WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.210 Let's see. 2 00:00:01.460 --> 00:00:02.270 Archana: So 3 00:00:03.710 --> 00:00:08.340 Archana: so from that they are fitting these chain codes around. 4 00:00:09.220 --> 00:00:14.149 Arun S M: And and do they fetch like, get installed contracts, or do they fetch, get 5 00:00:14.740 --> 00:00:17.839 approved, or get committed. How is the fetch up happening. 6 00:00:18.290 --> 00:00:23.050 Archana: whatever that is like? Committed chain, because only they are fetching 7 00:00:24.240 --> 00:00:33.170 Archana: so and type. So this chain code, like whatever the chain code that we try to install right as part of a chain code. installation process. 8 00:00:34.550 --> 00:00:36.939 Archana: So that is being fetched from the pier. 9 00:00:37.450 --> 00:00:49.500 Arun S M: There are 3 steps right like. Install a pro and comment If it's just fetching like, get installed. then it could be on single peers and then get approval. Happens on 10 00:00:49.530 --> 00:00:52.820 Arun S M: organization level, commit happens at a network level. 11 00:00:55.280 --> 00:00:59.399 Arun S M: and there are aps for all 3 like, get up 12 00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:06.439 Arun S M: chain codes get uproot and get committed. Chain codes. I think there is also an Api called Get in store chain codes. 13 00:01:10.630 --> 00:01:14.999 Archana: So this chain got so I think, 14 00:01:17.050 --> 00:01:23.649 Arun S M: no, no worries. I mean, we can check that back. But that's just most likely. Why this discrepancy is happening 15 00:01:25.640 --> 00:01:39.710 Archana: whatever it the reason it it might be. But you know, in the chain codes like when we switch to other channel, what are the part of this particular channel? Right? So those chain codes has to be, we have to fetch right? 16 00:01:40.690 --> 00:01:52.060 Arun S M: Correct. So so the way it happens is. the install step, which is like. So okay, let's imagine it this way. Right install is a command that we typically run 17 00:01:52.120 --> 00:01:54.380 Arun S M: to copy something into the Pr known. 18 00:01:55.110 --> 00:02:05.490 Arun S M: And once we copy something into the peer node we tell to. We say that a I installed a package which has this Id 19 00:02:05.970 --> 00:02:10.280 Arun S M: and I'm willing to run this at the sequence number. 20 00:02:10.350 --> 00:02:15.360 Arun S M: That's the approval that happens at our organization level. And the third step is 21 00:02:15.810 --> 00:02:18.030 Arun S M: somebody in the network 22 00:02:18.340 --> 00:02:20.710 Arun S M: across organizations will say. 23 00:02:21.190 --> 00:02:25.479 Arun S M: all the organizations have now some version of contract with them. 24 00:02:25.540 --> 00:02:31.289 Arun S M: and they have all uproot their own respect to packages. Let us all commit to this sequence 25 00:02:32.730 --> 00:02:33.710 Archana: great. 26 00:02:34.980 --> 00:02:37.519 Arun S M: So When we talk about channels 27 00:02:37.870 --> 00:02:40.389 Arun S M: we can, we can either do it 28 00:02:40.570 --> 00:02:47.299 Arun S M: and like approved contracts shown here, or we could do only committed contracts shown here. 29 00:02:48.910 --> 00:02:52.769 Arun S M: If it is approved contracts, then again, it's at organization level. 30 00:02:53.670 --> 00:02:58.880 Arun S M: and there should be some kind of abstraction defined so that we have 31 00:03:01.630 --> 00:03:11.400 Archana: those Api's which are available. I'm not aware. So I'll I'll show you the method of just 32 00:03:11.850 --> 00:03:13.860 Archana: on the chain goods. Okay. 33 00:03:15.790 --> 00:03:27.700 Arun S M: maybe we could add, like a new column in this, which which says, These are the contracts that were sent for approval, and this is the sequence where it was approved. These are the organizations that have uproot. 