WEBVTT 1 00:01:03.800 --> 00:01:04.800 George Mulhearn: Hello. 2 00:01:07.110 --> 00:01:08.140 Patrik Stas: Hi! There! 3 00:01:19.010 --> 00:01:20.439 Patrik Stas: We have a 4 00:01:21.150 --> 00:01:28.339 Patrik Stas: a hyper ledger. We can down today where it was able to describe the link for the 5 00:01:28.360 --> 00:01:33.010 Patrik Stas: Zoom Meeting he had it. 6 00:01:36.140 --> 00:01:38.919 Patrik Stas: So I I successfully connected. 7 00:01:41.160 --> 00:01:43.609 George Mulhearn: Did you say the hypothesis? 8 00:01:43.630 --> 00:01:49.940 George Mulhearn: Wiki was down, or something? Yeah, it still doesn't work. Oh, Jeeze! 9 00:01:59.620 --> 00:02:07.259 Patrik Stas: And, by the way, I see we have a a new new new new newcomer here. Hello, innocence! Autopilot! 10 00:02:16.300 --> 00:02:20.340 Patrik Stas: Let's give it that. A minute or 2 more 11 00:02:22.420 --> 00:02:23.990 Patrik Stas: we can start. 12 00:03:21.670 --> 00:03:24.290 Patrik Stas: Hello, Hi, Nan! 13 00:03:24.410 --> 00:03:30.489 Patrik Stas: I just waiting for for everybody to connect, and I'll be starting in a in a short moment. 14 00:03:31.290 --> 00:03:34.830 Naian: Okay, all right. Yes, I I wasn't hearing anything. So 15 00:03:35.500 --> 00:03:38.729 Naian: yeah, yeah, it's your first time. Right? So it's all good. 16 00:03:38.960 --> 00:03:44.599 Patrik Stas: I'll see how it how it goes. It's actually, it's a unusually 17 00:03:44.730 --> 00:03:58.089 Patrik Stas: the reach meeting in terms of People connected. I think this might be the the historical record. It's usually not that. Not not that 9 people? 18 00:03:58.980 --> 00:04:03.339 Patrik Stas: oh, yeah. And and 19 00:04:03.780 --> 00:04:10.390 Patrik Stas: and so up there is asking for a link. So we have one more person coming in here. 20 00:05:01.090 --> 00:05:02.680 Patrik Stas: Okay. 21 00:05:04.500 --> 00:05:05.880 Patrik Stas: so 22 00:05:15.080 --> 00:05:22.240 Patrik Stas: I'm just reading. What is this innocence after pilots writing to the chat? Apparently it's in bolt which is 23 00:05:24.760 --> 00:05:28.469 Patrik Stas: taking notes, and it seems like some sort of app. 24 00:05:29.480 --> 00:05:38.470 Patrik Stas: I don't think we need this. I think it's The the recordings from Hyper Ledger already automatically transcribed. So 25 00:05:38.760 --> 00:05:40.299 Patrik Stas: I'm gonna 26 00:05:41.520 --> 00:05:45.780 Patrik Stas: I'm gonna remove this this spot if it's possible. 27 00:05:48.540 --> 00:05:52.800 Patrik Stas: Alright, that's one of it's possible. So I guess we'll just have to live with that 28 00:05:53.090 --> 00:06:02.800 Patrik Stas: alright. So let's get started. I'll share my screen we don't have. Then I have the 29 00:06:09.660 --> 00:06:14.580 Patrik Stas: we don't have the Vicki working, so I'll just I. 30 00:06:25.060 --> 00:06:30.150 Patrik Stas: Oh, am I still here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm sorry for a confusion. Here. 31 00:06:30.540 --> 00:06:33.639 Patrik Stas: I confuse myself. 32 00:06:34.460 --> 00:06:38.830 Patrik Stas: there we go. Sorry. okay, okay, there we are. 33 00:06:44.060 --> 00:06:51.700 Patrik Stas: Just a second. I really call this for Messy start alright 34 00:06:59.020 --> 00:07:04.140 Patrik Stas: your screen. There we go. Okay. 35 00:07:11.070 --> 00:07:15.539 Patrik Stas: And I can get rid of this screen right here. Right now. 36 00:07:18.570 --> 00:07:19.830 Patrik Stas: what's going on? 37 00:07:21.030 --> 00:07:26.350 Patrik Stas: Yeah, we'll just move it here. Okay, so, starting 38 00:07:33.140 --> 00:07:42.459 Patrik Stas: starting with the the, I apologize for this policy notice. I'll just give it a short moment to read this. 39 00:08:02.980 --> 00:08:04.389 Patrik Stas: All right, I think 40 00:08:04.510 --> 00:08:16.089 Patrik Stas: that's good. So yeah, welcome to 29 of June 2,023, A. Z. 6. One is the call today we have offline agenda here in a in a. 41 00:08:16.120 --> 00:08:19.690 Patrik Stas: and note that so 42 00:08:20.250 --> 00:08:28.820 Patrik Stas: I see that we have some new new new faces here, and new new nicknames. I would just say 43 00:08:29.240 --> 00:08:42.490 Patrik Stas: so. if if you would like to do a short round of introductions. Just just go ahead if you would like to stay under a shade of anonymity. you can just stay quiet and 44 00:08:42.780 --> 00:08:45.110 Patrik Stas: and just just leave it. 45 00:08:46.240 --> 00:08:51.669 Patrik Stas: So if you like to introduce yourself, you can do so now, if you are connected for the first time. 46 00:08:53.980 --> 00:09:09.570 Abhishek D: Yeah, sure I'm myself, I'll be shak. And I'm representing this organization from myself. And we, I'm trying to understand the Vcx Framework development in the Us. And and so that's why I joined this call. 47 00:09:10.970 --> 00:09:12.460 Patrik Stas: Awesome. Thank you. 48 00:09:12.720 --> 00:09:14.070 Abhishek D: Thanks. Thank you. 49 00:09:26.190 --> 00:09:32.680 Patrik Stas: Okay. let's go ahead. So yeah, 50 00:09:32.830 --> 00:09:47.259 Patrik Stas: the second points. And start making discussions. Levy 6. Notice I just saw some discussions pouring out on the, on, the on, on discord about the v. 6 ios and and in jail. 51 00:09:47.520 --> 00:09:58.790 Patrik Stas: I just want to like, put it out there one more time. Kind of verbally, on this meeting. If somebody is watching on Youtube, I just wanted to make sure that it's It's like 52 00:09:58.830 --> 00:10:21.420 Patrik Stas: that that everyone involved is is aware of the status of the libv. 6 ios ios Angela, and that there are like the different recommended to ways how to how to proceed. Nevertheless, I love the discord message. Maybe I'd be shake it it it it it might be relevant for you. 53 00:10:21.420 --> 00:10:38.590 Patrik Stas: perhaps like before, we like to dive into other stuff around. Kind of a mo more mundane part of the meeting where we discuss, like the technical stuff about what we've done and where we're planning, we can. We can talk a little bit about 54 00:10:39.240 --> 00:11:00.670 Patrik Stas: would be sex, because it, it seems like that's the that's the main point of your interest right now how to how to build. I was in Java applications. So so what's your what's your I have you? Have you tried to work with the let me see X yet, or just looking around, what's your what's your kind of state, you know, status 55 00:11:00.880 --> 00:11:30.880 Abhishek D: actually, I download that the I us simple demo from your and I was able to run it in, similar in Rosetta mode. Now I'm trying to understand how to they to provide the config. So, for example, the IP address and wallet key and credentials. So I need. I'm I'm trying to understand it. How to provide the exact values or how to run the mediator in the public. I so that's where I'm at the moment. 