward to get. Get. Get get up and running. 266 00:38:25.610 --> 00:38:29.809 Abhishek D: I'll I'll post it in a chat so we can just have a look at it. 267 00:38:35.730 --> 00:38:42.410 Abhishek D: Maybe one more thing to just kind of give you heads up about is that. 268 00:38:42.650 --> 00:38:55.159 Patrik Stas: you know we have. We are running this mentorship program now. And we have 2 Mentees. and one of them is like Bill working on the UN. If I 269 00:38:55.700 --> 00:38:57.790 Patrik Stas: are we? C. 6 wrapper 270 00:38:57.970 --> 00:39:05.120 Patrik Stas: So a. As you might be aware, we have this poc right now with a little bit of a code. There's not much we need. 271 00:39:05.180 --> 00:39:14.090 Patrik Stas: it's kind of a work in progress. And we have the this mentee kind of working further on this. 272 00:39:14.150 --> 00:39:39.820 Patrik Stas: here's a pr now. it's lots of lines at it. I haven't didn't have a chance to review it. But currently there, just just to let you know that there is, you know, work on going on this. So maybe maybe eventually, like, within a few weeks, you would have like kind of a a third option to to try to go with. You know this unifi. 273 00:39:40.980 --> 00:39:42.100 Abhishek D: Okay. 274 00:39:42.230 --> 00:39:43.110 Patrik Stas: Hmm. 275 00:39:50.680 --> 00:39:52.880 Abhishek D: okay. 276 00:39:54.630 --> 00:39:57.439 Patrik Stas: Anything else from anyone? 277 00:40:01.280 --> 00:40:06.000 Naian: the one thing. Yes. 278 00:40:10.480 --> 00:40:19.370 Naian: Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. yes. So tomorrow I have a 279 00:40:19.520 --> 00:40:23.039 Naian: like, I'm giving her to Jordan as a local workshop. 280 00:40:23.190 --> 00:40:25.609 Naian: So is it fine to 281 00:40:26.270 --> 00:40:29.010 Naian: delayed? Tomorrow's meeting to next Tuesday? 282 00:40:30.220 --> 00:40:36.099 Patrik Stas: Yeah, sure we can. If if you can, then we can shift it to next Tuesday. That's okay. 283 00:40:36.540 --> 00:40:42.900 Naian: Yes, I wanted to make it. But like the future is at exactly the same time as I said in meetings. 284 00:40:43.360 --> 00:40:52.549 Naian: yeah, it's okay. Or if you want, we can just move the time tomorrow. But if you just can't attend to them. We can do Tuesday status on date. That's okay. 285 00:40:53.270 --> 00:41:04.150 Naian: Yes, yeah. So Tuesday would be good. And I I haven't tried to get in touch with you and also about them. 286 00:41:04.190 --> 00:41:06.360 Naian: The message page. So 287 00:41:06.420 --> 00:41:09.149 Naian: yes. I'll get it that way. 288 00:41:10.060 --> 00:41:13.320 Naian: the team today it's a 289 00:41:14.020 --> 00:41:22.100 Naian: so a few things over the code and stuff. 290 00:41:22.290 --> 00:41:27.819 Naian: if possible. I'll get it done today itself rather than doing it tomorrow. 291 00:41:29.150 --> 00:41:31.080 Patrik Stas: All right, all right, that's cool. 292 00:41:35.550 --> 00:41:36.970 Naian: Yeah. 293 00:41:36.980 --> 00:41:38.570 Naian: Hmm, okay. 294 00:41:40.280 --> 00:41:51.709 Patrik Stas: all right. So I think we can wrap it up. You guys get 20 min back. So thank you for connecting and have a good week. 295 00:41:54.290 --> 00:41:57.050 Bogdan Mircea: Thank you. Have a good one. Okay. 296 00:41:57.310 --> 00:41:58.590 Miroslav Kovář: bye.