34 00:03:28.490 --> 00:03:32.630 Arun S M: and then, if it is already committed. We could also say, it's committed 35 00:03:33.760 --> 00:03:37.390 Arun S M: that way. It shows both the status and the current. 36 00:03:38.420 --> 00:03:42.439 Arun S M: so like the only the ones which are belonging to the channel. 37 00:03:45.530 --> 00:03:50.350 Archana: This is queries and check it in. Okay, instantiated in goods, we would get 38 00:03:51.970 --> 00:03:55.160 Archana: so installed and instantiated to 39 00:03:57.410 --> 00:04:05.379 Arun S M: I think that that instantiate instantiate is like the previous to life cycle. If I'm not from 40 00:04:08.550 --> 00:04:09.280 Arun S M: okay. 41 00:04:10.060 --> 00:04:20.109 Aditya Joshi: I think that the main significance would be for the committed chain code, because this explorer is main intent to. So then it will be 42 00:04:20.399 --> 00:04:30.549 Aditya Joshi: We can have some approved as well. but I think installed will not have a that much significant. Because now, when we talk about in storage, input we are talking about the PA level details. 43 00:04:31.040 --> 00:04:37.620 Aditya Joshi: And when we talk about like our like currents when we talk about, approve. We are talking about the automation level. 44 00:04:37.790 --> 00:04:41.159 Aditya Joshi: When we talk about commit. We are talking at the net entire network level. 45 00:04:41.860 --> 00:04:48.400 Aditya Joshi: So. We need to like that. Just that. The the network tab which is there right? It shows the 46 00:04:48.440 --> 00:04:50.680 Aditya Joshi: height across all the peer modes. 47 00:04:51.030 --> 00:04:54.100 Aditya Joshi: Oh, the unsigned. I 48 00:04:54.760 --> 00:04:59.549 Aditya Joshi: same right? So that that is the view at the Pl level. 49 00:05:00.530 --> 00:05:11.919 Aditya Joshi: But for chain code as well. If if you, if you want to give the installed view. then we have to give it at a Pl level. If you want to go for a proof approval view, then we have to give the 50 00:05:12.300 --> 00:05:19.139 Aditya Joshi: or you level. Or if you want to give just a network right now, it is. Then we can show the committed chain. 51 00:05:21.050 --> 00:05:25.890 Archana: okay. 52 00:05:30.850 --> 00:05:34.759 Arun S M: so we could do something like like. We don't support the 53 00:05:34.940 --> 00:05:38.730 Arun S M: old way of chain code deployments anymore in the explorer tool 54 00:05:39.030 --> 00:05:40.900 Arun S M: as part of the next release. 55 00:05:41.310 --> 00:05:43.659 Arun S M: And we only support life cycle 56 00:05:44.100 --> 00:05:45.820 Arun S M: based chain codes. 57 00:05:47.170 --> 00:05:53.600 Arun S M: and that will change from getting instantiated to get committed in codes. There should be another Api for that. 58 00:05:53.980 --> 00:05:55.819 Arun S M: Instead of Kit, instantiated 59 00:05:56.400 --> 00:05:58.179 Archana: trump is 60 00:06:03.280 --> 00:06:09.829 This, anyways, we have fixed the issue. And so now we could able to, you know, fetch the 61 00:06:09.850 --> 00:06:12.740 Archana: right chain codes as part of that particular channel. 62 00:06:16.590 --> 00:06:18.080 Arun S M: Okay, nice. 63 00:06:25.160 --> 00:06:25.830 Thanks. 64 00:06:28.700 --> 00:06:35.679 So these 2 issues have been fixed. One is a query change. So with respect to version, we were taking the transaction. Come. 65 00:06:35.870 --> 00:06:37.600 Archana: that is also have been fixed. 66 00:06:40.310 --> 00:06:41.000 Thank you. 67 00:06:42.190 --> 00:06:43.240 Archana: Some of you. 68 00:06:43.770 --> 00:06:44.660 I. 69 00:06:52.060 --> 00:07:09.249 Archana: And this is chain code mitar data. Also, there is an issue we have observed, these are all issues we were observing. This goes fine when it is with single channel. But we, when we are trying to test with multiple channels scenario. Then we could able to see a lot of issues coming up. 70 00:07:09.370 --> 00:07:16.590 Archana: So one such issue is also be found out with the Chain code, Meta data. This. this also we have fixed it. 71 00:07:17.010 --> 00:07:23.590 Archana: And there was little change in the query, blocks. Page nation. When we are trying to fetch the records right. 