WEBVTT 1 00:00:50.570 --> 00:00:52.140 Elisabeth Green: 200 2 00:00:52.910 --> 00:00:57.960 Elisabeth Green: waiting for to turn on your audience, you can introduce yourself. 3 00:01:08.040 --> 00:01:10.540 Elisabeth Green: How do you like to introduce yourself? 4 00:01:15.980 --> 00:01:16.890 Alejandro: Hello! 5 00:01:17.420 --> 00:01:19.390 Elisabeth Green: Yes, I can hear you. 6 00:01:19.740 --> 00:01:22.549 Alejandro: nice to meet you. I'm Alejandro. 7 00:01:22.730 --> 00:01:30.880 Alejandro: Yeah, I am a project manager for a few to for care. It's 8 00:01:30.920 --> 00:01:39.429 Alejandro: accelerator we. We are a different different startup in the in France 9 00:01:39.830 --> 00:01:42.290 Alejandro: and in Europe. 10 00:01:43.430 --> 00:01:46.849 Elisabeth Green: Nice. Thank you for being here. 11 00:01:47.190 --> 00:01:51.599 Elisabeth Green: there are a lot of startups in healthcare right now, that's for sure. 12 00:01:52.540 --> 00:02:04.830 Alejandro: Thank you also for this opportunity, and I hope to to be here quickly, because I I am 13 00:02:06.270 --> 00:02:13.099 Alejandro: I I was in the different meetings. But it it is. It's no constantly 14 00:02:14.910 --> 00:02:16.010 Elisabeth Green: okay. 15 00:02:16.500 --> 00:02:22.030 Elisabeth Green: So do you have a Linux foundation? Id. 16 00:02:23.290 --> 00:02:24.160 Alejandro: Sorry. 17 00:02:24.920 --> 00:02:30.440 Elisabeth Green: Do you have a Linux foundation? I identification, do you? Are you logged in. 18 00:02:30.690 --> 00:02:35.430 Elisabeth Green: logged into Hyper Ledger? 19 00:02:37.330 --> 00:02:38.760 Elisabeth Green: So 20 00:02:40.400 --> 00:02:44.280 Elisabeth Green: And do you want to claim the host role? See? Or do you want to? 21 00:02:47.480 --> 00:02:49.409 Elisabeth Green: to go to the Wiki page. 22 00:02:50.190 --> 00:02:55.799 Alejandro: Did you get it? Did you get an email for this group? 23 00:02:56.280 --> 00:03:02.300 Alejandro: Yeah, it's I receive each email for for each meeting. 24 00:03:02.460 --> 00:03:07.980 Elisabeth Green: Okay, would you like to go to your email right now and click on the view event? Button? 25 00:03:08.530 --> 00:03:10.890 Alejandro: Okay? 26 00:03:50.190 --> 00:03:51.969 And then put in your 27 00:03:51.980 --> 00:03:54.370 Elisabeth Green: the expedition. Id or Lfid. 28 00:03:56.000 --> 00:03:57.930 Alejandro: Okay, wait a minute. 29 00:03:58.850 --> 00:03:59.500 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 30 00:04:26.830 --> 00:04:32.849 Elisabeth Green: because I just tried doing it 3 times and with 2 different email addresses. Oh, here we go. I'm getting a link now. 31 00:04:36.920 --> 00:04:40.770 Elisabeth Green: Your profile is missing a photo. It wants my photo. 32 00:04:42.370 --> 00:04:45.590 Elisabeth Green: You do not have a password set for your account. 33 00:04:46.960 --> 00:04:48.440 Alejandro: Hi, sorry! 34 00:04:48.890 --> 00:04:51.990 Elisabeth Green: That's what it's saying for me. So I'm 35 00:04:53.220 --> 00:05:04.610 Elisabeth Green: That's why I'm going in here, and it's it's asking me to log in. and then we can go to the page that tells us what is on the schedule for today. 36 00:05:06.930 --> 00:05:09.480 Elisabeth Green: So we do them set this up. 37 00:05:10.710 --> 00:05:11.660 Elisabeth Green: And 38 00:05:14.280 --> 00:05:18.399 Elisabeth Green: he didn't. He didn't give us the Let's go to the calendar. 39 00:05:20.410 --> 00:05:21.469 You didn't get it. 40 00:05:21.640 --> 00:05:24.899 Elisabeth Green: So link to the key page for us to 41 00:05:25.120 --> 00:05:26.529 Alejandro: do the notes on. 42 00:05:31.230 --> 00:05:31.910 Alejandro: Hmm. 43 00:05:38.650 --> 00:05:42.039 Elisabeth Green: okay. So I'm just gonna try going to. 44 00:05:45.760 --> 00:05:51.260 Alejandro: Okay, I'm I'm located. So 45 00:05:58.140 --> 00:05:58.800 hmm. 46 00:06:07.660 --> 00:06:08.440 Alejandro: okay. 47 00:06:19.470 --> 00:06:21.589 Alejandro: it is the same. 48 00:06:57.680 --> 00:06:58.490 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 49 00:07:02.450 --> 00:07:04.220 Elisabeth Green: Share my screen. 50 00:07:08.900 --> 00:07:09.850 that is. 51 00:07:10.630 --> 00:07:12.610 Elisabeth Green: do you see my screen. 52 00:07:24.380 --> 00:07:25.480 Elisabeth Green: Hello, Andrew. 53 00:07:27.940 --> 00:07:30.350 Alejandro: sorry I I I see yours when 54 00:07:30.500 --> 00:07:37.069 Elisabeth Green: okay. So I I was able to get in. So this should be an agenda on here somewhere 55 00:07:39.740 --> 00:07:50.279 Elisabeth Green: here. You see this patient subgroup. This is coming up on Monday starts at 7 am. it's a that's the one that I'm working on. 56 00:07:52.060 --> 00:07:56.479 Elisabeth Green: I should tell you. Well, I can update that page later on. 57 00:07:57.540 --> 00:08:06.360 Elisabeth Green: The patient subgroup is working on a very interesting project. It's a I call it. The polluter payer. Health care not 58 00:08:07.190 --> 00:08:17.589 Elisabeth Green: where. it's the polluter that pays for the damages caused by the pollution. As you know, about 8 million people are killed every year by 59 00:08:17.690 --> 00:08:19.700 Elisabeth Green: pollution globally. 60 00:08:20.650 --> 00:08:23.780 Alejandro: and those desk could be 61 00:08:23.920 --> 00:08:37.209 Elisabeth Green: prevent it if everybody got all the health care they needed. But the health care does cost money, because the kind of health care they would need is preventive, which a lot of people don't get because they can't afford it. 62 00:08:37.530 --> 00:08:45.380 Elisabeth Green: And so those people would be able to just go to. Oh. this app and donate their health data. 63 00:08:45.550 --> 00:08:49.759 Elisabeth Green: And you know this is my before, and then go into like a clinical trial 64 00:08:50.050 --> 00:08:52.859 Elisabeth Green: and then get the the health care they need. 65 00:08:52.960 --> 00:09:00.379 Elisabeth Green: And then, after they would donate their after data. and then that is Then they would get paid. 66 00:09:01.890 --> 00:09:04.639 Elisabeth Green: They're having. It's integrate now. 67 00:09:05.130 --> 00:09:09.990 Elisabeth Green: especially if they were to make some kind of an improvement. So if they were to 68 00:09:11.690 --> 00:09:17.360 Elisabeth Green: save a rainforest or clean the plastics on the beach. They could do it before and after photo. 