56 00:11:31.030 --> 00:11:31.950 Patrik Stas: Right? 57 00:11:33.580 --> 00:11:41.570 Patrik Stas: Yeah. So so I I I guess you you had some of the did. Did you post any messages on the discord? 58 00:11:41.960 --> 00:11:59.329 Patrik Stas: Yes, yes. in the in. Yeah. Scroll down, down, down. Yes, I'll be there this this one. I'll be there. Oh, okay, I see. Right? So you you are using the the demo from it as a as a few years ago by, yeah, escaped telecom in in Korea. 59 00:11:59.620 --> 00:12:03.310 Patrik Stas: so so you. So we are actually successfully run this correct? 60 00:12:03.420 --> 00:12:04.230 Abhishek D: Yes. 61 00:12:04.330 --> 00:12:13.330 Patrik Stas: Oh, I see, I see. I'm not sure what the what version of Vcx is being used here. It might be 62 00:12:14.950 --> 00:12:19.490 Patrik Stas: it might be it might be kind of old, but I guess it's still possible to run this. 63 00:12:19.570 --> 00:12:32.790 Patrik Stas: But yeah, anyway, just just to just make sure that you are aware like it. Surely you can run this and and I guess, like, if you want to usually be Cx, you know, and and and build start building for now. 64 00:12:32.880 --> 00:12:35.740 Patrik Stas: ios such jam application 65 00:12:36.250 --> 00:12:46.299 Patrik Stas: on top of that. I I think this can be a good starting point, but just be where it's it's been done 3 years ago, and and since that there has been. 66 00:12:46.610 --> 00:12:58.999 Patrik Stas: I think, not terribly a lot, but some some like breaking changes in the Api. So if you then go ahead and update Vcx in this demo, I guess you would run into some some 67 00:12:59.580 --> 00:13:02.969 Patrik Stas: instances where 68 00:13:03.160 --> 00:13:11.660 Patrik Stas: some, some, some some issues where you would have to like to the Apis and kind of. Just update the stuff to to, to to the latest version. 69 00:13:12.970 --> 00:13:13.940 Abhishek D: Yeah, okay. 70 00:13:14.670 --> 00:13:31.289 Patrik Stas: And what's your, what's your thoughts on the UN? If I if you if you have any, or you, if you have time to kind of consider it, because basically, you know the the approach you recommend as we stay on. The 71 00:13:31.640 --> 00:13:34.069 Patrik Stas: on the main main page 72 00:13:34.170 --> 00:13:54.089 Patrik Stas: is is is is to rather use, you know, if if you are kind of committing like long term to build some sort of wallet application, and you want to have it native. There is much, much better approach to use you need fi, or is Dcx, but that's really just in diapers right now. So like 73 00:13:54.120 --> 00:14:00.410 Patrik Stas: if someone decides to go with that like, there's significant investment which must be done 74 00:14:00.570 --> 00:14:15.159 Patrik Stas: to to kind of, you know, get this to more production ready state. And actually, we have a we have a mentee, you know, as a part of the mentorship program. So it's on the call with us. 75 00:14:15.240 --> 00:14:25.740 Patrik Stas: Who's Who's working exactly on this kind of they can take in the you know, if I re this poc from Poc state to 76 00:14:25.830 --> 00:14:39.350 Patrik Stas: to something, you know a next stage, maybe not to not production ready right of the bad. But definitely something more a demo demo than just Poc, because 77 00:14:39.410 --> 00:14:45.730 Patrik Stas: currently it's it's it's very early early stage. Did you have a chance to have a look at it. 78 00:14:46.200 --> 00:15:05.179 Abhishek D: Yeah, I saw it up yesterday, but there is no documentation or anything for there yet. I know that it is in progress. So once it will be in stable stage, then definitely, I will try it out. But currently there, no, there is no documentation, or is steps to use it at the moment. I guess. 79 00:15:05.310 --> 00:15:26.739 Patrik Stas: Yeah, it's more like, you know it. It's kinda just the first stepping, stolen, building it. And like, basically, if you want to. If you would want to go down this route, you would have to. Literally, you know, that would be the part of work to be done is to actually build a documentation and kind of just figure it out how it should work, and 80 00:15:26.740 --> 00:15:43.750 Patrik Stas: design the whole stuff and and and build it. But it it it depends on your, you know, and kind of the endgame, and and and your resources and stuff like that. It's definitely easier to kind of get something, I guess, done with the Bcx today. 81 00:15:43.950 --> 00:15:52.349 Patrik Stas: But yeah, it's it's not a great long term investment. So it just it just depends on on your situation. 82 00:15:52.770 --> 00:16:16.330 Abhishek D: Right? Correct? So I guess. I should do the leave Vcx. For now to brush up my fundamentals first and once I will be comfortable. Then definitely, I will. I spend better time on, you know, unifi areas. So yeah, for a few days I will be fixing the leave Vcx issues and trying to implement the working demo with with the wallet. 83 00:16:16.330 --> 00:16:31.410 Abhishek D: and then is a long term. I I I understand that I should use the unify various. So like, verify some of my fundamentals and message steps, then I will be able to contribute in the unify areas. 84 00:16:31.850 --> 00:16:46.169 Patrik Stas: All right, all right. If you would have you know, if you would make actually improvements to the you know this v. 6 demo Ios. It would be amazing if you can update it, you know, if you update the version or do some improvements. 