00:04:26 Timo Glastra: https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/2023-06-22+Aries+Framework+JS+Meeting+notes 00:08:10 Akiff Manji: This week! 00:08:20 Karim Stekelenburg: Reacted to "This week!" with ๐Ÿ‘ 00:14:39 Timo Glastra: Reacted to "This week!" with ๐Ÿ‘ 00:24:30 Alex Andrei: Iโ€™m still seeing the done: protocol slides if you are trying to show the folder structure 00:36:00 Karim Stekelenburg: Really nice Artem! ๐Ÿ‘ 00:36:08 Ariel Gentile: add ๐Ÿ‘ 00:36:22 Timo Glastra: add ๐Ÿ‘ 00:37:17 Timo Glastra: I think this protocol needs to be supported, right? https://didcomm.org/mediator-coordination/2.0/ 00:42:02 Alex Andrei: You can still receive a message from a did you have never seen though right? 00:45:24 Alex Andrei: Isnโ€™t a connection just a did pair? 00:46:52 Alex Andrei: In v2 you could have messages that you send to multiple DIDs so itโ€™s not just a 1-1 mapping but a 1-many though 00:49:42 Alex Andrei: Like a spam filter in email 00:52:56 Alex Andrei: Also other non afj agents need to support โ€œconnectionsโ€ to interact with it 00:53:18 Alex Andrei: If protocols need to handle connections 00:53:29 Alex Andrei: Each protocol* 00:53:46 Alex Andrei: Yes 00:53:57 Alex Andrei: Warren is on it 00:54:25 Alex Andrei: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ 01:01:55 Warren Gallagher: Good discussion. Thanks.