69 00:09:19.260 --> 00:09:21.350 Elisabeth Green: and then they would be able to 70 00:09:22.120 --> 00:09:27.669 Elisabeth Green: get paid for clean cleaning environment. In other words, that we. they, we get carbon credit 71 00:09:28.540 --> 00:09:31.959 Elisabeth Green: for environmental credit for cleaning the environment. And then 72 00:09:32.310 --> 00:09:34.589 Elisabeth Green: that would pay for their all their health care. 73 00:09:35.760 --> 00:09:36.670 Alejandro: Okay. 74 00:09:37.070 --> 00:09:48.730 Alejandro: are you? Your, I mean admin over the this group, or you sort of I'm I'm the one who's been running it for the past few months, because 75 00:09:48.770 --> 00:10:01.089 Elisabeth Green: the guy who was running it for the past few years to stop coming. So he he gave me the password to take that group over. So I mean, I could go to the patience I group right here. 76 00:10:02.530 --> 00:10:04.240 Elisabeth Green: Okay, patient. So. 77 00:10:07.770 --> 00:10:10.860 Elisabeth Green: okay. But then I just go back because there's more on this. 78 00:10:11.120 --> 00:10:13.800 Elisabeth Green: Then the the patient subgroup. 79 00:10:18.620 --> 00:10:24.940 Elisabeth Green: I don't. I? Yeah, I go there and we just talk. We just chat. We talk about 80 00:10:26.000 --> 00:10:27.550 Elisabeth Green: whatever we want to talk about 81 00:10:29.920 --> 00:10:35.910 Elisabeth Green: the interoperability subgroup. As far as I know, it doesn't ever go. It doesn't ever meet anymore. 82 00:10:36.720 --> 00:10:39.250 Elisabeth Green: it's not. It's no longer on the calendar. 83 00:10:40.820 --> 00:10:46.390 Elisabeth Green: I'm going to work external resources. Number trajectory. 84 00:10:48.870 --> 00:10:53.169 Elisabeth Green: Here we go. 2023, meeting agenda notes. Updated June seventh. 85 00:10:55.690 --> 00:11:00.180 Elisabeth Green: Okay? Oh, I was there. Space contributed 15 days ago. 86 00:11:02.030 --> 00:11:07.270 Elisabeth Green: Anna, so yeah, she goes. She comes to the 87 00:11:09.210 --> 00:11:11.099 Elisabeth Green: Oh, look, I'm on. 88 00:11:11.480 --> 00:11:23.930 Elisabeth Green: There's a this is interesting. I like this the Wiki page. I can change this Wiki page. And meeting agenda notes, we could click on that for fun. 89 00:11:26.860 --> 00:11:29.659 Elisabeth Green: 6, 7. General meeting 90 00:11:29.680 --> 00:11:31.030 Elisabeth Green: agenda notes. 91 00:11:32.350 --> 00:11:33.690 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 92 00:11:33.800 --> 00:11:36.120 Elisabeth Green: well, let's see. 93 00:11:37.240 --> 00:11:40.270 Elisabeth Green: we're supposed to be able to add a meeting. 94 00:11:41.830 --> 00:11:47.360 Elisabeth Green: We can add a meeting, but I think what I'm gonna do is go back to my mail. 95 00:11:49.370 --> 00:11:52.950 Elisabeth Green: Is there an add meeting here at it? 96 00:11:55.170 --> 00:11:58.019 Elisabeth Green: okay, you should be able to add the meeting. 97 00:12:00.480 --> 00:12:01.220 Elisabeth Green: Hmm. 98 00:12:05.910 --> 00:12:10.390 Elisabeth Green: Where? Where does it say? Add meeting? Well, let's just go to the 99 00:12:11.200 --> 00:12:12.870 Elisabeth Green: Where is my gmail 100 00:12:14.350 --> 00:12:18.130 Elisabeth Green: and 101 00:12:19.370 --> 00:12:22.629 Elisabeth Green: and search for 102 00:12:23.680 --> 00:12:27.760 Elisabeth Green: right that you how to 103 00:12:28.640 --> 00:12:33.090 Elisabeth Green: It's just hyper ledger health care. 104 00:12:34.380 --> 00:12:39.879 Elisabeth Green: and then we'll see group notification for June 20. First, that's today. 105 00:12:42.380 --> 00:12:46.289 Elisabeth Green: Oh, there's a sick meeting on February fifteenth. 106 00:12:48.580 --> 00:12:52.690 Elisabeth Green: in-depth Webinar red date with red date to twenty-first. 107 00:12:54.240 --> 00:12:57.549 Elisabeth Green: Okay. what is red date, do you know? 108 00:12:58.860 --> 00:13:00.590 Alejandro: No, you know. 109 00:13:03.260 --> 00:13:07.599 Elisabeth Green: 10'clock Pm. CST. 7 Am. Et L. That's over 110 00:13:07.890 --> 00:13:09.930 Elisabeth Green: 5 Am. My time. 111 00:13:12.100 --> 00:13:15.829 Elisabeth Green: Monday, June twelfth. It's a pay your subgroup. 112 00:13:16.470 --> 00:13:17.490 Elisabeth Green: okay? 113 00:13:18.560 --> 00:13:20.360 Elisabeth Green: And Wednesday, June seventh. 114 00:13:22.960 --> 00:13:23.730 Elisabeth Green: Hmm. 115 00:13:24.970 --> 00:13:29.600 Elisabeth Green: Well, let's just see what was gonna happen on Wednesday and 7. 116 00:13:31.880 --> 00:13:34.289 Elisabeth Green: see, there's no 117 00:13:34.550 --> 00:13:35.990 Elisabeth Green: C view event. 118 00:13:41.940 --> 00:13:45.510 Elisabeth Green: Oh, look at this. So what is this call? This is the 119 00:13:45.620 --> 00:13:52.969 Elisabeth Green: health care to calendar 1712 to 19 June 20 first, that's today. 120 00:13:58.890 --> 00:14:06.160 Elisabeth Green: This is just the calendar. but it doesn't give you the the list of things that he was going to talk about today 121 00:14:11.930 --> 00:14:12.780 Elisabeth Green: that it 122 00:14:17.090 --> 00:14:18.420 Elisabeth Green: hmm, Nope. 123 00:14:21.730 --> 00:14:23.600 Elisabeth Green: that event has been deleted. 124 00:14:28.490 --> 00:14:32.960 Elisabeth Green: Okay. it's always been deleted. Okay, what about this one? 125 00:14:33.740 --> 00:14:36.070 Alejandro: That event has been the. 126 00:14:36.270 --> 00:14:42.189 Elisabeth Green: I'm sorry. I'm bless you, right? This one. That event has been delete. What about today's 127 00:14:47.040 --> 00:14:48.150 that next week? 128 00:14:48.460 --> 00:14:52.550 Elisabeth Green: I think there's an error on this page somewhere. 129 00:14:54.580 --> 00:14:56.659 Elisabeth Green: Okay. Sorry. 130 00:15:01.220 --> 00:15:05.069 Elisabeth Green: patient sub group meeting. There's a group. Pay your subgroup. 131 00:15:05.430 --> 00:15:13.189 Elisabeth Green: Okay, this might be it. On one of these there was a link, and you were able to go to the link, and it said. 132 00:15:13.430 --> 00:15:15.130 Elisabeth Green: but always going to happen. 133 00:15:18.460 --> 00:15:20.679 Elisabeth Green: Oh, this is a calendar. 134 00:15:29.330 --> 00:15:32.549 Elisabeth Green: Okay, we have a file that I cannot open. 135 00:15:33.150 --> 00:15:38.200 Elisabeth Green: nice. 136 00:15:44.280 --> 00:15:48.400 Elisabeth Green: There's nothing on here about. Well, let's try view events on this one 137 00:15:49.420 --> 00:15:50.910 Elisabeth Green: same thing. 