72 00:07:23.820 --> 00:07:33.660 Archana: Like some of the records we were not able to fix. This is with respect to the version of 2.4 point 7 as the first transaction you wouldn't have. 73 00:07:33.700 --> 00:07:50.969 Archana: creator a Msph. Right? Because of that we will. There was little change so and in order to like, make this code viable for both the versions like 2.2 and 2.4 point 7. So we have tested in both the Russians and fixed this 74 00:07:52.750 --> 00:07:57.460 Archana: hmm, and one major issue. What we have seen was like, 75 00:08:10.790 --> 00:08:18.100 Archana: so this, this issue, what it is like with respect to ledger height and the status of the notes 76 00:08:19.480 --> 00:08:21.959 Archana: a lot of we have. 77 00:08:26.050 --> 00:08:28.530 Archana: So if we see here, we have 2 channels 78 00:08:28.680 --> 00:08:39.199 Archana: in Channel 2, we have 30 blocks and 50 transactions. If I switch to network time here, I am able to get the proper ledger height. 79 00:08:42.020 --> 00:08:45.519 Archana: And when I switch to other channel. 80 00:08:45.780 --> 00:08:50.499 If you see in dashboard I we have 52 blocks and 52 transactions. 81 00:08:50.710 --> 00:08:55.209 Archana: But I switch to network tab whatever the ledger height that it's being picked right. 82 00:08:55.390 --> 00:08:59.699 Archana: So this ledger height is of the peers of other channels. 83 00:09:07.450 --> 00:09:10.819 Aditya Joshi: Is it due to like 84 00:09:11.010 --> 00:09:14.120 Aditya Joshi: the idea of not getting the right channel, or like 85 00:09:14.280 --> 00:09:31.870 Archana: it is due to the reason the Api is getting the correct input channel only. But we have discovery service right? So in the Discovery Service, it is able to pick only the channel which we have mentioned as part of Ccp. 86 00:09:31.980 --> 00:09:32.920 Aditya Joshi: Oh, okay. 87 00:09:37.590 --> 00:09:43.450 Archana: And other thing is like. So whatever the data it is being displayed. It is of only one channel always. 88 00:09:43.520 --> 00:09:56.469 Archana: and the status also, if we see here. So when I down one of the order in in one of the channel, only it is reflecting. When I switch to I I'll show that also, like I'll run one of them. 89 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:44.100 Archana: I mean. Well, I'll show listing notes. 90 00:10:50.400 --> 00:10:51.200 Archana: you know. 91 00:10:59.810 --> 00:11:08.659 Archana: So from discovery results, we are like the input, what we are getting is channel 2. And when we try to bring the discovery service. It is 92 00:11:08.770 --> 00:11:11.079 Archana: of that channel, my channel 93 00:11:12.200 --> 00:11:13.300 Archana: and 94 00:11:16.970 --> 00:11:17.760 one of 95 00:11:23.090 --> 00:11:29.920 Archana: so again in the discourse, it's the my channel. B, and in the description is my channel. This is fine. 96 00:11:40.030 --> 00:11:44.990 Archana: So channel to input the Calli service, my Chen and me. 97 00:11:46.450 --> 00:11:52.169 Archana: So this is this. For this reason, I think it is always picking one channel information. 98 00:11:54.400 --> 00:12:02.170 Archana: So if you see here in Channel 2, this, when it is reflecting correctly what I have is switch to another channel. 99 00:12:03.340 --> 00:12:04.810 Archana: This is not coming up. 100 00:12:08.580 --> 00:12:13.249 Archana: and this is reflecting. Only if I restart the server 101 00:12:22.480 --> 00:12:27.980 Archana: here, I am able to get the like a header it is like connected is false. 102 00:12:28.230 --> 00:12:32.659 Archana: But when from the network, if I try to get the discoveries, is. 103 00:12:33.530 --> 00:12:38.400 Archana: it is always shown as to. and that that that it is false 104 00:12:53.420 --> 00:12:57.910 Aditya Joshi: looks like we need to spend some time on a discovery service. 