85 00:16:46.220 --> 00:17:02.109 Patrik Stas: I like this being kind of on, you know, on the, and it's now under layer of dust. Nobody touched the first 3 years. So if if there's improvements you do to this, it'll be valuable if you can contribute. I pull the request here. It's it's under. 86 00:17:02.210 --> 00:17:04.089 Patrik Stas: it's under 87 00:17:05.339 --> 00:17:12.009 Patrik Stas: Is this under this current organization. I'm not sure if they maintain it. 88 00:17:12.040 --> 00:17:28.689 Patrik Stas: If you if if yeah, I'm not sure. But maybe if if they don't, you can just for them, you know, do a new new version. Then we could then we could link it from the main repo like, Hey, this is updated version for for the V 6. Demo. 89 00:17:29.760 --> 00:17:30.730 Abhishek D: Correct. 90 00:17:32.190 --> 00:17:35.299 George Mulhearn: hey? I I was. I was wondering as well. 91 00:17:35.400 --> 00:17:43.949 George Mulhearn: hey? I'm I'm Joe, just by the way, I was the one responding to your discord messages. I was wondering where you got the provision 92 00:17:44.060 --> 00:17:47.959 George Mulhearn: values from. You know the IP address and and all that. 93 00:17:48.090 --> 00:17:49.739 George Mulhearn: Is that something you're running. 94 00:17:50.950 --> 00:18:05.750 Abhishek D: No, it's not running for me. So yeah, I'm following your suggestions. So I will. I need to create some I need to. use the mediator. First, I start mediator first in some, probably by I, 95 00:18:05.950 --> 00:18:18.719 Abhishek D: and then only, I could be able to get the correct IP address and all the credentials. So for now I just copied some of my you know, from my invite, URL. I copied some data from there, but it is not working. So 96 00:18:19.170 --> 00:18:25.109 Abhishek D: Now, I'm trying to and generate some means use the public IP, and 97 00:18:25.140 --> 00:18:31.570 Abhishek D: run the mediator on this IP, and to to to case the all the required parameters. 98 00:18:33.310 --> 00:18:35.320 George Mulhearn: Cool. Yeah, it sounds like that would 99 00:18:35.370 --> 00:18:41.699 George Mulhearn: get it going. But then, yeah, there's all the issues with the maintenance of it. And one month. 100 00:18:42.190 --> 00:19:06.679 George Mulhearn: Yeah, is, is there is question for Patrick. But is there a public instance of the mediator running anywhere? so we definitely had it. And I'm not 100% right right now, if it's currently up and running but it might save save a world hassle to people trying out the first time. 101 00:19:06.830 --> 00:19:11.399 Patrik Stas: so I'll check that and I'll check that right after the meeting. 102 00:19:11.660 --> 00:19:24.440 Patrik Stas: and update on on on this card. So if yes I'll be sure we could. We might actually be able to provide you a kind of, you know, a a functional 103 00:19:24.520 --> 00:19:29.850 Patrik Stas: deployment of the mediator. So you don't have to bother running it yourself. 104 00:19:30.030 --> 00:19:31.600 Patrik Stas: at least for the start. 105 00:19:32.020 --> 00:19:34.530 Abhishek D: Yeah, that would be helpful. Yes, thank you. 106 00:19:36.150 --> 00:19:41.130 Patrik Stas: All right. that's cool. what's going on like Amira 107 00:19:41.180 --> 00:19:49.919 Miroslav Kovar: at least the C 2, you see, to instance, which runs the the agents is running. I'm not sure if it's like for exposed to working. 108 00:19:50.260 --> 00:19:52.180 Patrik Stas: I think, 109 00:19:53.040 --> 00:20:00.790 Patrik Stas: all right, we, we'll check that so i'll put a like a to do to do note here after meeting 110 00:20:03.300 --> 00:20:04.330 Patrik Stas: you. 111 00:20:10.940 --> 00:20:12.150 Patrik Stas: okay? 112 00:20:12.200 --> 00:20:35.950 Patrik Stas: yeah. So next up, we have a like mentorship update. So we have started a mentorship program about a month ago. And since, that's like kind of on boarding transition and stage. And we're putting together the kind of a project plans. So we have 2 projects meditator which would be 113 00:20:36.190 --> 00:20:48.659 Patrik Stas: Aries every's compliant mediator, Britain and Ross kind of kind of re, basically written from scratch 114 00:20:48.740 --> 00:20:58.750 Patrik Stas: and we have second project the UN, if I we already mentioned the unified viper 115 00:21:00.780 --> 00:21:14.460 Patrik Stas: and we have the the respective mentees on the call as well. So we have a 9 for the mediator. And so for that, you need fine. So 116 00:21:14.460 --> 00:21:38.600 Patrik Stas: yeah, if you guys can just like give a short, you know. 2, 1 one like, I know, 30 s or 1 min, 2 min, whatever you want. kind of upgrade update on all to your your status. Now, what would you been up to so far in terms of the the project, and the higher, and and the mentorship? And and what's kind of like. you know your your next steps going ahead. 117 00:21:46.540 --> 00:21:49.650 Naian: yes. Hi, 118 00:21:49.680 --> 00:21:55.010 Naian: I'm Nyan. I'm under this mentorship at aesthetics team. 119 00:21:55.220 --> 00:21:59.020 Naian: I'm working on the Aires Mediator Project. 120 00:21:59.170 --> 00:22:03.849 Naian: which is, I think, previously also called agency. There are similar roles. 121 00:22:03.930 --> 00:22:11.379 Naian: basically, it's a dropbox kind of service where people can drop messages for you which your agent can later pick. 122 00:22:11.900 --> 00:22:15.590 Naian: So, for example, mobile devices 123 00:22:15.830 --> 00:22:21.059 Naian: can use this to get messages when they're offline or 124 00:22:21.340 --> 00:22:29.859 Naian: when they face network interruptions or when they're switched off so they can just assign a mediator. And the mediator can store messages for them. 125 00:22:29.880 --> 00:22:34.660 Naian: So A is Vcx currently doesn't have a rust based 126 00:22:34.790 --> 00:22:39.220 Naian: mediator. There is a no Js-based media. 127 00:22:39.260 --> 00:22:46.850 Naian: Vcx agency node. I am building a fresh, rust-based mediator for the Aries Bcx project. 128 00:22:46.980 --> 00:22:49.119 Naian: That's my task for this mentorship. 129 00:22:49.710 --> 00:22:57.229 Naian: So over the last 2 to 3 weeks. That's when we started our mentorship, me. And so 130 00:22:57.250 --> 00:23:00.260 Naian: so I've been up to a few things. 