138 00:15:53.000 --> 00:15:53.890 But 139 00:15:54.590 --> 00:15:57.889 Alejandro: did you talk with the 140 00:15:58.360 --> 00:16:02.510 Elisabeth Green: no, I haven't spoken with them about 4 weeks. I think it was. 141 00:16:03.630 --> 00:16:07.649 Elisabeth Green: this is the same thing. 142 00:16:08.710 --> 00:16:13.379 Elisabeth Green: one of these had. I did get it. I got something from him 143 00:16:13.730 --> 00:16:21.769 Elisabeth Green: 2 weeks ago. Let's see. on the seventh. Okay, yeah. I wanted to go to the meeting on the seventh. 144 00:16:23.520 --> 00:16:29.970 Elisabeth Green: but something came up. But I did get it said something about what was going to be happening there. 145 00:16:38.460 --> 00:16:42.140 Elisabeth Green: Yeah. Well, that isn't working. So let's try going back to 146 00:16:44.150 --> 00:16:45.370 Elisabeth Green: let's care. 147 00:17:03.180 --> 00:17:07.879 See what I'm doing. What we do during these meetings is we can come in here and just change this 148 00:17:08.109 --> 00:17:14.810 Elisabeth Green: through the meeting while the meeting is happening. And then it's usually a link that says. 149 00:17:16.760 --> 00:17:20.520 Elisabeth Green: start 150 00:17:20.920 --> 00:17:25.180 Elisabeth Green: a new meeting. report, or something like that. 151 00:17:42.460 --> 00:17:44.110 Do you see a link on here? 152 00:17:45.300 --> 00:17:46.150 Alejandro: Yes. 153 00:17:46.610 --> 00:17:48.250 Elisabeth Green: to start a new 154 00:17:53.150 --> 00:17:53.910 Elisabeth Green: hmm! 155 00:17:54.490 --> 00:17:58.510 Elisabeth Green: Well, I think the pay pay. Your subgroup has one. 156 00:18:02.410 --> 00:18:04.770 Elisabeth Green: Oh, go to Link. Thank you. 157 00:18:34.600 --> 00:18:37.009 Elisabeth Green: Try a meeting index and summary 158 00:18:39.270 --> 00:18:40.909 Elisabeth Green: create meeting. Note. 159 00:18:46.850 --> 00:18:52.049 Elisabeth Green: Okay, that's fun. So turn my phone sideways. 160 00:18:53.150 --> 00:18:54.080 Elisabeth Green: Create 161 00:19:01.810 --> 00:19:05.390 Elisabeth Green: 8 today is June 20. First. 162 00:19:06.450 --> 00:19:08.560 Elisabeth Green: it's asking me to 163 00:19:12.820 --> 00:19:18.620 Elisabeth Green: set a meeting for today. Actually, the date that we had that meeting was 164 00:19:23.980 --> 00:19:25.280 Elisabeth Green: on the twelfth. 165 00:19:33.500 --> 00:19:38.370 Elisabeth Green: I see there should be a way to do this on the on the other page. 166 00:19:41.250 --> 00:19:47.130 Elisabeth Green: But this is how you do it, as you can change this to 6 12, 167 00:19:50.050 --> 00:19:54.440 Elisabeth Green: right? Isn't this nice? I'm actually changing a page on the hyper ledger. 168 00:19:56.410 --> 00:19:58.170 Elisabeth Green: So let me change this. 169 00:20:00.050 --> 00:20:01.529 Elisabeth Green: But maybe it'll change. 170 00:20:03.410 --> 00:20:06.470 Elisabeth Green: Okay, at a person at, and they'll be notified. 171 00:20:07.200 --> 00:20:08.930 Elisabeth Green: So these are the attendees. 172 00:20:11.370 --> 00:20:16.690 Elisabeth Green: So the notes for that they were 6 12 173 00:20:18.810 --> 00:20:21.169 Elisabeth Green: Sara Crawford. 174 00:20:23.540 --> 00:20:24.960 So 175 00:20:26.060 --> 00:20:28.539 Elisabeth Green: I put her name down here. She she will. 176 00:20:29.600 --> 00:20:33.320 Elisabeth Green: It's supposed to put the at sign first right and then put 177 00:20:37.780 --> 00:20:42.770 Elisabeth Green: okay, and then so she'll be notified. And then I could do another one. Right? 178 00:20:44.000 --> 00:20:47.059 Elisabeth Green: Excuse me, why did it disappear? 179 00:20:47.210 --> 00:20:48.769 Alejandro: Do? How are you? 180 00:20:51.400 --> 00:20:53.250 Elisabeth Green: Okay? 181 00:20:55.640 --> 00:20:58.539 Elisabeth Green: Okay. Then the third one. You have to do that. 182 00:21:00.450 --> 00:21:08.210 Elisabeth Green: See if there's anybody else here who's A Molly? Okay, she's interesting here. 183 00:21:09.050 --> 00:21:10.430 Elisabeth Green: And Marcella. 184 00:21:11.390 --> 00:21:13.820 Elisabeth Green: copy 185 00:21:14.650 --> 00:21:17.460 Elisabeth Green: is. I don't think she's a member 186 00:21:17.610 --> 00:21:19.880 Elisabeth Green: next. Oh, thank you. 187 00:21:19.890 --> 00:21:21.540 Elisabeth Green: How do you do this? 188 00:21:23.370 --> 00:21:32.490 Elisabeth Green: Well, maybe it'll disappear. Me, too, so great. There you go this. So you gotta put it on your own name, and then you gotta do that. 189 00:21:34.160 --> 00:21:41.350 Elisabeth Green: And then there was someone else who showed up to. But if I an a su, yeah. 190 00:21:42.720 --> 00:21:47.340 Elisabeth Green: and she definitely is a a member. 191 00:21:50.180 --> 00:21:51.530 Elisabeth Green: So 192 00:21:53.300 --> 00:21:55.989 Elisabeth Green: You put the pound sign first, or you just put their name 193 00:21:57.530 --> 00:22:01.300 Elisabeth Green: because it didn't do the pound sign for there. Oh, Sarah, conference isn't a member. 194 00:22:03.330 --> 00:22:05.340 Elisabeth Green: so she's a member, so 195 00:22:05.660 --> 00:22:07.580 Elisabeth Green: it should notify her. 196 00:22:10.080 --> 00:22:11.609 Elisabeth Green: Those objectives. 197 00:22:12.230 --> 00:22:18.690 Elisabeth Green: so a way to identify the parties responsible for injury or illness. 198 00:22:20.630 --> 00:22:21.790 Elisabeth Green: This is our goal 199 00:22:22.580 --> 00:22:24.199 Elisabeth Green: the next week. 200 00:22:26.130 --> 00:22:28.330 Elisabeth Green: okay. 201 00:22:28.770 --> 00:22:31.370 Alejandro: And then what did each person do? 202 00:22:31.850 --> 00:22:33.980 Elisabeth Green: Oh, shoot? I should kept saying. 