105 00:12:58.570 --> 00:13:03.869 Aditya Joshi: How did he spend common. 106 00:13:04.180 --> 00:13:10.889 Aditya Joshi: so common function called get discovery result, which is called by 2, 2, 3 functions. 107 00:13:11.600 --> 00:13:27.039 Archana: So I thought synchronization or a concurrency might be causing the issue then, but everywhere it is, as I think about that promises that he was. Then we try it like using mutex to to lock the function, but that is also it is also not working. 108 00:13:27.850 --> 00:13:31.990 Archana: See? After the survey rested. Then only we could able to fetch the status. 109 00:13:37.260 --> 00:13:38.050 the 110 00:13:40.560 --> 00:13:44.870 Aditya Joshi: maybe we can plan for some session on this debugging. 111 00:13:53.890 --> 00:13:54.840 Archana: so 112 00:13:55.320 --> 00:14:09.640 Archana: somehow we could able to work around this. But the problem is like we could able to get the ledger height correctly. But still there is a problem in fetching the status of the notes. Just I would like to show you that 113 00:14:17.780 --> 00:14:18.730 Archana: over here. 114 00:14:41.710 --> 00:14:42.420 Okay. 115 00:14:50.230 --> 00:14:50.960 Archana: so 116 00:15:27.570 --> 00:15:28.220 yeah. 117 00:15:40.510 --> 00:15:44.570 Satyanarayana Arigela: you started the order now. tennis. 118 00:15:45.210 --> 00:15:47.829 Archana: Okay? 119 00:15:50.980 --> 00:15:51.700 So 120 00:15:52.540 --> 00:16:03.880 Aditya Joshi: so one good question. Right? As a part of this release. That will do. is there any other dependency apart from the the bug that you shared this discovery service. But 121 00:16:04.090 --> 00:16:17.260 Satyanarayana Arigela: no, this is the only way, major thing the other. Apart from that, everything we tested Npn for everything is okay. So other things, what our minor issues, we found right? We fixed everything, and we at the peer also. So this is the only 122 00:16:17.370 --> 00:16:25.570 Satyanarayana Arigela: issue which is like, we need to decide whether we can go with the release, or we need to fix this and go for at least that we have to take a decision 123 00:16:25.850 --> 00:16:33.489 Satyanarayana Arigela: because we tried most of the methods, whatever available. Still, we are trying to fix it. But we are not. We not get the actual 124 00:16:33.670 --> 00:16:37.330 Satyanarayana Arigela: scenario like output, which we can take it to fix this from. 125 00:16:42.840 --> 00:16:48.930 So we have changed the code. And we tried. Okay, so like, if you see here 126 00:16:49.090 --> 00:16:53.080 Archana: and then do we have that detective? 127 00:16:53.120 --> 00:16:56.240 Archana: This is updated in currently 3,000. 128 00:16:57.340 --> 00:17:06.250 So in my channel B, we have 50 to height in our network. Also we were able to get 52. But the problem is like status is not updating. 129 00:17:06.839 --> 00:17:09.179 Archana: So if I stop one of the 130 00:17:09.609 --> 00:17:10.390 Aditya Joshi: good. 131 00:17:17.200 --> 00:17:23.530 Archana: Then how much time we wait this won't have that. It won't get updated. 132 00:17:23.930 --> 00:17:33.009 Aditya Joshi: I think we can go with the 133 00:17:33.200 --> 00:17:39.110 Aditya Joshi: we can. We can move it at least, and like as soon as it fixes, we can have a patch of these after this. 134 00:17:39.390 --> 00:17:43.049 Aditya Joshi: and we can call out this as a known bug 135 00:17:43.330 --> 00:17:45.080 Aditya Joshi: in the release. Note. 136 00:17:47.000 --> 00:17:47.800 Archana: yeah. 137 00:17:48.000 --> 00:18:01.560 Aditya Joshi: And this is absolutely working fine with the one channel. Scenario! Only when we have multiple channels, how that can be called out in the release note. we can call this out and that release it. 138 00:18:09.550 --> 00:18:13.029 Archana: This is updating after the 139 00:18:13.190 --> 00:18:14.090 Aditya Joshi: hmm. 140 00:18:15.460 --> 00:18:23.339 Archana: So what we thought was like, Whatever gate, by instance we are using right. We'll re-initialize a gateway and 141 00:18:23.810 --> 00:18:28.480 Archana: fetch the network again, connect to channel and everything. 