131 00:23:00.270 --> 00:23:05.670 Naian: Firstly, there was onboarding from Hyper Ledger and the it's V 6 team. 132 00:23:06.730 --> 00:23:20.459 Naian: Then I also personally, was trying to get comfortable with the hyper ledger's ecosystem. I attended random meetings and just hopped in and try to get an idea of what people do at Hyper Ledger. 133 00:23:21.020 --> 00:23:30.489 Naian: Then, on the Development side. the last 2 weeks we have been busy trying to set up the Vcx development environment. 134 00:23:30.940 --> 00:23:55.609 Naian: It starts easy at first building the project and running the unit test. But with integration tests. It gets a bit tricky. So we were a bit stuck regarding that for a while, but thankfully, with Soapner and the team's help, we finally resolve those issues. And I think yesterday I got greens on the Integrations test. 135 00:23:55.730 --> 00:24:02.280 Naian: So yes, now, I think hopefully, we are in a good state to start working on the Aes BC. Except for 136 00:24:02.500 --> 00:24:13.650 Naian: I've also been looking into and researching frameworks that would be suitable for the project. since the mediator is a web service. I've been looking at rust based 137 00:24:14.300 --> 00:24:22.690 Naian: back frameworks for this project which satisfy the requirements that we have for Aries mediator. 138 00:24:24.150 --> 00:24:33.840 Naian: So Patrick described some requirements which are mainly horizontal scalability performance and the ability to use web sockets. 139 00:24:34.200 --> 00:24:39.379 Naian: So web sockets for being able to communicate with mobile devices, using 140 00:24:39.630 --> 00:24:48.210 Naian: very less battery life for energy. So these were the main requirements. And I've been looking into web frameworks that satisfy these 141 00:24:48.230 --> 00:24:54.769 Naian: hopefully. By next week we'll have a final selection. So, yes, that's my status until now. 142 00:24:54.920 --> 00:24:56.550 Naian: Yeah, thank you. 143 00:24:58.150 --> 00:25:01.459 Patrik Stas: Thank you. That was very clear and concise. 144 00:25:01.620 --> 00:25:11.160 Patrik Stas: thank you for that. yeah, maybe. Now we can turn to the the other project. So now your flock is yours. 145 00:25:12.510 --> 00:25:14.869 Swapnil: Okay, Hi, everyone. 146 00:25:15.200 --> 00:25:26.700 Swapnil: And first of all, thanks, Nan, for a a beautiful introduction. It was very concise. So I'm presented working on the unified front, and I'm really glad that 147 00:25:26.880 --> 00:25:49.579 Swapnil: someone else the the bulk of this project will be helpful to to, at least to some people. So obviously, I think, when once we are done with this project I think we are able to supply some things that are helpful, helpful to you. So my project is is around developing an Api around the areas we Seex that enables development for mobile devices. 148 00:25:49.830 --> 00:25:54.410 Swapnil: and especially in cotton. And so because that is what unified currently supports 149 00:25:54.650 --> 00:26:24.069 Swapnil: and also python, but not concerned with that for that moment. so for this project in these weeks building up for this project I have been working on setting up the development environment like an answer that the integration tests are a bit finicky when it comes. So so we have been setting up that. And I think Nan gave me some scripts that were able to that that that made things easier for me as well. 150 00:26:24.770 --> 00:26:37.979 Swapnil: So and in the in the past few weeks I've been working on on a demo application or using unify and getting things up and running with the current state of ads, we see a unified app. 151 00:26:38.070 --> 00:26:42.899 Swapnil: So building up to that, I did a few template 152 00:26:44.390 --> 00:27:04.490 Swapnil: This was inspired, basically because, the intelligence has the support for adding these the small templates that you can use for this project. So I decided to do a couple of those, so I will drop the links for those templates and for the application, if anything finds that anyone find that useful. 153 00:27:04.490 --> 00:27:19.349 Swapnil: and that was my build up to presently where I am, and the further in the coming weeks I will be starting developing the library itself and developing a demo application that will go along with these 154 00:27:19.360 --> 00:27:23.720 Swapnil: along with the development of the unified app. But 155 00:27:23.810 --> 00:27:26.669 so this will be my project. 156 00:27:27.280 --> 00:27:29.240 Patrik Stas: Awesome. Thank you. Very nice. 157 00:27:29.400 --> 00:27:55.549 Patrik Stas: yeah. It's also it's also great to hear that you you guys are like, you know, ha! Helping each other they can forth. So You know you are not only working with us, but also help each other together as as Mentees. And and these 2 projects are highly related and kind of coupled in some sense, I mean, not couple. But definitely, there's an integration point between them. 158 00:27:55.620 --> 00:28:08.699 Patrik Stas: So so as a Co. Cooperation will be very, can be very like a fruitful and helpful for the for the final final state of state of things. 159 00:28:08.940 --> 00:28:13.489 Patrik Stas: well, that would be, I guess. Sorry, like in a full 160 00:28:13.710 --> 00:28:29.009 Patrik Stas: initial meeting discussion. And and now to the kind of the the usual usual program. So just reviewing the work and thinking about what to do next. And so 161 00:28:29.820 --> 00:28:39.899 Patrik Stas: we didn't have like a a tons of tough tons of stuff, I think, since since last week. But we have completed the 162 00:28:40.110 --> 00:28:43.000 Patrik Stas: A Pr did implementation 163 00:28:43.160 --> 00:28:47.159 Patrik Stas: I think maybe maybe last week or the 164 00:28:47.450 --> 00:28:54.109 Patrik Stas: I just talked about it. I don't know. Is there? Is there something you would like to, you know? 165 00:28:54.650 --> 00:29:02.380 Patrik Stas: say, about this work? I want to repeat, you know what you might be possibly talking about last week. So 166 00:29:04.270 --> 00:29:11.290 Miroslav Kovar: yeah, we have. We have spoken about the motivation for this for implementing support for period 3, 167 00:29:12.010 --> 00:29:15.939 you know, previous or period in general on the previous call. 168 00:29:16.400 --> 00:29:19.300 Miroslav Kovar: and 169 00:29:19.960 --> 00:29:24.960 Miroslav Kovar: as you said, like. The the implementation is now now 170 00:29:25.300 --> 00:29:35.010 Miroslav Kovar: done, finished it. It's about constructing, resolving. are things realizing, disguising. 