203 00:22:34.570 --> 00:22:36.530 Elisabeth Green: Jenna name. Okay. 204 00:22:39.650 --> 00:22:40.460 Elisabeth Green: oops. 205 00:22:40.960 --> 00:22:43.320 Elisabeth Green: They're back. 206 00:22:48.780 --> 00:22:53.449 Elisabeth Green: It's not gonna go back in copy their names again. So what I should have done 207 00:22:56.690 --> 00:22:59.720 Elisabeth Green: okay 208 00:23:05.240 --> 00:23:08.920 Elisabeth Green: that it's it's great 209 00:23:14.560 --> 00:23:19.730 Elisabeth Green: agenda item, well, it wasn't really on the agenda item. okay? And then what? 210 00:23:21.120 --> 00:23:24.879 Elisabeth Green: Then? How do you get the next agent next one over 211 00:23:26.610 --> 00:23:28.990 Elisabeth Green: at? Have you add one? 212 00:23:35.160 --> 00:23:40.020 Elisabeth Green: Add, Oh, there you go, you go to the corner and invite people to edit. 213 00:23:42.630 --> 00:23:44.779 Elisabeth Green: There you go so I could invite you. 214 00:23:46.940 --> 00:23:49.719 Elisabeth Green: Let's work together on this page. Would you like to do that? 215 00:23:50.630 --> 00:23:51.990 Elisabeth Green: Yeah. 216 00:23:53.730 --> 00:23:57.389 Elisabeth Green: it's their own one. Oh, here you go. Click on this. 217 00:23:57.610 --> 00:23:59.150 Elisabeth Green: Oh, what? 218 00:24:02.000 --> 00:24:07.309 Elisabeth Green: do you see? A way to add somebody else. 219 00:24:08.480 --> 00:24:10.160 Elisabeth Green: Hmm. okay. 220 00:24:10.580 --> 00:24:13.369 Elisabeth Green: okay. Well, anyway, I got that far right here. 221 00:24:13.680 --> 00:24:22.350 Elisabeth Green: It's great. Take your task here to assign a user and select a date. And then I was able to 222 00:24:24.470 --> 00:24:33.050 Elisabeth Green: changes saved, and then I could publish good. See? That's how you change it. So now I should be able to go and do this with the other one. 223 00:24:34.590 --> 00:24:44.739 Elisabeth Green: But I'm going to show you what we what some of the people are doing. It's it was a lot of fun. So Amy Marcella works on this project. 1,000,000,002 web, 3 initiative. 224 00:24:45.120 --> 00:24:47.120 Elisabeth Green: And here is her 225 00:24:49.010 --> 00:24:49.910 Elisabeth Green: play. 226 00:24:52.260 --> 00:24:54.239 Elisabeth Green: Okay, so here it is 227 00:24:57.320 --> 00:24:58.410 Elisabeth Green: our website. 228 00:25:10.020 --> 00:25:13.229 Elisabeth Green: So let's see, she has a a met her. 229 00:25:19.560 --> 00:25:22.040 Elisabeth Green: and I guess you're supposed to go in and zoom. 230 00:25:28.340 --> 00:25:31.340 Elisabeth Green: Why, it's important to learn web 3, 231 00:25:33.470 --> 00:25:35.249 Elisabeth Green: so we can go back to. 232 00:25:38.460 --> 00:25:40.299 and I see it is 233 00:25:40.590 --> 00:25:43.109 Elisabeth Green: founder and director of any World innovations. 234 00:25:47.520 --> 00:25:48.870 Elisabeth Green: She had a 235 00:25:51.860 --> 00:25:53.519 Elisabeth Green: project that she 236 00:25:55.260 --> 00:25:59.550 Elisabeth Green: published it. I wonder if you could find that 237 00:26:00.620 --> 00:26:04.390 Elisabeth Green: so your way to search. Check the search 238 00:26:06.850 --> 00:26:10.589 Elisabeth Green: for a 239 00:26:12.490 --> 00:26:14.710 Elisabeth Green: see if she has a Wiki page. 240 00:26:16.800 --> 00:26:18.389 Elisabeth Green: Send search results 241 00:26:18.980 --> 00:26:21.840 Elisabeth Green: about your health care. Oh, it's even she shows up. 242 00:26:26.430 --> 00:26:27.380 Elisabeth Green: Yes. 243 00:26:33.440 --> 00:26:36.980 Elisabeth Green: meeting notes. So she's on the meeting notes for 244 00:26:37.140 --> 00:26:42.469 Elisabeth Green: with me. Then here's her optimize. If here's her project 245 00:26:45.840 --> 00:26:47.629 Elisabeth Green: program that she's got 246 00:26:54.280 --> 00:27:00.010 Elisabeth Green: this in team fall tolerance consensus library for her that your fabric which you guys end up security. 247 00:27:00.500 --> 00:27:03.120 Elisabeth Green: I can put with low latency and high scalability. 248 00:27:07.680 --> 00:27:08.340 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 249 00:27:13.970 --> 00:27:16.160 so she. 250 00:27:32.940 --> 00:27:35.909 Elisabeth Green: wow. we have a publication. 251 00:28:02.090 --> 00:28:03.100 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 252 00:28:04.750 --> 00:28:07.979 Elisabeth Green: so isn't. She consensus 253 00:28:09.320 --> 00:28:11.870 Elisabeth Green: it starts off with 3 people. 254 00:28:13.730 --> 00:28:17.710 Elisabeth Green: they propose, do you see the 255 00:28:18.480 --> 00:28:21.560 Alejandro: she would ch. In the middle. They they propose. 256 00:28:21.740 --> 00:28:23.349 Elisabeth Green: and then they write 257 00:28:23.550 --> 00:28:26.739 Elisabeth Green: to each other, and then they accept from each other. 258 00:28:26.930 --> 00:28:29.279 Elisabeth Green: and then the smart contract is executed. 259 00:28:53.120 --> 00:28:57.199 Elisabeth Green: So this is. it looks like this is sending messages. 260 00:29:00.400 --> 00:29:05.600 Elisabeth Green: And then there's a decision, the decided queue where the output of 261 00:29:05.880 --> 00:29:09.980 Elisabeth Green: all the messages are, and, as you know, with Byzantine fault, tolerance. 262 00:29:11.140 --> 00:29:12.630 Elisabeth Green: all 3 parties? 263 00:29:12.730 --> 00:29:16.149 Elisabeth Green: No, a secret that only one of the other parties now. 264 00:29:18.260 --> 00:29:20.330 Elisabeth Green: and once all their secrets are 265 00:29:20.510 --> 00:29:30.730 Elisabeth Green: once all their secrets are exchanged. and then they're then they're sure that they are who they are. Everybody knows who everybody else is, and then they can make that 266 00:29:31.160 --> 00:29:34.150 Elisabeth Green: they can use their public key to sign the 267 00:29:36.060 --> 00:29:44.080 Elisabeth Green: the contract, and then the contract is as executed. So that's why it's so. It you don't have to just trust, because nowadays you can. 268 00:29:44.710 --> 00:29:53.650 Elisabeth Green: You can sell your wallet, your whole wallet to somebody else. So if you think you know somebody's wallet, address it, it might no longer be their wallet address. 269 00:29:54.340 --> 00:29:56.539 Elisabeth Green: So that's why this is really important. 270 00:29:56.930 --> 00:30:00.280 Elisabeth Green: and 271 00:30:01.800 --> 00:30:04.070 Alejandro: could you send me the link? 272 00:30:04.560 --> 00:30:08.219 Elisabeth Green: Okay? Well, if you go to the Wiki page. It's 273 00:30:08.250 --> 00:30:13.190 Elisabeth Green: you can search for it. But let me put this in the chat 274 00:30:14.970 --> 00:30:17.260 Elisabeth Green: copy. Okay. 275 00:30:18.180 --> 00:30:22.859 Elisabeth Green: okay, well, now, just so happens to be that. my zoom. 276 00:30:23.710 --> 00:30:25.140 Elisabeth Green: this over here. 277 00:30:30.850 --> 00:30:31.990 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 278 00:30:34.070 --> 00:30:35.379 Elisabeth Green: okay, it's in the chat. 279 00:30:35.990 --> 00:30:36.690 Thank you. 280 00:30:44.870 --> 00:30:49.469 Elisabeth Green: That's the paper that they wrote that it's really fascinating. I think she's brilliant. 281 00:30:56.860 --> 00:31:08.240 Elisabeth Green: so she's She's trying to. The Hyper Ledger has a a mentorship program 282 00:31:08.460 --> 00:31:10.399 Elisabeth Green: and she's trying to 283 00:31:13.810 --> 00:31:22.640 Elisabeth Green: She's trying to get mentees to help her work on this project? and then he will, as you, you have a company. Right? What was the name of your company again? 