142 00:18:28.700 --> 00:18:36.150 But thing is that is also not working out. It is it is throwing an error like no discovery, targets are found. 143 00:18:38.760 --> 00:18:45.849 Archana: but we initialize the network also did not work out. And even discovery service we tried to like reset up. 144 00:18:46.070 --> 00:18:49.080 Archana: that is, also it's not being 145 00:18:49.260 --> 00:18:50.760 Archana: working here. 146 00:18:52.780 --> 00:18:56.250 Aditya Joshi: okay. 147 00:18:56.350 --> 00:18:59.800 Archana: So I think then, we have to spend more time on this 148 00:18:59.990 --> 00:19:14.680 Archana: after we start, at least that we could able to get the status. So where this is actually going long We tried debugging the court. but I think it's like, majorly found that the issue is coming with discovery service. 149 00:19:30.250 --> 00:19:34.110 Archana: So, apart from that. Everything is working fine 150 00:19:36.220 --> 00:19:40.700 Archana: except this ledger. High, tender status 151 00:19:43.180 --> 00:19:43.840 follow 152 00:19:57.050 --> 00:20:03.249 and one more update So like we need toll Addithya. He has tested your Pr. 153 00:20:03.460 --> 00:20:10.170 Archana: in like building the pipelines. It took almost one now 57 min, it seems, for him. 154 00:20:10.510 --> 00:20:16.600 Aditya Joshi: I know. So this is not with this particular project like, I saw this thing with 155 00:20:16.940 --> 00:20:22.160 Aditya Joshi: one another project as well. it's just taking time. The building is taking time 156 00:20:23.120 --> 00:20:26.589 Aditya Joshi: we need to check. If this is the limitation from. 157 00:20:26.600 --> 00:20:31.050 Aditya Joshi: or or if if we can get some support from this labs account. 158 00:20:31.840 --> 00:20:43.850 Aditya Joshi: because I think the right. Now the all those jobs are pipelines might be scheduled on A, on. on A, on a queue based on a queue based containers over. 159 00:20:44.040 --> 00:20:47.469 Aditya Joshi: Let's let's talk with it, I, and see if we can. 160 00:20:48.160 --> 00:20:50.750 Aditya Joshi: I don't know. Get something on this. 161 00:20:52.130 --> 00:20:58.689 Aditya Joshi: You are talking about that ci pipeline like github, ci, pipeline pl. Which has 2 things to build and test. 162 00:21:01.110 --> 00:21:02.280 Archana: Yes, yes. 163 00:21:03.920 --> 00:21:10.689 Aditya Joshi: yeah, it's not the problem with the code. Actually, it's the problem with the the t of actions that they are taking too much time. 164 00:21:16.310 --> 00:21:24.850 Archana: slightly! Here there was an issue like this was moving out of this. of this and this model. 165 00:21:25.120 --> 00:21:31.650 Archana: So this. This has been. It's a normal, simple, Css, fix, but it has done it. 166 00:21:35.010 --> 00:21:40.359 Archana: So these are the like, Additi. And yeah, we we need from you. 167 00:21:41.630 --> 00:21:46.859 Aditya Joshi: Oh, okay. Now you can bring me the Pr where you need the reviews. 168 00:21:47.930 --> 00:21:55.139 Aditya Joshi: Okay, like, like the major. Pr, I think there are some basic pr, like the this one which 4, 0, 169 00:21:55.580 --> 00:21:56.920 Aditya Joshi: 3, 8, 9. 170 00:22:00.310 --> 00:22:07.359 Aditya Joshi: Okay, you can. You can bring me the major Pr, that you have. that is, that I needed for this request, I'll I'll I'll look into them. 171 00:22:08.340 --> 00:22:09.690 Archana: Okay, thanks. 172 00:22:10.020 --> 00:22:10.720 Aditya Joshi: And 173 00:22:12.990 --> 00:22:26.969 Archana: so these are from our side. I said, Yeah, anything more we need to discuss. Yeah, then, that's all. So only the now, what will the plan for the release that we are to discuss? 