00:35:38 Becky: I missed a previous discussion on this topic. Is there a correspondence between this credential-offer and a credential on the global ledger? Is this credential-request offer being sent agent to agent? 00:36:17 Tobias Looker: @Becky yes this credential request is sent between two negotiations during the credential issuance protocol 00:36:49 Tobias Looker: Sorry * two agents negotiating during the credential issuance protocol 00:37:21 Nathan George: The Aries project proposal TODOs are done 00:37:36 Nathan George: I plan on moving it over to wiki.hyperledger.org before the end of this call 00:39:35 Kyle Den Hartog: thanks Nathan, have we completed the quarterly report for Indy as well? 00:56:23 Nathan George: The Project proposal is now found here https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Hyperledger+Aries+Proposal 01:06:40 Nathan George: Kyle, there is a quarterly report there 01:06:46 Nathan George: Lynn was on top of that 01:06:54 Nathan George: I just read it and marked my reviewed box 01:09:52 Kyle Den Hartog: +1 01:11:46 Paul Knowles: Payment receipt / Consent receipt. That seems fine to me. No clash. 01:12:07 Stephen Curran: I agree - seems like a very strong consent :-) 01:18:09 Nathan George: https://docs.python.org/3/library/uuid.html 01:18:54 Nathan George: It is important to note DIDs have some specific properties beyond UUIDs and when you start doing key management with an identifier, tying the verification key and the identifier together is very convenient 01:19:29 Stephen Curran: But that is not part of the DID Spec, right? Is it part of the Sov Method Spec? 01:19:30 Nathan George: it creates some excellent namespace management properties that allow verification and prevent id squatting (you have to mine the private key to get a particular id) 01:20:05 Stephen Curran: FYI - Andrew has created a Vanity DID miner :-) 01:20:09 Nathan George: The spec isn’t final yet…can I still hope? 01:20:42 Nathan George: There are similar miners for .onion addresses, but I want it to take work and not be the network’s fault 01:21:00 Nathan George: No “you are using my trademarked name in your DID” take-down notices 01:21:59 Kyle Den Hartog: I think I'll be renting some GPU cloud time to buy up some nice vanity DIDs 😎 01:30:00 Rouven Heck: +1 to give my thoughts :) 01:30:09 Rouven Heck: i’m less biased 01:30:11 Rouven Heck: YES 01:31:25 Nathan George: Rouven, if you haven’t reviewed the Hyperledger Aries proposal yet, we would love your feedback and if you would like to contribute any active participation (code, calls, spec, etc) invite you to be a sponsor on the proposal 01:32:07 Kyle Den Hartog: +1 01:33:03 Rouven Heck: I stopped read them all, looking for a summary :) 01:33:31 Rouven Heck: @Nathan - could you pls. share a link? 01:33:36 Rouven Heck: I did not read it yet 01:35:46 Nathan George: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HYP/Hyperledger+Aries+Proposal 01:37:47 Rouven Heck: Ah cool - thats the former 01:37:56 Rouven Heck: ‘envoy’ project? 01:38:01 Kyle Den Hartog: yup 01:38:20 Kyle Den Hartog: had to rename because LF had that name taken