171 00:29:35.610 --> 00:29:38.290 Miroslav Kovar: and like overall working experience 172 00:29:38.420 --> 00:29:42.049 Miroslav Kovar: which will be which is necessary. 173 00:29:42.340 --> 00:29:48.120 Miroslav Kovar: due to the like coordinated community by 174 00:29:48.470 --> 00:29:58.189 Miroslav Kovar: move away from and qualified periods to to all unqualified it. 175 00:29:58.890 --> 00:30:04.649 Miroslav Kovar: So we have it 176 00:30:05.360 --> 00:30:19.010 Miroslav Kovar: that that's about it, like the implementation. Of course, like it's, it's it's not being used anywhere yet. So it's it's just an initial implementation which may change, depending on the on the use case 177 00:30:19.110 --> 00:30:23.159 Miroslav Kovar: when it's full fully integrated into 178 00:30:25.480 --> 00:30:36.499 Miroslav Kovar: right. And and they exchange specifically which which is where we will start which which will be the first place where it will be used. 179 00:30:36.770 --> 00:30:41.589 Miroslav Kovar: And that, that is another piece of work which is 180 00:30:41.880 --> 00:30:43.080 Miroslav Kovar: under way. Right now. 181 00:30:43.940 --> 00:30:50.809 Patrik Stas: Yeah, that's right. We have a item here. So we're in progress. As to the exchange for a call. 182 00:30:51.050 --> 00:31:02.550 Patrik Stas: yeah, we we are. We are also, since we are added kind of jumping. they can forward a little bit, but it's fine. We we are also doing that like following our new. You know. 183 00:31:02.670 --> 00:31:19.359 Patrik Stas: state machine implementation guide guidelines so that implementation will be Ios and using the state pattern as as it is now, or also. But it will be additional additionally using the I I O, a kind of a ios principle. 184 00:31:19.660 --> 00:31:29.199 Patrik Stas: So that'll be exciting lots of goodies coming with the did the exchange, and and so the exchange will be coming with the peer dates. 185 00:31:29.220 --> 00:31:36.209 Patrik Stas: And if I'm not mistaken, also, integration of the of the new did document right? 186 00:31:36.370 --> 00:31:39.420 Miroslav Kovar: That's that's correct. Yes. 187 00:31:39.850 --> 00:31:40.920 Patrik Stas: awesome. 188 00:31:43.060 --> 00:31:53.539 Patrik Stas: Okay. Now, back to back to the main point we are going through the the work done since last week. One more thing which is like largely done 189 00:31:54.370 --> 00:32:11.889 Patrik Stas: is like this refactoring I've been working on myself for. Well, it's been. It's been dragging out for a while. Then I went in the whole day and work left and done, but over the course of the past few days I I kind of drove it to completion. 190 00:32:12.290 --> 00:32:16.380 Patrik Stas: so there is a Pr ready 191 00:32:16.830 --> 00:32:39.559 Patrik Stas: we already for review. It does lots of things squashed into it, but it's usually like small changes. So the Delta Delta is quite high, but I was looking through it like myself. And honestly, I think it's not too difficult to to too hard to review is is, many of the changes are very trivial. 192 00:32:39.720 --> 00:32:53.979 Patrik Stas: but to kind of like go over over the things which is down here, and why I think it's cool is is like. So first of all, previously there has been places 193 00:32:54.240 --> 00:32:55.550 Patrik Stas: where 194 00:32:55.850 --> 00:33:05.200 Patrik Stas: we have a hard coded. basically, the the the underlying implementation that we use. So for example. 195 00:33:05.280 --> 00:33:15.650 Patrik Stas: we had in, we have lots of Ellis like Faber Integration Tests. And previously I'll show you an example here. 196 00:33:16.090 --> 00:33:21.320 Patrik Stas: to to this. It's the top. 197 00:33:24.690 --> 00:33:40.699 Patrik Stas: yeah. We had kind of different ways of constructing Alice in favor, and the different was that the Ellis was kind of dynamically built. This function always dynamically built Ellis's components, her 198 00:33:40.700 --> 00:33:55.289 Patrik Stas: credits implementation like her cru unknown credits, implementation and ledger client implementation based on the features, whereas with favor it was hard coded, so that previously 199 00:33:56.690 --> 00:34:00.049 Patrik Stas: where is it previously favor? 200 00:34:00.180 --> 00:34:02.789 Patrik Stas: Well, I think, always using the 201 00:34:03.650 --> 00:34:08.880 Patrik Stas: that in the the Vdr tools implementations. 202 00:34:09.159 --> 00:34:27.179 Patrik Stas: And so when you then run integration tasks with with kind of credit feature flag. Then. Yeah, you would run Ellis with. You would run Ellis with credits. But it wasn't really run the favor side of thing with with credits. And this Pr is 203 00:34:27.210 --> 00:34:38.549 Patrik Stas: adopting the same approach for Ellie's and for favor. So it's introducing similar like, we had a function create a list we have now create create favor. 204 00:34:38.800 --> 00:34:48.770 Patrik Stas: and even more like even further And this applies for both Ellison at both Ellis and favor. 205 00:34:49.320 --> 00:34:54.740 Patrik Stas: the way of building their their profiles they're using is 206 00:34:55.060 --> 00:35:04.779 Patrik Stas: is reusing the setup profile kind of testing to, I know, testing helpers track we had. So 207 00:35:04.860 --> 00:35:23.530 Patrik Stas: so there's no like duplication. There, there, there's only one way. Really, we are setting up all of our integration tests previously, at least, was being yeah, at least was kind of dynamically. you know, the selection of profile was dynamic. 208 00:35:23.730 --> 00:35:26.539 Patrik Stas: Let me find that, Alice. 209 00:35:27.730 --> 00:35:30.010 Patrik Stas: it's hard to find always. 