174 00:22:27.000 --> 00:22:32.620 Satyanarayana Arigela: Are the theatre room right? So when we can a plan for the release. 175 00:22:42.010 --> 00:23:03.600 Aditya Joshi: I think first we can close these Pr's the one that I was showing, and then probably we can do one file. We find a lot of a testing from the main branch like once these pr and moist, and then we can go ahead for the release, and I think by that time those the gh, crtr will also get merged. 176 00:23:04.050 --> 00:23:10.289 Aditya Joshi: and it can release those images on the on this, on, on the 177 00:23:13.480 --> 00:23:32.790 Aditya Joshi: so like that that pr, that G. Hr. Like it has 2 features like this small out. So one feature is like it will create the docker images. It will advocate the release. whenever you will create a new release or a T, it will create a 178 00:23:33.130 --> 00:23:34.010 Aditya Joshi: image 179 00:23:34.410 --> 00:23:40.430 Aditya Joshi: particular corresponding to that number. So let's say, if you create a tag, let's say 2 dot O 180 00:23:40.520 --> 00:23:51.639 Aditya Joshi: explorer to.so it will create a image with it at T. 2 dot o. and whenever you push something to the main branch there is one more job that will trigger, and that will 181 00:23:51.840 --> 00:23:57.560 Aditya Joshi: there is that docker image with the latest tag. So whatever is there in the latest tab? 182 00:23:59.570 --> 00:24:14.480 Aditya Joshi: whatever is there in the latest like latest main branch that will be called out in the as a as a latest in the docker image and the release specific or the tag specific images will be there in the they will do that along with that 183 00:24:14.500 --> 00:24:15.620 Aditya Joshi: version. 184 00:24:20.840 --> 00:24:22.040 Okay. 185 00:24:25.590 --> 00:24:44.459 Satyanarayana Arigela: so maybe next week we'll try to look up shield like we will share the on the Prs. Whatever pre apr you raised it we once this is reviewed, and once this Ghpr thing also can be completed. Right? So we'll we. We can plan for a date which you can. maybe. 186 00:24:44.460 --> 00:24:55.899 Satyanarayana Arigela: So we'll wait till we complete all these things. All the Ps merge and this one Jhpr. Approved. Then we'll round. We'll do one round of testing completely. Then we can go with the date any date we can deserve on date. 187 00:24:57.440 --> 00:25:10.190 Aditya Joshi: Also, can someone like take like take a look on the those 2 Gscr and the Github Ci, because I think they are also, crucially, we are like we not be able to build the with until this Pr is managed. 188 00:25:10.560 --> 00:25:14.909 Aditya Joshi: and the automated Ci testing will not happen. 189 00:25:15.840 --> 00:25:17.829 Aditya Joshi: with that other 190 00:25:17.990 --> 00:25:22.939 Aditya Joshi: I request. 191 00:25:23.720 --> 00:25:28.420 Satyanarayana Arigela: so it's a review or any any testing is required as it for that those things. 192 00:25:29.040 --> 00:25:35.769 Aditya Joshi: I think it it's review. Only I I did from my side, like before raising these. 193 00:25:36.020 --> 00:25:36.860 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay. 194 00:25:40.190 --> 00:25:45.600 Satyanarayana Arigela: yeah, I don't. Can you? like, approve those things like whatever it has done. 195 00:25:46.410 --> 00:25:49.370 Satyanarayana Arigela: because already one down the reviews happened already, I think. 196 00:25:51.750 --> 00:25:53.300 Arun S M: Okay, 197 00:25:53.360 --> 00:25:56.179 Arun S M: can you share me the Pr numbers? I'll 198 00:25:56.760 --> 00:25:57.859 Aditya Joshi: with the tribute. 199 00:26:03.010 --> 00:26:04.610 Satyanarayana Arigela: Yeah, thanks, sir. 200 00:26:06.560 --> 00:26:18.819 Archana: So one more thing from my side like, once we match all the Ps right we would try to build the images locally and then we would like to test with the dockrest version also. 201 00:26:19.810 --> 00:26:23.449 Archana: So we are doing parallel, actually building the majors locally and testing. 