284 00:31:24.130 --> 00:31:25.870 Alejandro: Yeah. 285 00:31:27.330 --> 00:31:31.890 Alejandro: can you put a link in the chat to that, please? 286 00:31:41.100 --> 00:31:43.110 Alejandro: Located in? 287 00:33:06.120 --> 00:33:12.670 Elisabeth Green: And maybe, would you like to share your screen? And that's project? 288 00:33:14.390 --> 00:33:17.959 Elisabeth Green: Stop share. So now you can share your screen. 289 00:33:19.610 --> 00:33:24.090 Alejandro: do you? Do you? What do you want to see? 290 00:33:24.280 --> 00:33:34.519 Elisabeth Green: Would you like to share your screen more about your project because you didn't put a link in the chat. You just put the website address so I can't click on it because it isn't a link. 291 00:33:34.840 --> 00:33:37.679 Elisabeth Green: It has to have the Http ahead in front of it. 292 00:33:38.070 --> 00:33:40.210 Alejandro: Okay, the 293 00:34:23.900 --> 00:34:28.280 Alejandro: okay. I I send you the link. 294 00:34:29.100 --> 00:34:30.070 Elisabeth Green: Thank you. 295 00:34:34.250 --> 00:34:38.790 Elisabeth Green: So all I have to do is go over here. 296 00:34:42.310 --> 00:34:43.949 Elisabeth Green: I share screen. 297 00:34:46.699 --> 00:34:47.820 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 298 00:34:51.300 --> 00:34:52.780 Elisabeth Green: some waiting for it to look. 299 00:35:00.010 --> 00:35:04.739 Elisabeth Green: How many people are you working with right now on that? Or is it your self proprietorship. 300 00:35:05.160 --> 00:35:12.679 Alejandro: Okay, we we have, almost a 40 startups in in our 301 00:35:12.980 --> 00:35:27.410 Alejandro: building. And team we work with, we. I work with the 1015, 15 person who are who are in the team. 302 00:35:27.580 --> 00:35:31.770 Alejandro: And we we have 303 00:35:31.960 --> 00:35:38.679 Alejandro: for their start up to grow on to to meet a new. 304 00:35:39.170 --> 00:35:46.199 Alejandro: You people who want to would like to invest in this to start out. 305 00:35:48.470 --> 00:35:52.990 Alejandro: we we have an insert that that work with blockchain. 306 00:35:55.020 --> 00:36:05.800 Alejandro: And basically, I, I working with the different it projects, and we help the other start start up to to grow 307 00:36:07.790 --> 00:36:15.359 Elisabeth Green: nice. What kind of help to give them? Besides a place to do work at. Oh, I guess I called office 308 00:36:15.950 --> 00:36:17.110 Elisabeth Green: on the whole. 309 00:36:19.280 --> 00:36:20.110 Alejandro: Sorry. 310 00:36:20.650 --> 00:36:24.360 Elisabeth Green: What do you give them besides? And the Google. 311 00:36:24.780 --> 00:36:26.240 Elisabeth Green: your office space 312 00:36:26.540 --> 00:36:28.410 Alejandro: in in Paris. 313 00:36:29.560 --> 00:36:34.080 Elisabeth Green: Okay? And do you give them technical assistance as well? 314 00:36:35.610 --> 00:36:38.750 Elisabeth Green: Like what projects to 315 00:36:39.020 --> 00:36:45.109 Elisabeth Green: you help them? Code, do you have? Do you find people to code the projects for them. 316 00:36:45.120 --> 00:36:56.910 Alejandro: We have a other start that you grabbed. Our founders are for big companies, Santa Fe or Orange 317 00:36:57.380 --> 00:37:03.809 Alejandro: generally. that I can help 318 00:37:03.830 --> 00:37:16.970 Alejandro: as with the different connections around the world. to to get investments for other startups and to to expand the the work 319 00:37:16.970 --> 00:37:38.800 Alejandro: for for they. And basically we have, we, we have the startups with the, with the all facilities facilities in the in the building, on also with the another connections experts the different projects that can get. Had this start up to to grow 320 00:37:40.090 --> 00:37:41.050 Elisabeth Green: nice. 321 00:37:54.490 --> 00:37:57.630 Alejandro: Where where are you located? 322 00:37:57.850 --> 00:37:59.380 Elisabeth Green: I'm in California. 323 00:37:59.500 --> 00:38:00.910 Alejandro: California. Okay. 324 00:38:20.080 --> 00:38:22.569 Elisabeth Green: are they all tech Hi tech 325 00:38:23.750 --> 00:38:24.670 Elisabeth Green: company? 326 00:38:25.810 --> 00:38:26.870 Elisabeth Green: So 327 00:38:27.240 --> 00:38:35.840 Elisabeth Green: do they all have a technical co-founders, or do they share to technical talent. 328 00:38:38.830 --> 00:39:05.519 Alejandro: Each founders or partnership have their the experts that that could come to or building to to have the other startups, and they offer their experiences. And maybe meter or make it different relationships with the with another companies. 329 00:39:06.960 --> 00:39:07.980 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 330 00:39:14.390 --> 00:39:15.720 Elisabeth Green: so nice. 331 00:39:16.180 --> 00:39:25.520 Alejandro: Youtube is disabled. Yeah. In the 332 00:39:25.660 --> 00:39:28.340 Alejandro: Hello. maybe 333 00:39:31.470 --> 00:39:32.500 Alejandro: scroll up. 334 00:39:33.020 --> 00:39:34.100 Elisabeth Green: I scroll up 335 00:39:35.440 --> 00:39:37.710 Alejandro: Uk. 336 00:40:56.130 --> 00:40:57.120 Elisabeth Green: nice. 337 00:40:59.080 --> 00:41:01.590 Elisabeth Green: Oh, I feel like I've just been in the theater. 338 00:41:33.190 --> 00:41:36.120 Elisabeth Green: Do you want to go through this? Is this news? 339 00:41:38.800 --> 00:41:39.750 Alejandro: Yes. 340 00:41:40.120 --> 00:41:43.919 Alejandro: there, we have a team that 341 00:41:44.930 --> 00:41:51.360 Alejandro: share with different startups. And we, we have. 342 00:41:51.710 --> 00:42:01.390 Alejandro: we help the started to take A to express their needs and also their solution. 343 00:42:02.760 --> 00:42:03.670 Elisabeth Green: Okay? 344 00:42:06.490 --> 00:42:12.540 Elisabeth Green: Oh, my goodness about fake news and the American dream. So, yeah, but what about fake health data? 345 00:42:34.930 --> 00:42:39.609 Alejandro: I worked as a project manager for it projects. 