210 00:35:37.040 --> 00:35:38.720 Patrik Stas: there it is. 211 00:35:40.080 --> 00:35:45.839 Patrik Stas: So when Ellis was being built 212 00:35:50.980 --> 00:35:56.610 Patrik Stas: this is this is a new code. Sorry. What I'm looking for 213 00:35:57.320 --> 00:35:58.900 Patrik Stas: is in this old 214 00:36:00.060 --> 00:36:02.270 Patrik Stas: seemingly deleted file 215 00:36:03.410 --> 00:36:08.590 Patrik Stas: in full favor. And for Ellis, yeah. So previously. 216 00:36:09.180 --> 00:36:23.299 Patrik Stas: we had our own custom way here of like looking at the feature flags and then setting it up. We had like custom function here. So instead of that, now, when we build both Ellis and favor. 217 00:36:23.590 --> 00:36:33.090 Patrik Stas: the way we do it is that we always reuse this setup profile It's in that setup 218 00:36:34.650 --> 00:36:37.800 Patrik Stas: in the setup file. 219 00:36:40.860 --> 00:36:42.249 Patrik Stas: is it this one? 220 00:36:47.490 --> 00:36:58.639 Patrik Stas: Yeah, in this, the the setup we had this setup profile? And that's literally the thing which is like looking at the feature of flags and then constructing the profile accordingly. 221 00:36:58.640 --> 00:37:20.859 Patrik Stas: Combining the the library, the the components with the respective implementations. And so this is now like literally used for all of the integration tests. Whether it is using Alice or not. You know whether it's you whether it's at least tab or and whether it's at least or favor, or just just this is the the kind of make a way how to. 222 00:37:20.940 --> 00:37:38.360 Patrik Stas: You know how to dynamically build the components for any I integration tests. so this was like one significant improvement in Aires Vcx, testing just kind of unifying everything and like using the same approach. And one way of initializing library. 223 00:37:38.610 --> 00:37:44.370 Patrik Stas: second, like, significant thing, was it? There are the changes in the v, 6, core 224 00:37:45.430 --> 00:37:50.639 Patrik Stas: and that's basically enabling with Vcx core. 225 00:37:50.700 --> 00:38:06.759 Patrik Stas: And there's for technically also the libv. 6 itself and v, 6, not the rs, no jazz wrapper to run, run, run the library with different combination like different implementations. 226 00:38:06.940 --> 00:38:20.659 Patrik Stas: this was more of a preliminary work to make that happen. but there's another Pr build on top of this, which is harnessing. This changes. 227 00:38:20.900 --> 00:38:22.280 Patrik Stas: And 228 00:38:24.300 --> 00:38:28.780 Patrik Stas: let me let me find that I'll pull it up. 229 00:38:29.140 --> 00:38:44.089 Patrik Stas: yeah, so we have one more small pr on top of that. We just introducing feature flags to levy Cx and to the no jazz wrapper as well to kind of opt into what the implementation you you want to use. 230 00:38:44.910 --> 00:39:05.289 Patrik Stas: And you can. You can even select that granulary. So you can. You know you can choose to use. let's say in the Vvr ledger client. let's say, you know, vdr tools like your client, and unknown credits like critics implementation for an on credits, or you know any other combination. 231 00:39:05.410 --> 00:39:11.180 Patrik Stas: So yeah, this this was now fairly easy to do with the with the 232 00:39:11.680 --> 00:39:14.350 Patrik Stas: changes layout in the previous Pr 233 00:39:14.510 --> 00:39:24.289 Patrik Stas: and it's running in Ci now with, you know, 2 different combinations. The tests are passing. So finally, like tested 234 00:39:24.600 --> 00:39:31.919 Patrik Stas: on a Libby 6 level as well. Kind of additional, I guess, level of confidence that things are working 235 00:39:32.800 --> 00:39:40.469 Patrik Stas: just to build with with the credits and with the old like this implementation. 236 00:39:40.530 --> 00:39:42.480 Patrik Stas: vvi tools? 237 00:39:43.170 --> 00:39:54.499 Patrik Stas: yeah. So that's what I've been up to here. and essentially what I'm still busy with. I I still need to 238 00:39:54.840 --> 00:40:03.019 Patrik Stas: updated B 6 to try to run to use in the Vdr as a ledger client instead of Vdr tools 239 00:40:04.370 --> 00:40:17.539 Patrik Stas: and that's more of the stuff we have here, except on the migrations and for migrations that's in the hands of Baghdad. So how is going there 240 00:40:19.070 --> 00:40:30.080 Bogdan Mircea: as a lying as ever. essentially. I I remember that I've been talking with the Mirror in the past couple of calls these past few weeks. 241 00:40:30.120 --> 00:40:31.290 Bogdan Mircea: and 242 00:40:31.850 --> 00:40:38.169 Bogdan Mircea: I I was so afraid I'm gonna jinx this because it all appear to be so easy. 243 00:40:38.360 --> 00:40:43.860 Bogdan Mircea: And I'm gonna jokingly say that you you came around in the 244 00:40:43.980 --> 00:40:53.060 Bogdan Mircea: and spoil it all up essentially the scenario that you proposed it. It was It's kinda surfacing some stuff that 245 00:40:53.590 --> 00:40:58.919 Bogdan Mircea: I'm not really sure what? Why, it's not behaving properly, but it's not 246 00:40:59.230 --> 00:41:03.250 Bogdan Mircea: so. it's a joke. It's obviously a good thing that we caught this 247 00:41:03.300 --> 00:41:16.730 Bogdan Mircea: So there were a couple of things. one thing was that in Vdr tools the developers. For some reason we're storing the registry deltas 248 00:41:17.030 --> 00:41:22.840 Bogdan Mircea: with a non-intuitive key, and it didn't seem like something important, so I didn't include it in migration. 249 00:41:22.970 --> 00:41:27.399 Bogdan Mircea: Sorry in the migration. So that's one thing that surfaced. 250 00:41:27.470 --> 00:41:32.870 Bogdan Mircea: but that actually came as I was debugging the previous issue. 251 00:41:32.900 --> 00:41:38.289 Bogdan Mircea: or I realized that as I was debugging the previous issue, and the issue is that 252 00:41:38.480 --> 00:41:44.429 Bogdan Mircea: after the migration is done, when credentials are issued. 253 00:41:44.850 --> 00:41:48.610 Bogdan Mircea: something doesn't match in in Orsa. So 254 00:41:49.200 --> 00:41:57.420 Bogdan Mircea: a. And I, I frankly have little to no idea what, because all the values are encrypted, they're always changing. 