202 00:26:23.700 --> 00:26:34.160 Archana: So we'll not find major issues. Some like, while building images. load modules are out of date. Such type of errors 203 00:26:34.190 --> 00:26:35.259 Archana: we are getting. 204 00:26:35.350 --> 00:26:41.319 Archana: but because of which that image building is not stopping. It is building. Okay? 205 00:27:13.270 --> 00:27:18.939 So I don't. You are asking about from moving the project to that to 206 00:27:19.250 --> 00:27:23.509 Archana: continuously like this. Discussion is coming up 207 00:27:24.010 --> 00:27:25.700 Arun S M: right. So 208 00:27:25.860 --> 00:27:30.889 Arun S M: I think we'll have a good steps given that we also have a meet up coming up. 209 00:27:31.110 --> 00:27:40.100 Arun S M: and then the release. All of this should be a good way to prove to you. They will say that we are very much active project, and we should be a top level project. 210 00:27:40.540 --> 00:27:44.070 Arun S M: and it will drive more contributions for sure. 211 00:27:44.690 --> 00:27:45.390 Satyanarayana Arigela: Hmm. 212 00:27:48.680 --> 00:27:54.700 Satyanarayana Arigela: yeah, sure. So the document, once we are done with the release will do those activities. Okay? 213 00:27:55.400 --> 00:27:56.440 Arun S M: Makes sense. 214 00:27:57.520 --> 00:27:58.929 Arun S M: I think it's 215 00:27:59.160 --> 00:28:16.230 Arun S M: So different people have done it differently in the past. Few people like few of the projects they created a presentation right like a ppt. and they say, here is the ask that was there in the T you see steps. And this is what we have done to achieve that. And this is what we have been following for last few months. 216 00:28:16.720 --> 00:28:22.200 Satyanarayana Arigela: and the few teams, what they have done is they created a confluence with all those types listed 217 00:28:22.340 --> 00:28:26.060 Arun S M: like an explanation for why they think they should be top level project. 218 00:28:26.430 --> 00:28:33.189 Arun S M: We can think of intuitive way, of how we can share across our learning. So why we should be top level project. 219 00:28:34.430 --> 00:28:42.400 Satyanarayana Arigela: Sure. Sure. Yeah, we can. We can do that. We first we will try to concentrate on the release, then meet up, then maybe parallel. We will do that also 220 00:28:48.220 --> 00:28:49.200 Arun S M: makes sense. 221 00:28:55.910 --> 00:29:08.459 Satyanarayana Arigela: Yeah, that's all from our side. Maybe anything else like that. That other scope side. We are a vocabulary user user management thing. You told you are working on that one design document. So apart from that, I think we can see 222 00:29:09.520 --> 00:29:14.869 Satyanarayana Arigela: maybe you need anything, or you. You are done with your setup or not. Everything 223 00:29:15.780 --> 00:29:17.920 Manoj: So 224 00:29:17.990 --> 00:29:19.649 Manoj: I try to 225 00:29:20.150 --> 00:29:22.530 Manoj: for our. 226 00:29:26.230 --> 00:29:29.210 Manoj: So I didn't face any issues. So 227 00:29:29.730 --> 00:29:30.410 Satyanarayana Arigela: right. 228 00:29:31.500 --> 00:29:33.210 Manoj: I was able to go. 229 00:29:36.150 --> 00:29:36.990 Manoj: It's absolutely 230 00:29:38.030 --> 00:29:42.379 Manoj: I performed some of the pictures. And I I saw that reflect. It's reference data 231 00:29:42.500 --> 00:29:43.220 Manoj: to it. 232 00:29:44.410 --> 00:29:49.440 Manoj: And I also from getting the like. Theing of the concept of can be a close. 