346 00:42:39.790 --> 00:42:58.290 Alejandro: I, I work basically with the team, the team feature for care. And we have another area that it's the project manager, This area I have the other startups to to go down to 347 00:42:59.540 --> 00:43:08.020 Alejandro: their their business. But I I work basically with the with the 348 00:43:08.150 --> 00:43:12.349 Alejandro: future for care project to, to. 349 00:43:12.640 --> 00:43:25.169 Alejandro: to to get a new ideas and new partnerships, and maybe to new projects in the it it department 350 00:43:26.880 --> 00:43:38.309 Elisabeth Green: that is so nice. There are quite a few startup right here on hyper ledger meeting together just for fun, just to learn just to meet people 351 00:43:38.850 --> 00:43:42.289 Elisabeth Green: and sometimes just to 352 00:43:42.980 --> 00:43:49.820 Elisabeth Green: their own startups develop, you know, find developers or find code. 353 00:43:50.060 --> 00:43:53.169 Elisabeth Green: find out a way to progress. 354 00:43:53.420 --> 00:43:55.260 Elisabeth Green: You don't really look for 355 00:43:55.860 --> 00:44:06.300 Elisabeth Green: investors here at Hyper Ledger. But we do, have I? The I heard, was 40,000 open source coders to attend these meetings. 356 00:44:07.130 --> 00:44:07.900 Alejandro: Okay. 357 00:44:08.260 --> 00:44:11.050 Elisabeth Green: so it it's a great place to meet people like you. 358 00:44:11.100 --> 00:44:12.260 Alejandro: Thank you. 359 00:44:12.620 --> 00:44:23.430 Alejandro: and also, this is, start up. Some of this is, start out also our pricing in the United States. 360 00:44:23.770 --> 00:44:28.050 Alejandro: And maybe 361 00:44:28.130 --> 00:44:35.989 Alejandro: the the next year we we will open a new building in German. 362 00:44:37.400 --> 00:44:38.300 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 363 00:44:41.590 --> 00:44:42.930 Elisabeth Green: my possible. 364 00:44:47.800 --> 00:44:52.479 Elisabeth Green: So you have. This was, is this one? health care 365 00:44:53.730 --> 00:44:55.230 Elisabeth Green: start up that you have 366 00:44:56.650 --> 00:44:57.740 Elisabeth Green: my platform. 367 00:44:58.460 --> 00:44:59.260 Alejandro: Sorry. 368 00:44:59.980 --> 00:45:03.830 Alejandro: So is this one startup that you have. 369 00:45:23.960 --> 00:45:26.650 Alejandro: You know, redesign health. 370 00:45:29.140 --> 00:45:31.929 Elisabeth Green: No is redesigning health. I start up. 371 00:45:32.760 --> 00:45:44.179 Alejandro: No, it's a, it's basically the same idea. But it's an accelerator in the United States. And basically the the same idea. 372 00:45:44.430 --> 00:45:53.469 Alejandro: the global, the same global idea. that future for care. that it's located in the United States. 373 00:45:54.970 --> 00:45:56.530 Elisabeth Green: No, I didn't know about it. 374 00:45:57.410 --> 00:46:02.990 Elisabeth Green: do you want to send a link into. Put a link into the chat for it, and I'll click on it. 375 00:46:05.660 --> 00:46:06.630 Alejandro: Okay. 376 00:46:13.550 --> 00:46:14.620 Elisabeth Green: pitch book. 377 00:46:25.420 --> 00:46:35.480 Elisabeth Green: So she has an online medical directory and search platform designed to allow patients to find free medical and a medical experts. Wow. 378 00:46:46.400 --> 00:46:49.970 Elisabeth Green: is this globally or just in France? Or just simply. 379 00:46:51.010 --> 00:46:54.640 Alejandro: I, I I think it's globally 380 00:47:20.430 --> 00:47:22.690 Elisabeth Green: 100,000 users already. 381 00:47:28.420 --> 00:47:30.030 Alejandro: Me speak to you French. 382 00:47:31.450 --> 00:47:32.420 Elisabeth Green: Sorry! What 383 00:47:33.100 --> 00:47:35.059 Alejandro: do you speak French? 384 00:47:36.050 --> 00:47:38.989 Elisabeth Green: I'm sure I'm not. 385 00:47:40.030 --> 00:47:41.530 Elisabeth Green: You can choose your 386 00:47:45.520 --> 00:47:50.530 Elisabeth Green: I may I? I don't know if anybody would be able to understand us on this 387 00:47:52.390 --> 00:47:53.910 Elisabeth Green: if we were to. 388 00:47:54.980 --> 00:47:56.460 Elisabeth Green: continue French. 389 00:48:01.160 --> 00:48:03.150 Elisabeth Green: her rare diseases. 390 00:48:15.120 --> 00:48:17.210 Elisabeth Green: Okay, cool. what's that? 391 00:48:28.150 --> 00:48:29.820 Elisabeth Green: Oh, podcast? 392 00:48:33.190 --> 00:48:36.229 Elisabeth Green: Do you? Did you put something in the in the chat? Should I go there? 393 00:48:37.740 --> 00:48:38.660 Elisabeth Green: Sorry. 394 00:48:39.250 --> 00:48:44.379 Elisabeth Green: Did you want me to continue going through this, or should I go through another? 395 00:48:44.440 --> 00:48:50.790 Alejandro: No, if you want to, I I can continue with the same. 396 00:48:54.180 --> 00:48:55.429 Elisabeth Green: This is a 397 00:48:59.580 --> 00:49:02.449 Elisabeth Green: this is her story, and then her. 398 00:49:02.650 --> 00:49:03.800 Elisabeth Green: just that 399 00:49:12.150 --> 00:49:17.510 Elisabeth Green: 70% of chronically all patients hesitate to move with a fear of not having a real follow up. 400 00:49:17.620 --> 00:49:21.860 Elisabeth Green: Well. that's a a huge number 401 00:49:31.350 --> 00:49:38.430 Elisabeth Green: patients like 75% of patients lie or are refused bank loans because of their illnesses. 402 00:49:39.470 --> 00:49:58.129 Elisabeth Green: cap code is that a health care 403 00:50:00.170 --> 00:50:01.100 Elisabeth Green: company? 404 00:50:01.320 --> 00:50:03.470 Alejandro: Yes, they 405 00:50:03.780 --> 00:50:08.249 Alejandro: they make all the 406 00:50:09.120 --> 00:50:30.140 Alejandro: you get a lot of information of the, for example, e social websites. And you know more about passions. They paying the pain points for patients, and to to get 407 00:50:30.320 --> 00:50:33.090 Alejandro: at that, that quicker 408 00:50:33.520 --> 00:50:36.570 Alejandro: add a value for for industries. 409 00:50:38.380 --> 00:50:43.689 Elisabeth Green: Add value. Oh, okay. So who gets all the data 410 00:50:46.050 --> 00:50:48.989 Alejandro: they get to the data? 411 00:50:49.920 --> 00:50:53.170 Alejandro: Thanks to 412 00:50:54.350 --> 00:50:57.290 Alejandro: the Patience Association. 413 00:51:10.750 --> 00:51:12.059 Elisabeth Green: Oh, what 414 00:51:12.070 --> 00:51:19.409 Elisabeth Green: 30 of French citizens acknowledged, having already relayed fake news. 415 00:51:31.320 --> 00:51:38.040 Elisabeth Green: You see this information as a crisis communication topic. It's already too late. It's, of course. 416 00:51:49.640 --> 00:51:51.689 Elisabeth Green: persuasion. That's the problem. 417 00:51:57.150 --> 00:52:01.689 Elisabeth Green: Emotional. The dimension of persuasion is is the problem. 418 00:52:03.530 --> 00:52:04.650 Elisabeth Green: It's it's 419 00:52:06.430 --> 00:52:07.770 Elisabeth Green: taxes. 