255 00:41:57.500 --> 00:42:01.010 Bogdan Mircea: And there's really not an easy way to 256 00:42:01.090 --> 00:42:06.779 Bogdan Mircea: troubleshoot what's wrong. But it's I tracked it down to basically some check in Oursa 257 00:42:07.780 --> 00:42:11.340 Bogdan Mircea: and it. 258 00:42:11.350 --> 00:42:13.220 Bogdan Mircea: It's mainly 259 00:42:13.230 --> 00:42:24.529 Bogdan Mircea: either related to how the credentials are issued, and maybe something not matching there. We're not getting generated properly, which would seem fairly odd, because when, like 260 00:42:24.580 --> 00:42:25.889 Bogdan Mircea: the critics. 261 00:42:26.100 --> 00:42:34.260 Bogdan Mircea: profile was not like that was already there. It's being tested. It technically works. So when credentials are issued 262 00:42:34.390 --> 00:42:44.639 Bogdan Mircea: from credits like when you start at this from the credits, profile, everything works. But when you migrate in the middle. and you want to issue another credential. 263 00:42:44.940 --> 00:42:54.540 Bogdan Mircea: Essentially, the credential gets issued. But the prover where, where the holder doesn't accept it, because some checks, some encryption checks. 264 00:42:54.760 --> 00:42:59.420 Bogdan Mircea: yeah. And 265 00:42:59.640 --> 00:43:02.480 Bogdan Mircea: like, I said, I'm not even entirely sure. 266 00:43:02.860 --> 00:43:05.560 Bogdan Mircea: why that is happening. 267 00:43:06.130 --> 00:43:19.060 Bogdan Mircea: And I've been chasing this down for the past couple of days. today is pretty much going to be the same thing. but it feels like this is the last mile. Hopefully. 268 00:43:19.170 --> 00:43:21.070 Bogdan Mircea: I don't want anything more. 269 00:43:21.440 --> 00:43:23.850 Bogdan Mircea: yeah. 270 00:43:24.390 --> 00:43:37.909 Patrik Stas: Well, I think so. If it if it will be like, if you know, if it will be like a really problematic or a cryptic to like, we cannot get past this because 271 00:43:37.920 --> 00:43:41.280 Bogdan Mircea: it's not a scenario you wanna 272 00:43:41.700 --> 00:43:54.919 Bogdan Mircea: like it's. It's not even about publishing the Revocation Registry or the deltas. So that's not the issue. I tried that. It's just that after the migration. Whether the registry is published or not, or the Delta, as are published or not. 273 00:43:54.920 --> 00:44:12.309 Bogdan Mircea: that credential check still fails, so we cannot get past it and say that. Okay, we're just gonna push everything to the ledger before the migration and then do the migration and then move on with our lives. We but yeah, there, there is kind of like, you know, non technical solution to this. 274 00:44:12.630 --> 00:44:28.759 Patrik Stas: is that you say, like the migrate, we can see a migration strategy, for for this is that after you do the migration. you you you you know you can't continue issuing on top of old credential definitions. 275 00:44:28.810 --> 00:44:30.120 Patrik Stas: and 276 00:44:30.250 --> 00:44:35.799 Patrik Stas: instead, you have to like, I guess. Just just build a new ones and start a stream from those. 277 00:44:36.110 --> 00:44:49.349 Patrik Stas: And that way, you don't really have to solve it, you know, on technical level. But we will still definitely have to still support their vacations. But perhaps we, you know, we can say, like, you know, we don't support issue and 278 00:44:49.800 --> 00:44:58.900 Patrik Stas: polls migration. And given the fact that I think there is not so like I. I'm not aware of any other sure other than ourselves right now. 279 00:44:59.080 --> 00:45:04.639 Patrik Stas: I think it's like, you know, I acceptable like solution 280 00:45:04.660 --> 00:45:21.349 Patrik Stas: as far as we can, we ourselves can can accept that. And I I guess we might, if if it's too cumbersome to like, figure out some cryptic I mean, the the versus stuff is, I believe, impossible to figure out like that's the point of it, right? 281 00:45:21.440 --> 00:45:38.170 Bogdan Mircea: but I don't know if shopping this under the rug is really a good idea. because, like I said it might in my point out that there's an issue within the migration itself, or maybe when the credential is issued. 282 00:45:38.300 --> 00:45:45.759 Bogdan Mircea: so I I wouldn't really just disregard this like that. 283 00:45:47.540 --> 00:45:53.569 Patrik Stas: Okay, no, it's give it some time, then, to try to to solve it proper way. 284 00:45:54.860 --> 00:46:03.219 George Mulhearn: have you? I don't know if this will help at all. But have you looked at the existing migration scripts like on our occupy 285 00:46:03.670 --> 00:46:09.319 George Mulhearn: went through this migration at 1 point in time. I wonder if they 286 00:46:10.050 --> 00:46:15.799 Bogdan Mircea: I did. But I I haven't noticed that he did anything special. so 287 00:46:16.520 --> 00:46:18.849 Bogdan Mircea: I'm I'm not really sure 288 00:46:19.000 --> 00:46:25.509 Bogdan Mircea: what the issue is which, again, kind of points where it kind of makes me wonder whether the like, the issue or 289 00:46:25.800 --> 00:46:33.670 Bogdan Mircea: issuing credentials is the problem, and whether I messed up something there in the credits. Profile 290 00:46:34.270 --> 00:46:36.760 Bogdan Mircea: I don't know. 291 00:46:36.980 --> 00:46:56.280 Bogdan Mircea: there was there. There's like there is a small oversight regarding the like did qualification. But it's not applicable here. that's basically something to take care of in in the future. Maybe in the next pr, it's something really small But again, it's not. It's not the issue here. 292 00:46:57.030 --> 00:47:06.679 Bogdan Mircea: yeah, no, I'm I'm if you, if you I don't think of any ideas, I'm more than willing to listen. So 293 00:47:07.130 --> 00:47:16.989 Bogdan Mircea: in the meantime, I think it posted some message on on the Maintainer's Chat. Essentially, I'm Gonna try and track down all those leads. 294 00:47:17.150 --> 00:47:20.000 Bogdan Mircea: particularly. 295 00:47:20.860 --> 00:47:23.019 Bogdan Mircea: Let me see if I can find that message. 296 00:47:23.230 --> 00:47:34.799 Bogdan Mircea: yeah. So like, I said, it's either something that gets messed up during the migration itself. 297 00:47:35.300 --> 00:47:41.209 Bogdan Mircea: which didn't, doesn't really seem like the case. But who knows? 