233 00:29:49.890 --> 00:29:50.650 Satyanarayana Arigela: Hmm. 234 00:29:51.790 --> 00:29:53.220 Satyanarayana Arigela: yeah, and good. Good. 235 00:30:04.850 --> 00:30:19.939 Archana: So regarding the this ledger heightened, if there is any quick fix before the release like, if I could get help from Ivanovich like any Ap. Is available directly from where we can fetch the ledger height or status 236 00:30:21.340 --> 00:30:22.250 Archana: of. 237 00:30:23.620 --> 00:30:26.430 Archana: Is there anything we could get? 238 00:30:26.530 --> 00:30:29.650 Archana: From the documentation at the 239 00:30:29.740 --> 00:30:33.959 Arun S M: I think there is a Channel Api right, which gives us ledger height of 240 00:30:34.370 --> 00:30:35.710 Arun S M: our current ledger height. 241 00:30:36.790 --> 00:30:37.970 Good. 242 00:30:38.540 --> 00:30:44.290 Aditya Joshi: There is a So in the Pfc. And I as well, we'll find that. Get channel. Get in, I think. 243 00:30:46.230 --> 00:30:53.349 Archana: Getting for it is like A, you know, when we to that pr, and we execute right? 244 00:30:53.710 --> 00:30:57.790 Archana: that is a command. But 1811. 245 00:30:57.880 --> 00:31:06.430 Aditya Joshi: Okay? So so yeah, they? They? They are the case I I was talking about from the so so whatever you did in the you will find definitely you. There should be some EPA 246 00:31:06.830 --> 00:31:09.319 Aditya Joshi: for those options. 247 00:31:10.260 --> 00:31:14.579 Arun S M: so here is an api request 248 00:31:14.690 --> 00:31:25.600 Arun S M: to the actual peer node that's how clients work right so there is this corresponding Api, I think we can do that ledger high tech channel level and also at individual peer level 249 00:31:28.670 --> 00:31:37.580 Archana: and 250 00:32:06.190 --> 00:32:17.230 Arun S M: yeah, I had a searching for that Api found that in the Java I don't know. The corresponding thing is in Node. SDK, it's it's available at the Channel level to get the ledger height information 251 00:32:17.700 --> 00:32:19.180 Arun S M: in the Javascript. 252 00:32:20.980 --> 00:32:24.770 Aditya Joshi: So one other way that I know is like you can call the 253 00:32:26.350 --> 00:32:39.369 Aditya Joshi: Let's see a C directly. That that gives you the channel later details that can give you the channel height as well. You need to go to the system to import. 254 00:32:40.770 --> 00:32:46.820 Aditya Joshi: That is one of those. C Andcc did. Yeah. 255 00:32:46.980 --> 00:32:52.919 Aditya Joshi: just like you call the normal channels. Right? You can call the C, 256 00:32:54.270 --> 00:32:55.110 Archana: okay? 257 00:32:58.420 --> 00:33:05.789 Satyanarayana Arigela: I don't. The Java is decaying whatever you found, you can just ping here, so it will try to see anything available for node. This also will check that. 258 00:33:09.970 --> 00:33:15.999 Arun S M: Yeah, I it's doing the channel system. Sorry chain codes system to encode, only 259 00:33:16.160 --> 00:33:18.229 Arun S M: it's the town that system. 260 00:33:19.300 --> 00:33:20.070 Satyanarayana Arigela: Hmm. 261 00:33:32.180 --> 00:33:36.960 Archana: One thing I would like to ask Manu to have discord account. 262 00:33:38.600 --> 00:33:49.969 Archana: because the way of communication I have to do only through males, so if you can drop your a mobile number or discord. Id. Then it could be like easy to communicate with you. 263 00:33:50.600 --> 00:33:54.619 Manoj: I I already joined. And 264 00:33:55.360 --> 00:33:56.080 Manoj: right 265 00:33:57.520 --> 00:34:03.170 Manoj: regarding me. yeah. 266 00:34:05.700 --> 00:34:07.829 Archana: just to bring you these. 267 00:34:17.710 --> 00:34:19.230 Archana: Yeah, thank you much. 268 00:35:03.710 --> 00:35:06.039 Satyanarayana Arigela: Anything else that we did. We discussed. 269 00:35:09.890 --> 00:35:20.489 Satyanarayana Arigela: Okay, that's all from our side. So if you find any information on these things and getting status and can just pass with us. Meanwhile we will share the Pr. With you to for review. 270 00:35:24.900 --> 00:35:26.600 Manoj: It's good. Thank you. 271 00:35:28.020 --> 00:35:29.189 Satyanarayana Arigela: Thank you all. 272 00:35:29.510 --> 00:35:32.210 Archana: Thank you.