420 00:52:09.520 --> 00:52:10.500 Elisabeth Green: the help. 421 00:52:16.900 --> 00:52:22.100 Elisabeth Green: There you go. We have a health tax that's going on right now. You put put out fake news 422 00:52:23.400 --> 00:52:29.800 are requiring people to pay for it. By they go. They go through this emotion of reacting to fake news. 423 00:52:30.310 --> 00:52:31.670 Elisabeth Green: and then 424 00:52:33.190 --> 00:52:36.339 Elisabeth Green: that's they have to pay for paying. 425 00:52:36.580 --> 00:52:39.389 Elisabeth Green: Would they rather pay money than paying with their health. 426 00:52:40.750 --> 00:52:48.379 Elisabeth Green: So there you go. That's why this would work, because somebody would rather pay money then and get real news. then to pay 427 00:52:48.890 --> 00:52:54.909 Elisabeth Green: with their health for fake fake news. I don't know if it's real or not. 428 00:53:12.350 --> 00:53:15.649 Elisabeth Green: Is there a link to this? I guess we have to. Just 429 00:53:17.850 --> 00:53:18.510 okay. 430 00:53:28.590 --> 00:53:29.700 Elisabeth Green: Okay? 431 00:53:54.360 --> 00:53:56.150 Elisabeth Green: Oh, this is interesting. 432 00:53:56.970 --> 00:54:00.339 Elisabeth Green: The experience shared by patients and social networks a lot. 433 00:54:01.110 --> 00:54:04.090 Elisabeth Green: And to highlight their care pathways 434 00:54:05.890 --> 00:54:07.440 Elisabeth Green: a weak signal. 435 00:54:11.700 --> 00:54:15.060 Elisabeth Green: This is sort of like a patient monitoring system. 436 00:54:21.420 --> 00:54:23.070 Elisabeth Green: Like to know more about that? 437 00:54:41.890 --> 00:54:46.490 Elisabeth Green: Do you know what a what weak signal, what what are the units of 438 00:54:47.990 --> 00:54:51.539 Elisabeth Green: measurement of a weak signal in this case 439 00:54:56.660 --> 00:55:03.030 Elisabeth Green: can be predicted by the online detection of weak signals 440 00:55:05.440 --> 00:55:07.550 Elisabeth Green: a case study based on 441 00:55:13.200 --> 00:55:17.919 Elisabeth Green: and it is not working. Oh, fill out the form. Oh, so you have to 442 00:55:18.550 --> 00:55:21.630 Elisabeth Green: download the white paper. Okay. okay. 443 00:55:25.190 --> 00:55:27.550 Elisabeth Green: not very transparent. 444 00:55:28.700 --> 00:55:30.349 So is there another one 445 00:55:43.990 --> 00:55:47.410 Elisabeth Green: find here the press release. Publish. Okay. 446 00:55:49.350 --> 00:55:51.909 Elisabeth Green: all right. Is there anything else you'd like to share? 447 00:55:52.780 --> 00:56:01.910 Alejandro: Oh, no. maybe. And you would do you have something to to share. 448 00:56:02.600 --> 00:56:08.209 Elisabeth Green: Oh, I don't have a company. I'm just. I'm working on a lot of different projects. And 449 00:56:08.410 --> 00:56:16.969 Elisabeth Green: Jim Mason said that I was supposed to share something with hyper ledger community coming up soon. So we'll see. 450 00:56:17.750 --> 00:56:21.330 Elisabeth Green: I guess there's a we would go to the 451 00:56:27.960 --> 00:56:29.840 Elisabeth Green: Go to the calendar for that. 452 00:56:34.770 --> 00:56:36.040 Elisabeth Green: A research. 453 00:56:41.290 --> 00:56:45.400 Elisabeth Green: What's on the calendar next? Gc, calendar. 454 00:56:45.660 --> 00:56:46.610 Okay. 455 00:56:47.670 --> 00:56:48.330 okay. 456 00:56:49.490 --> 00:56:50.770 Elisabeth Green: my calendar. 457 00:56:53.200 --> 00:56:56.370 Elisabeth Green: It's not my calendar. Let's try. 458 00:57:21.740 --> 00:57:27.029 Elisabeth Green: This is ongoing work. Okay, here we we do have links to external resources. 459 00:57:29.560 --> 00:57:31.960 Elisabeth Green: Where's the go to Link? 460 00:57:37.080 --> 00:57:38.430 Elisabeth Green: That's interesting. 461 00:57:39.670 --> 00:57:42.190 Elisabeth Green: So I'm supposedly 462 00:57:50.300 --> 00:57:51.050 Elisabeth Green: that 463 00:57:52.900 --> 00:57:58.300 Elisabeth Green: future for care, I see. So what I need to do is go over to this one. 464 00:58:00.160 --> 00:58:01.489 Elisabeth Green: I see you 465 00:58:04.780 --> 00:58:06.450 Elisabeth Green: calendar. 466 00:58:11.670 --> 00:58:26.049 Elisabeth Green: So I think what I'm gonna do is start a new one. 467 00:58:27.370 --> 00:58:31.290 Elisabeth Green: And we're gonna look at the calendar public meetings and see what's going on. 468 00:58:33.520 --> 00:58:35.120 Elisabeth Green: June 20, third. 469 00:58:36.100 --> 00:58:39.820 Elisabeth Green: So see Monday, June 26. We have the Hyper Ledger 470 00:58:40.190 --> 00:58:42.419 Elisabeth Green: health careare, subgroup meeting. 471 00:58:46.160 --> 00:58:47.979 Elisabeth Green: and then on Tuesday 472 00:58:48.700 --> 00:58:50.189 Elisabeth Green: climate account. 473 00:58:50.340 --> 00:58:52.929 Elisabeth Green: climate action and accounting sick meeting. 474 00:58:55.330 --> 00:58:56.110 Okay? 475 00:58:57.310 --> 00:59:00.499 Elisabeth Green: And because I'm working on a Plut repair health care. 476 00:59:02.020 --> 00:59:03.980 Alejandro: We're about this public sector meeting. 477 00:59:08.130 --> 00:59:10.859 Elisabeth Green: Let me click on more details. 478 00:59:20.650 --> 00:59:22.979 Elisabeth Green: She should get an email about this. 479 00:59:24.150 --> 00:59:31.990 Elisabeth Green: These are both Zoom Meetings. Zoom, zoom links. Where's the public sector? Wiki page? 480 00:59:42.290 --> 00:59:43.410 Elisabeth Green: Okay. 481 00:59:48.110 --> 00:59:49.259 Alejandro: this is fun 482 00:59:49.810 --> 00:59:51.209 Elisabeth Green: on the Wiki page 483 00:59:54.670 --> 01:00:01.060 Elisabeth Green: meeting zoom links and a calendar of public meetings. And I want to find out what's coming up 484 01:00:02.110 --> 01:00:13.280 Elisabeth Green: upcoming meetings. Fridays at 10 Am. Past meetings. June ninth. Okay, here's what's coming up. Hyper Ledger meet up June ninth, which that's passed. 485 01:00:13.970 --> 01:00:20.569 Elisabeth Green: May this? Oh, we're going in the wrong direction. 486 01:00:21.180 --> 01:00:23.959 Elisabeth Green: I don't see a an 487 01:00:25.930 --> 01:00:27.829 Elisabeth Green: anything for the future. 488 01:00:29.900 --> 01:00:36.090 Elisabeth Green: Upcoming meetings. Friday at 10 am. So I guess we have to go to this meeting, and Friday's at 10 Am. To find out. 489 01:00:39.070 --> 01:00:42.700 Elisabeth Green: Yes, G. And blockchain. I go into that. 490 01:00:44.360 --> 01:00:46.999 Elisabeth Green: Okay. So Friday's at 10 am. Back 491 01:00:48.990 --> 01:00:52.119 Elisabeth Green: of right? It's gonna end. 492 01:00:56.980 --> 01:00:58.729 Elisabeth Green: Is that 10 am. My time. 493 01:01:00.940 --> 01:01:02.469 Alejandro: I think. Yes. 494 01:01:03.610 --> 01:01:05.569 Elisabeth Green: Let's get back to 495 01:01:06.940 --> 01:01:07.760 Elisabeth Green: okay. 496 01:01:09.010 --> 01:01:13.630 Elisabeth Green: It isn't letting me copy or copy link text 497 01:01:13.930 --> 01:01:15.200 Elisabeth Green: link address 498 01:01:27.810 --> 01:01:29.310 Elisabeth Green: 2 pm. 499 01:01:29.420 --> 01:01:36.769 Elisabeth Green: it's it's 10 Am. Eastern time. I think 2 Pm. Would be more like 7 Am. My time, California. 