298 00:47:41.950 --> 00:47:47.570 Bogdan Mircea: And or it might be the case that something within the test environment, like in the test itself. 299 00:47:47.980 --> 00:47:51.810 Bogdan Mircea: I don't know. Maybe there's some static stuff that 300 00:47:52.140 --> 00:48:00.709 Bogdan Mircea: kind of messes things up that also doesn't really seem likely. But again. I I don't really know. 301 00:48:00.950 --> 00:48:07.500 Bogdan Mircea: this small small idea for myself here is like. 302 00:48:08.110 --> 00:48:13.329 Patrik Stas: try if see if it makes any difference. After you don't actually do the migration. 303 00:48:13.450 --> 00:48:17.689 Patrik Stas: you cannot issue the credential right? So try to 304 00:48:17.760 --> 00:48:30.769 Patrik Stas: make a new revocation registry and try to issue against that. And so maybe if it's somehow. If if if there is a problem with migration which relates to 305 00:48:31.140 --> 00:48:37.029 Patrik Stas: revocation registry itself. then maybe if you rotate it, it will work. 306 00:48:37.270 --> 00:48:50.730 Patrik Stas: you know. I guess that's good point towards something. But then, if it doesn't work regardless of whether you use new or old like a revocation registry. 307 00:48:51.690 --> 00:49:01.020 Patrik Stas: then it might be something to do with the like credential definition, migration, perhaps, or something more general or shared. 308 00:49:01.770 --> 00:49:06.190 Bogdan Mircea: Yeah, it's not a bad idea. I was thinking. We're rather wondering 309 00:49:07.030 --> 00:49:13.050 Bogdan Mircea: when we test. Then we set up the in the pool and whatnot. What if? 310 00:49:13.510 --> 00:49:21.169 Bogdan Mircea: Because I I believe that the credential data and the credential definition data that's static within the tests, aren't they? 311 00:49:23.300 --> 00:49:25.880 Patrik Stas: Well, yeah. 312 00:49:26.750 --> 00:49:30.110 Bogdan Mircea: I was wondering whether, if I try to. 313 00:49:30.220 --> 00:49:42.600 Bogdan Mircea: because I cannot decipher the encrypted values. But like, if I clear everything out after I run a test, let's say, without a migration. 314 00:49:43.060 --> 00:49:45.019 Bogdan Mircea: take note of the values. 315 00:49:45.430 --> 00:49:57.279 Bogdan Mircea: And basically, we set the entire environment and try to run it again with the migration. I'm wondering whether the values might be similar, you know, across the steps. 316 00:49:57.610 --> 00:50:02.390 Bogdan Mircea: but I don't know if something is dynamically generated, it probably is. 317 00:50:02.440 --> 00:50:12.150 Patrik Stas: Some things probably are. the the to stuff definitely. There's lots of like some some rain like. 318 00:50:13.720 --> 00:50:15.710 Bogdan Mircea: Well, then, 319 00:50:17.740 --> 00:50:22.289 Bogdan Mircea: yeah, I'. It's a good idea with rotating the Revocation registry. 320 00:50:22.430 --> 00:50:27.659 Bogdan Mircea: Try and do that, too. but yeah, it's pretty much just the 321 00:50:28.150 --> 00:50:36.940 Bogdan Mircea: that kind of thing. And I, I'm I'm not going to be surprised if it's going to end up being something really, really small. 322 00:50:37.370 --> 00:50:41.630 Bogdan Mircea: But yeah, I usually ends up like that. 323 00:50:46.830 --> 00:51:00.700 Patrik Stas: Okay? well, I guess. I don't know. I I have a work ahead, and I couldn't figure out what to like with here. because we are already busy with like lots of things in progress. So 324 00:51:00.940 --> 00:51:15.530 Patrik Stas: and they did the exchange kind of big. And this migration might take a little while, and I'm myself busy with the like the B. Cx. kind of integrating those module libraries in the Bcx. 325 00:51:16.350 --> 00:51:19.800 Patrik Stas: But I guess, like well. 326 00:51:23.120 --> 00:51:34.349 Patrik Stas: kind of things which will come after that, and then we will. I think it was included in a notes for the last meeting. you did without me. 327 00:51:34.410 --> 00:51:51.359 Patrik Stas: That was the the ci demo. And then we had state pattern. It's been. It's been here for a while. but nevertheless, it's still there. It's like one of the top priorities, I think. And 328 00:51:51.810 --> 00:51:53.780 Patrik Stas: what else? 329 00:51:55.590 --> 00:52:00.750 Patrik Stas: maybe the the harness it it. 330 00:52:03.360 --> 00:52:04.580 Patrik Stas: Harness. 331 00:52:07.150 --> 00:52:16.090 Patrik Stas: What's the appropriation at a a, a, A 332 00:52:16.430 --> 00:52:18.799 Patrik Stas: update like channel. 333 00:52:21.530 --> 00:52:26.679 Patrik Stas: Quick, general update. I guess that's our kind of the 334 00:52:26.890 --> 00:52:28.380 Patrik Stas: main points. 335 00:52:29.830 --> 00:52:35.490 George Mulhearn: Yeah, I'm I'm I have a go at the Cli Demo in the next week. 336 00:52:35.540 --> 00:52:38.719 George Mulhearn: I think I'll start with making that 337 00:52:39.000 --> 00:52:46.970 George Mulhearn: dummy relay or or mediator implementation that we talked about. So I think that might be helpful to 338 00:52:47.140 --> 00:52:53.480 George Mulhearn: swap nail, maybe for some of the tests that he might want to be running on the wallet 339 00:52:53.830 --> 00:53:01.589 Patrik Stas: right? Right? So how would that roughly work? It will be some small Http server 340 00:53:01.680 --> 00:53:21.500 George Mulhearn: which can just receive messages, and there's some simple way to I. You already outline something, I think some I made one before, just, you know. Imagine, like a simple queuing system, a queue of messages under an id and not secure or anything. But yeah, good testing locally. 341 00:53:22.690 --> 00:53:26.530 Patrik Stas: Yeah, yeah, right? Right? Yeah. That sounds like a good start. 342 00:53:31.320 --> 00:53:40.209 Patrik Stas: Alright folks. we came to the last point which is in a meeting discussion. I even do. We have anything else to discuss. 343 00:53:49.240 --> 00:54:01.849 Patrik Stas: Well, it seems like it seems like not so, which is fine, so we can wrap it up. thank you all for joining in. Have a wonderful day and 344 00:54:02.220 --> 00:54:03.769 Patrik Stas: rest of the week as well. 345 00:54:04.700 --> 00:54:10.830 Naian: Okay, you have a good one, you guys, bye. 346 00:54:11.160 --> 00:54:12.150 Naian: okay.