500 01:01:39.370 --> 01:01:41.630 Elisabeth Green: So 2 pm. 501 01:01:42.790 --> 01:01:44.190 Elisabeth Green: for British time. 502 01:01:46.280 --> 01:01:53.170 Elisabeth Green: Okay, so that would be a great meeting to go to, because they they have these meet up groups. 503 01:01:54.810 --> 01:02:06.340 Elisabeth Green: Oh, past time. Thank you very much for your time. Let's go and see what's going on right now. we go back to Monday. Today happens to be the 20 first or Wednesday. 504 01:02:06.930 --> 01:02:11.899 Elisabeth Green: So at 8 Am. There is nothing going on 505 01:02:12.400 --> 01:02:18.369 Elisabeth Green: but at 9 end there's Hyper Ledger, Los Angeles building and scaling real something 506 01:02:19.740 --> 01:02:20.790 Elisabeth Green: real. What? 507 01:02:23.690 --> 01:02:25.790 Elisabeth Green: A real enterprise! Consortium 508 01:02:26.230 --> 01:02:29.220 that what is a real enterprise consortium? 509 01:02:29.480 --> 01:02:31.570 Elisabeth Green: I I think that. 510 01:02:32.590 --> 01:02:36.520 Elisabeth Green: that you might be interested in this, because this is where it's it's 511 01:02:36.750 --> 01:02:44.839 Elisabeth Green: a group of companies or corporations get together to accomplish a goal in in common. 512 01:02:45.290 --> 01:02:51.469 Elisabeth Green: So this might get just a few happening in 1 h from now. Would you like for me to put the link in the chat. 513 01:02:52.000 --> 01:02:52.790 Alejandro: Yeah. 514 01:02:53.400 --> 01:03:01.400 Alejandro: okay, so what I'm going to it is 7 pm. 515 01:03:02.020 --> 01:03:05.249 Alejandro: I don't know if you see that. Or. 516 01:03:11.680 --> 01:03:13.680 Elisabeth Green: okay, this is for 517 01:03:15.640 --> 01:03:17.750 Elisabeth Green: the one that's on Friday. 518 01:03:22.730 --> 01:03:26.940 Elisabeth Green: this this one and this goes to 519 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:28.559 Elisabeth Green: 7 am. 520 01:03:31.100 --> 01:03:34.219 Elisabeth Green: Then we go back over here to 521 01:03:41.270 --> 01:03:42.100 Elisabeth Green: okay. 522 01:03:46.160 --> 01:03:49.200 Elisabeth Green: okay, so this new link is the one for 523 01:03:49.790 --> 01:03:50.830 Elisabeth Green: okay. 524 01:03:51.060 --> 01:03:55.299 Elisabeth Green: Friday. So this other link up here is for 525 01:03:59.040 --> 01:04:01.040 Elisabeth Green: in the notes. 526 01:04:07.850 --> 01:04:09.860 Elisabeth Green: okay, it's a useless link. 527 01:04:10.170 --> 01:04:14.319 Alejandro: Oh, no, it's fine. I put it in there. 528 01:04:15.110 --> 01:04:19.540 Elisabeth Green: Okay, this one word works that. And then this one. 529 01:04:20.570 --> 01:04:24.939 Elisabeth Green: oh, oh, yeah. So you you put that link in there. What was that for? 530 01:04:26.410 --> 01:04:30.219 Alejandro: I send you? I think I try again. 531 01:04:31.310 --> 01:04:33.729 Alejandro: Okay, so this one will work as well. 532 01:04:34.250 --> 01:04:36.109 Elisabeth Green: Then redesign health. 533 01:04:38.830 --> 01:04:45.590 Alejandro: that. It's another project project in the United States. It's similar to the future for care. 534 01:04:47.550 --> 01:04:52.600 Elisabeth Green: All right. Okay. Oh, wow! That is so so true. 535 01:04:54.330 --> 01:04:56.059 Elisabeth Green: No. 536 01:04:56.070 --> 01:04:59.670 Alejandro: even now the I don't know the project. 537 01:05:00.920 --> 01:05:05.940 Alejandro: Maybe maybe you you hear about that, and that I don't know. 538 01:05:07.370 --> 01:05:08.430 Alejandro: Okay. 539 01:05:08.550 --> 01:05:17.020 Elisabeth Green: so did you put another link into the chat for this Amazon news, whatever this one is supposed to be. 540 01:05:17.060 --> 01:05:20.720 Alejandro: this is another event, but 541 01:05:20.850 --> 01:05:24.600 Alejandro: I don't know why this 542 01:05:24.760 --> 01:05:30.770 Elisabeth Green: expires at 2 it it's 7. This more expired already an hour ago. 543 01:05:39.840 --> 01:05:40.530 Okay. 544 01:05:43.530 --> 01:05:46.649 Elisabeth Green: or put a different link in the chat, and I'll share it. 545 01:06:00.760 --> 01:06:03.460 Alejandro: I think you have to. 546 01:06:04.750 --> 01:06:08.190 Alejandro: She stopped. As your sharing. 547 01:06:08.770 --> 01:06:11.259 Elisabeth Green: I can just stop to. So you go ahead. 548 01:06:15.490 --> 01:06:18.520 Alejandro: Hmm! I can do that. 549 01:06:22.110 --> 01:06:22.800 Alejandro: Oh. 550 01:06:45.070 --> 01:06:46.259 Alejandro: so about that. 551 01:06:51.790 --> 01:06:55.069 Alejandro: It's today at the 7 Pm. 552 01:06:55.200 --> 01:06:56.540 Elisabeth Green: I see it now. 553 01:06:57.390 --> 01:07:01.770 Elisabeth Green: Red date. Yeah. But see 707 Pm. 554 01:07:05.450 --> 01:07:10.239 Elisabeth Green: Oh. I see. 7. And I'm thinking, 7 Am. 555 01:07:11.360 --> 01:07:13.120 Alejandro: Yeah. 556 01:07:14.290 --> 01:07:18.349 Elisabeth Green: 7 Am. Eastern time. That's 4 am. In California. 557 01:07:23.110 --> 01:07:25.630 Elisabeth Green: you'll probably be able to catch the recording. 558 01:07:32.460 --> 01:07:34.170 Elisabeth Green: Okay, 559 01:07:34.200 --> 01:07:38.299 Elisabeth Green: thank you very much for your attendance. It was a pleasure to meet you. 560 01:07:39.350 --> 01:07:43.250 and I hope to see you in an hour at the other meeting. 561 01:07:43.520 --> 01:07:46.630 Elisabeth Green: Would you like for the the chat to stay open, can you? 562 01:07:46.670 --> 01:07:48.679 Elisabeth Green: So you can get the link right now. 563 01:07:51.530 --> 01:07:52.420 Alejandro: Okay? 564 01:07:56.760 --> 01:08:05.260 Elisabeth Green: Because when I click on that link, I'm going to exit this room and enter that room and wait for that meeting to start. If it will let me wait. 565 01:08:06.340 --> 01:08:07.120 Alejandro: Thank you. 566 01:08:20.109 --> 01:08:27.199 Alejandro: Well, thank you very much. And see you, they their meeting. 567 01:08:28.380 --> 01:08:30.460 Elisabeth Green: Excuse me. Thank you. 568 01:08:31.010 --> 01:08:31.670 Alejandro: Yeah. 569 01:08:31.880 --> 01:08:32.670 Elisabeth Green: thanks.